I am a freelance IT architect focussed on native mobile, cloud-native and cybersecurity.
Credly ‧ StackOverflow ‧ Ohloh ‧ LFX ‧ Freelancermap ‧ PyPI ‧ Google Play Developer ‧ Docker Hub ‧ Maven Central ‧ Accredible ‧ Google Developers
I am a freelance IT architect focussed on native mobile, cloud-native and cybersecurity.
Credly ‧ StackOverflow ‧ Ohloh ‧ LFX ‧ Freelancermap ‧ PyPI ‧ Google Play Developer ‧ Docker Hub ‧ Maven Central ‧ Accredible ‧ Google Developers
Chrome CustomTabs for Android demystified. Simplifies development and provides higher level classes including fallback in case Chrome isn't available on device.
Libvirt hook for setting up iptables port-forwarding rules when using NAT-ed networking.
ExoPlayer2 Shoutcast Metadata Protocol (ICY) extension
Android NDK OCI image including CMake based on Alpine Linux