Nothing to fancy just my vim config.
Once I was trying to solve as many problems without plugins and came up with solutions replacing plugins like Nerdcommenter. But at some point I noticed I was reinventing the wheel. It was a great journey and I learned a lot about Vim.
In the end I started using plugins again.
Currently using gruvbox again. Screenshot is showing the ripgrep preview.
- ale
- fzf.vim
- wal.vim
- airline
- gruvbox
- coc.nvim
- rust.vim
- goyo.vim
- vim-rails
- vim-racer
- vader.vim
- vim-dadbod
- rcshell.vim
- vim-bundler
- vim-devicons
- vim-fugitive
- vim-capslock
- vim-startify
- ripgrep is needed to recursively search directory.
- bat is needed for ripgrep preview.
- fzf is needed for fzf.vim to run.
cd $HOME
git clone --recursive .vim
cd .vim
stow vimrc
./helper-scripts/ -i
vim '+CocInstall coc-rls coc-jedi'