Tool for optimizing yields or metrics for the Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey
This repository contains two tools for optimizing and evaluating the field selection for the Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey:
is a general purpose optimizer that can take a map of survey yield for a single survey definition and provide contours yield for variations in pointing, exposure time and
is code to read in the results
and plot/analyze
provides a tool to optimize and estimate slewing overheads in the GBTDS, and give a quick estimate of the impact of the field choice on the yield of bound Earth mass planets found via microlensing.
The basic inputs to this program are:
- a yield map. This can be the yield defined however you like, but is probably something like the number of detections of something of interest, or the number of a certain type of target observed.
- the exposure time and cadence that were used for calculating the yield map.
- (optional) power law indexes describing how the yield changes when the exposure time and cadence are changed.
- a field layout. This is a list of fixed and moveable fields that will be observed. The optimizer moves the moveable fields while keeping the fixed ones in place.
- (default provided) slew and settle times as a function of slew angle.
- (default provided) the detector layout.
Full options can be found by running the code with the help flag
i.e., python -h
An example of how to run the code for a chosen layout is
python ffp_normmap_m+00v3_rate.yield.csv 14.7315 42.56 \
field_layouts/layout_7f_3_gal-center.centers \
--lrange 2.2 -2.2 --brange -2.2 2.2 \
--lstep 0.2 --bstep 0.2 \
--cadence-bounds 7.0 15.0 \
--nread-bounds 10 40 \
--output-root ffp_normmap_m+00v3.layout_7f_3
The code will compute the yield of the field layout at various
positions with all cadence and exposure times allowed within the
requested bounts. The yield is scaled according to the
arguments are given. Results are stored and can be
visualized with the
Getting the lrange and branges right can be tricky, as it depends on
the size of the field layout. The
script will
calculate them automatically - these auto values will be incorporated
in the python version at a later date.
This will load an output pickle generated by
plot it, with various options. E.g.,
python -i ffp_normmap_m+00v3.layout_7f_3
This will plot a field layout on top of a yield map. Maps included in the reposi are the following:
- free-floating planet yield maps for
$$1 M_{\rm Earth}$$ and$$0.1 M_{\rm Earth}$$ (ffp_normmap_m+00v3_rate.yield.csv
), and - the reddening map of Gonzalez et al. (2012) converted to H band
extinction (
A working example of how to run it is
python ffp_normmap_m+00v3_rate.yield.csv \
field_layouts/7fields/layout_7f_3f_gal-center.centers \
--location 0.6 -1.4 \
--sca-filename outline_sca_layout.txt \
--save output/scen_163000_fields.png
Running it without arguments will display a help message.
If you just want to add field layouts to your own plot, a more portable piece of code without importing any of the package's modules is described next.
This script is an uncomplicated example of how to plot field outlines given a field centers file. The code contained within it is
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
sca = pd.read_csv('outline_sca_layout.txt',sep='\s+',header=None)
fields = pd.read_csv('field_layouts/layout_163000.centers',sep='\s+')
for i,f in fields.iterrows():
if f['fixed']==1:
plt.xlabel('l (deg)')
plt.ylabel('b (deg)')
The script computes best path around a set of fields fields and a rough scaling of microlensing planet detection rates. Caution should be taken when increasing cadence beyond 15 minutes.
To run:
python <fields> <slew-times (short axis)> {<slew-times (diagonal)> <slew-times (long-axis)>
The most up-to-date slew time file is
- this file is the
file provided by Julie McEnery with
6.12 seconds added to every slew to account for the reset read cycle
(3.08 s) and the first reference read that is subtracted from the ramp
(3.04 s). If you are using sample up the ramp signal to noise
estimates the reference read is already accounted for in the exposure
time, so you can remove it from the overheads.
Fields files should have 3 columns with: <Field_name> <l(deg)> <b(deg)>
This script will create a large number of layout centers files with a standard naming convention described in the field_layouts/ README.
Run as