- self closing tage
- opening closeing tage
- meta (name="description", content= "the content")
- title
- meta charset=""
- strong, b"bold" => inline
- em, i"italic" => inline
- mark => inline
- u"underline" => inline
- small"small text" => inline
- del"deleted" => inline
- ins "inserted text" => inline
- sub"H2O"
- super"x^2"
- br => new line
- hr => horizontal line => block
- link to other site "https://www.google.com"
- to other html file "index.html"
- to id in th pagefile "#id"
- link to email in th pagefile "mailTo:[email protected]"
- ul"unordered list" > li
- ol"ordered list" (reverseed, start, type)> li
- dl"description list" > dt"term" > dd"description"
- caption -> to set the title of the table
- thead > tr > th
- tbody > tr > td
- tfooter > tr > td
- (colspan, rowspan)
- header
- nav
- main
- section
- footer
- Aside
- article
- mark
- figure, figurecaption
vedio(controles, autoplay, muted, loop, poster=>the image while vedio looding in beginning) > source (src), track(src, kind, srclang)=> for translation
- lable(for)
- select(name, multiple) > optiongroup(lablel) > option(value, selected)
- textarea
- input
=> list(name)> datalist> option -example-> (< input list="programming" name="prog">) ====> it is the same with the select but here we can search the element
=> type values -> (text,number, range(min, max, step), password, email, color, file, search, url, date, time, submit, reset, hidden, checkbox(name, value, checked) -> list of option can choose more than one, radio(name, value) -> choose only one but use the name and value)
=> required
=> placeholder
=> value
=> name
=> autofocused
=> readonly
=> disable
=> minlenght, maxlenght
- class
- id
- title