npm i stenciljs-components
then in main.ts (Angular)/ in React component file (React):
import { defineCustomElements } from 'stenciljs-components/loader';
// Initialize the custom elements
Make sure you have in app.module.ts in Angular (not needed in React)
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
then in app.component.html (Angular)/ App.tsx(React) , they can be added as simple tag with any attribute as property in dash-case such as:
<json-schema-form [schema]= "formSchema | json"></json-schema-form>
<my-card user-name="CodingLocker"></my-card>
<my-pie-chart data='[{"tag":"height","value":180},{"tag":"weight","value":75},{"tag":"age","value":30},{"tag":"score","value":95},{"tag":"yearsExperience","value":5}]'></my-pie-chart>
<my-rich-text-editor initial-value="this is initial value" placeholder="angular placeholder"></my-rich-text-editor>
<my-progress-bar value="2" max="10"></my-progress-bar>
<my-progress-ring percentage="30"></my-progress-ring>
<test-button button-id="test-button">Click me!</test-button>
<test-counter>Number: </test-counter>
<search-world search-text="bmw"> </search-world>
<my-component first="Sanjeet" last="Kumar"></my-component>
<my-button text="Hello"></my-button>
<simple-form first-name="Sanjeet" last-name="Kumar"></simple-form>
<combo-box allow-input="true"></combo-box>
content="Click to visit Google."
<my-datepicker formatted="true"></my-datepicker>
first way is include in ur StencilJS component (so that Lazy loading can work):
import { defineCustomElements } from 'stenciljs-components/loader';
// Initialize the custom elements
IF above way doesnt work due to some js not loading or resouurce not found for this build time library, then include below code in src/index.html as run-time library
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>
- json-schema-form (Props:schema, creates dynamic form with field type like 'select','array', 'text', 'combo-box', 'radio','textarea','my-rich-text-editor','checkbox'. It take properties like type,name,label ,required. Fields can be conditionally rendered also with ConditionalOn)
- my-progress-bar (Props:value,max)
- my-rich-text-editor (Props:initial-value,placeholder,disabled,disableQuickbars,fontFamily,fontSize) - this is using tinymce under the hood
- my-progress-ring (Props: percentage, round-linecap, disable-digits,event-id) - this is using easing-animation-frames as dependency
- my-card (Props:user-name)
- search-world (Props:search-text)
- test-button (Props:button-id)
- test-counter
- my-pie-chart (Props: data[JSON format where each entry contains only tag and value (in numbers) as keys]) - this is using d3.js under the hood
- my-payment-gateway - this is using StripeJS payment gateway under the hood
- my-component (Props:first,middle,last)- default StencilJS Component
- my-button (Props:label,variant)
- parent-component (uses embed-component inside it)
- embed-component
- simple-form (Props: first-name, last-name; form built using ionic components)
- complex-ionic-form (form built using ionic components)
- custom-form (uses combo-box and custom-text-input)
- combo-box (Props:allow-input, label) -> takes time in React to show arbitrary input in dropdown, foucus out of the field after typing
- custom-text-input (uses AttachInternals from StencilJS)
- new-card
- expandable-card (Props:label,content,expandable,theme,imageUrl,buttonText,buttonType)
- my-datepicker (Props:formatted)
git remote -v
Determine the origin of a cloned Git repository
git ls-remote --get-url origin
git remote show origin Update the remote URL with git remote set-url
npm install --verbose
Ionic ( . @ionic/core ( ) comes with over 100 components
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
If you prefer to have your components automatically loaded when used in your application, we recommend enabling the dist output target. The bundle gives you a small entry file that registers all your components and defers loading the full component logic until it is rendered in your application. It doesn't matter if the actual application is written in HTML or created with vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, React, etc.
This is a starter project for building a standalone Web Component using Stencil.
Stencil is also great for building entire apps. For that, use the stencil-app-starter instead.
Stencil is a compiler for building fast web apps using Web Components.
Stencil combines the best concepts of the most popular frontend frameworks into a compile-time rather than runtime tool. Stencil takes TypeScript, JSX, a tiny virtual DOM layer, efficient one-way data binding, an asynchronous rendering pipeline (similar to React Fiber), and lazy-loading out of the box, and generates 100% standards-based Web Components that run in any browser supporting the Custom Elements v1 spec.
Stencil components are just Web Components, so they work in any major framework or with no framework at all.
To start building a new web component using Stencil, clone this repo to a new directory:
git clone my-component
cd my-component
git remote rm origin
and run:
npm install
npm start
To generate new component, run:
npm run generate
To build the component for production, run:
npm run build
To run the unit tests for the components, run:
npm test
Need help? Check out our docs here.
When creating new component tags, we recommend not using stencil
in the component name (ex: <stencil-datepicker>
). This is because the generated component has little to nothing to do with Stencil; it's just a web component!
Instead, use a prefix that fits your company or any name for a group of related components. For example, all of the Ionic-generated web components use the prefix ion
There are two strategies we recommend for using web components built with Stencil.
The first step for all two of these strategies is to publish to NPM.
You can read more about these different approaches in the Stencil docs.
If your Stencil project is built with the dist
output target, you can import a small bootstrap script that registers all components and allows you to load individual component scripts lazily.
For example, given your Stencil project namespace is called my-design-system
, to use my-component
on any website, inject this into your HTML:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
To avoid redirects to the actual file, you can also directly import:[email protected]/dist/foobar-design-system/foobar-design-system.esm.js
<my-component first="Stencil" middle="'Don't call me a framework'" last="JS"></my-component>
This will only load the necessary scripts needed to render <my-component />
. Once more components of this package are used, they will automatically be loaded lazily.
You can also import the script as part of your node_modules
in your applications entry file:
import 'foobar-design-system/dist/foobar-design-system/foobar-design-system.esm.js';
Check out this Live Demo.
If you are using a Stencil component library with dist-custom-elements
, we recommend importing Stencil components individually in those files where they are needed.
To export Stencil components as standalone components make sure you have the dist-custom-elements
output target defined in your stencil.config.ts
For example, given you'd like to use <my-component />
as part of a React component, you can import the component directly via:
import 'foobar-design-system/my-component';
function App() {
return (
middle="'Don't call me a framework'"
export default App;
Check out this Live Demo.