This is a full application. There is a simple implementation in OCaml here
This was mostly created for my own edification. This takes a simple calculation converting system time to usable decimal minutes left in the day. I wanted to utilize the machines package to create a nice compositional monadic pipeline and learn some new concepts.
You can type -v or --version to see program information or -e to print extended information which is the current date. If you want to leave it running for a realtime decimal clock use the -w option.
$ cabal run exe:dclock -- -h
dclock - decimal time clock
Usage: dclock [(-v|--version) | [-e|--extended] [-w|--watch] [-a|--alarm TIME]]
Decimal time clock that maps your day to 1000 decimal minutes
Available options:
-v,--version Show version information
-e,--extended Show extended information including date
-w,--watch Watch mode
-a,--alarm TIME Set alarm for decimal time (0-1000, only valid with
watch mode)
-h,--help Show this help text
$ cabal run
Decimal time: 25
$ cabal run exe:dclock -- -e
Decimal time: 25 (2024-11-05)
Run cabal build
and it will download dependencies and build the project. You can install the executable with the command:
cabal install --installdir=/usr/local/bin --install-method=copy
Then you can run it:
$ dclock
Decimal time: 25
I added the shell.nix
so you can clone the repository and run the following
to build on Nix:
$ cd dclock
$ nix-shell
$ cabal update
$ cabal build
$ cabal run
Travis Montoya [email protected]