Implemented error when incorrect bounds cause discrete_log to give incorrect answer #18852
3 errors and 11 warnings
Test all files (sage -t --long src/sage/[p-z]*):
sage: A.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 3) ## line 50 ##
sage: P.<x,y,z> = A.g_algebra(relations={y*x:-x*y}, order = 'lex') ## line 51 ##
sage: P ## line 53 ##
Noncommutative Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field, nc-relations: {y*x: -x*y}
sage: y*x + 1/2 ## line 56 ##
-x*y + 1/2
sage: A.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(GF(17), 3) ## line 59 ##
sage: P.<x,y,z> = A.g_algebra(relations={y*x:-x*y}, order = 'lex') ## line 60 ##
sage: P ## line 61 ##
Noncommutative Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Finite Field of size 17, nc-relations: {y*x: -x*y}
sage: y*x + 7 ## line 64 ##
-x*y + 7
sage: from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix ## line 71 ##
sage: c = Matrix(3) ## line 72 ##
sage: c[0,1] = -2 ## line 73 ##
sage: c[0,2] = 1 ## line 74 ##
sage: c[1,2] = 1 ## line 75 ##
sage: d = Matrix(3) ## line 77 ##
sage: d[0, 1] = 17 ## line 78 ##
sage: P = QQ['x','y','z'] ## line 79 ##
sage: c = c.change_ring(P) ## line 80 ##
sage: d = d.change_ring(P) ## line 81 ##
sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.plural import NCPolynomialRing_plural ## line 83 ##
sage: R.<x,y,z> = NCPolynomialRing_plural(QQ, c = c, d = d, order=TermOrder('lex',3),category=Algebras(QQ)) ## line 84 ##
sage: R ## line 85 ##
Noncommutative Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field, nc-relations: {y*x: -2*x*y + 17}
sage: R.term_order() ## line 88 ##
Lexicographic term order
sage: a,b,c = R.gens() ## line 91 ##
sage: f = 57 * a^2*b + 43 * c + 1; f ## line 92 ##
57*x^2*y + 43*z + 1
sage: A.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 3) ## line 97 ##
sage: P = A.g_algebra(relations={y*x:-x*y}, order = 'lex') ## line 98 ##
sage: TestSuite(P).run() ## line 99 ##
sage: loads(dumps(P)) is P ## line 100 ##
sage: A.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 3) ## line 103 ##
sage: P = A.g_algebra(relations={y*x:-x*y}, order = 'lex') ## line 104 ##
sage: P.is_commutative() ## line 105 ##
sage: R.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 3) ## line 108 ##
sage: P = R.g_algebra(relations={}, order='lex') ## line 109 ##
sage: P.is_commutative() ## line 110 ##
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 112 ##
sage: A.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 3) ## line 156 ##
sage: H = A.g_algebra({y*x:x*y-z, z*x:x*z+2*x, z*y:y*z-2*y}) ## line 157 ##
Test all files (sage -t --long src/sage/[p-z]*):
Failed example:: Got: [(38902300445163190028032/305111826865145547009 : 680061120400889506109527474197680/5329525731816164537079693913473 : 1)]
Test all files (sage -t --long src/sage/[p-z]*)
Process completed with exit code 65.
Post Checkout
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128