Use GCC PLUGIN to implement a static analyzer to help users detect memory deallocation errors, including memleak, double free, use-after-free, and currently experimental nature of symbolic execution and pthread resouce leak detection.
Install gcc-12-plugin-dev with the end of plugin-dev version of gcc or you can compile it yourself
sudo apt-get -y install gcc-12-plugin-dev
Modify the respective makefile files under each directory
Change CC to Custom version
CC=gcc-11.2 // other version
You can find the generated in /Compiler/ and the check.log generated in /Test/check.log to analyze the report.
A simple test can be found in /Test/test.c
cd Test
# mod 1
# # $(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(FILE_NAME) -o $@
$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(FILE_NAME) -o $@ 2> check.log
@sh ./ $(FILE_NAME)
int main(void)
int *a;
int test;
a = foo();
if (test)
a[2] = 10;
a = (int *)malloc(40);
cd ..
cat /Test/check.log
The experiments were tested using the Juliet Test Suite (NSA Center for Reassurance Software) and the Benchmarks provided by Memfix .
cd Test
# mod 2
# binutils
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME1) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)1/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME2) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)2/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME3) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)3/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME4) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)4/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME5) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)5/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME6) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)6/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME7) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)7/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME8) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)8/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME9) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)9/check.log
-$(CC) $(PLUGIN) $(FLAGS) $(LTO) $(BFILE_NAME10) -o $@ 2> $(BINUTILSL)10/check.log
.... more testcase ...
cd ..
cat /Test/check.log
You can test the analyzer for errors by using the following commands.
Most of the Please submit a full bug report errors occur because the parser tree expands or the parser crashes due to incorrect use of commands.
cd Test
//memory leak
make unittest
This part of the error occurs because there is no complete code to generate the object file, but it is possible to analyze it if the code is incomplete.
cd Test
//memory leak
make undeffun
To test Juliet_Test_Suite please enable flag. in the /Test/Makefile
Turn on this flag to detect when the code is incomplete.
cp ./Compiler/ ./Test/benchmarks/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp/C/testcases/CWE401_Memory_Leak/s01/
cd ./Test/benchmarks/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp/C/testcases/CWE401_Memory_Leak/s01/
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__char_calloc_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__char_malloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__char_realloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__int_calloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__int_malloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__int_realloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__int64_t_calloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__int64_t_malloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__int64_t_realloc*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__malloc_realloc_char*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__malloc_realloc_int_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__malloc_realloc_int64_t*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__malloc_realloc_struct_twoIntsStruct*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "no free stmt possible memory leak" ./CWE401_Memory_Leak__malloc_realloc_twoIntsStruct*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
cp ./Compiler/ ./Test/benchmarks/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp/C/testcases/CWE415_Double_Free/s01/
cd ./Test/benchmarks/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp/C/testcases/CWE415_Double_Free/s01/
grep "possible double free" ./CWE415_Double_Free__malloc_free_char_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "possible double free" ./CWE415_Double_Free__malloc_free_int*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "possible double free" ./CWE415_Double_Free__malloc_free_int64_t_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "possible double free" ./CWE415_Double_Free__malloc_free_long*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "possible double free" ./CWE415_Double_Free__malloc_free_struct*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "possible double free" ./CWE415_Double_Free__malloc_free_wchar_t*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
cp ./Compiler/ ./Test/benchmarks/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp/C/testcases/CWE416_Use_After_Free/
cd ./Test/benchmarks/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp/C/testcases/CWE416_Use_After_Free/
grep "===== possiable asias =====" ./CWE416_Use_After_Free__malloc_free_char_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "===== possiable asias =====" ./CWE416_Use_After_Free__malloc_free_int_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "===== possiable asias =====" ./CWE416_Use_After_Free__malloc_free_int64_t_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "===== possiable asias =====" ./CWE416_Use_After_Free__malloc_free_long_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "===== possiable asias =====" ./CWE416_Use_After_Free__malloc_free_struct_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
grep "===== possiable asias =====" ./CWE416_Use_After_Free__return_freed_ptr_*.o.log | uniq -c | wc -l
Test for each memory deallocation error.
cd Test
//memory leak
make unittestml
//double free
make unittestdf
make unittestuaf
The content to be analyzed can be opened in the parser define. /Compiler/define.h
/*interprocedural analysis*/
bool ipa = true;
bool freeanysis = true; // no free no anysis
bool vscode_extensionmod = false;
bool vscode_extensionIgonefreemod = true;
bool defmemoryleak = true;
bool memoryleakcheck = true;
// Korea testcase need turn on
bool Looserulesfree = true;
bool useafterfree = false;
bool debugmod = false;
bool debugoutput = true;
bool threadmod = true;
bool relatemod = false;
bool freemod = true;
bool retmod = true;
bool pthread_detachedmod = false;
bool pthread_exitmod = false;
bool tracerelatestmt = true;
bool prebranchexit = false;
bool traceallfucntion =false;
bool retnotheapobjskipcheck=true;
bool stmtloopcheck = false;
bool samefucntioncheck = true;
bool maxbasicblockcalc = true;
bool pathconstraint = false;
bool contextsentive = true;
bool symbolicexecution = true;
fprintf(stderr, "--------plugin argument-----------\n");
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if (!strcmp(argv[i].key, "debugmod"))
if (strtol(argv[i].value, NULL, 10)) // char* to int
debugmod = true;
debugmod = false;
if (!strcmp(argv[i].key, "vscode_extensionmod"))
if (strtol(argv[i].value, NULL, 10)) // char* to int
vscode_extensionmod = true;
vscode_extensionmod = false;
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", argv[i].key, argv[i].value);
PLUGIN=-fplugin=../Compiler/ -fplugin-arg-newplugin-debugmod=1 -fplugin-arg-newplugin-vscode_extensionmod=1
ifeq ($(debug),0)
$(eval PLUGIN=-fplugin=../Compiler/
else ifeq ($(debug),1)
$(eval PLUGIN=-fplugin=../Compiler/ -fplugin-arg-newplugin-debugmod=0 -fplugin-arg-newplugin-vscode_extensionmod=1)
else ifeq ($(debug),2)
$(eval PLUGIN=-fplugin=../Compiler/ -fplugin-arg-newplugin-debugmod=1 -fplugin-arg-newplugin-vscode_extensionmod=1)
else ifeq ($(debug),3)
$(eval PLUGIN=-fplugin=../Compiler/ -fplugin-arg-newplugin-debugmod=1 -fplugin-arg-newplugin-vscode_extensionmod=0)
cd /Test/
make debug=0
make debug=1
make debug=2
make debug=3
get file name
add grep -r "algorithm time" ./ | cut -d " " -f 1
get algorithm time
add grep -r "algorithm time" ./ | cut -d " " -f 7
With graphviz it is currently possible to output analysis graphs for test data
cd Test
make gpz
It is important to note that Compile/Test/Makefile The following flags must be enabled
Use browser open ./graph.svg
Use filters to detect partial code fragments
press f5 start debug extension
"contributes": {
"commands": [
"command": "extension.helloWorld",
"title": "GCC Analyzer"
"command": "extension.removebreakp",
"title": "GCC Analyzer remove breakpoint"
npm run compile
tsc -p ./
use ctrl+shift + p reload vscode extension
use ctrl+shift + p load GCC Analyzer
Select the starting point of the code where you want to set the breakpoint
cd Test
The use of breakpoint does not vscode also does not matter. /Compiler/Algorithm.h
std::ifstream ifs("/root/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/x213212.helloworld-sample/breakpoint.txt", std::ios::in);
The parser only reads the breakpoint.txt breakpoint data,But it must be set according to this rule.
//file name num <== According to the rules.
/root/x21321219/new_gccplugin/Compiler/new_imm_use.h 1409
This allows you to do filter in a lot of code.
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
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