This application is a live weather displaying application using APIs and excel to display and control the data being presented to the user.
This application uses "" a live weather API which provides us with live updating temperatures.
We have used openpyxl to read and update the excel sheet cells at an interval of a few seconds.
Description of excel file
- City Name (use more than 1)
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Option to change temperature (°C/°F)
- Option to stop updating the temperature value(0/1)
Generate your API access key by registering at "" and paste that key at line 41.
__params = { 'access_key': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'query': loc }
- Install Clone the Repository
- Install requirements.txt by typing "pip install -r requirements.txt" into Command Prompt in working Directory.
- Edit the values of Cities, Units and Update(0/1) colulmns in the Values.xlsx file as required.
- Run the file