A tool to perform scheduled data integrity check on VIVO's researcher's database.
We recommend you run dchecker from a virtual environment in order to prevent conflicts with other packages. This assumes you have git version control installed on your system.
DChecker uses Python 3. Verify that you have Python 3 installed with this command:
python --version
Next, clone the dchecker repository, create a virtual environment, and install dchecker into that virtual environment.
git clone https://github.com/ctsit/dchecker2.git
cd dchecker2
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
Parameters for running the script are set in plaintext cfg files located in the config directory. You need to provide:
- A mail server to send the report
- A from address to send the report from
- A to address to recieve the report
- A SPARQL endpoint URL
You can also specify the following optional parameters:
- A path to the folder containing the queries
- A subject for the report
The command to run dchecker using a configuration file is:
dchecker2 debug.cfg
Queries are run sequentially out of the queries
subdirectory. To add a new
query, save it in a .rq
file and it will be run automatically when the
program is started.