JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
is an API that allows Java applications to interact with various databases. It provides a standard interface for connecting to different Database Management Systems (DBMS) like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.
git connection from the DriverManager with the consturctor of the url, username and password of the database
preparedStatement from the connection and set the values to Wildcards using setInt(index, value), setLong(index, value), setString(index, value),....
excute(excuteQuery(), excuteUpdate()) the preparedstatement and return the ResultSet(if it is query "excuteQuery()")
ResultSet -> it is represent the table
* it has a pointer to the row previous to the first row
* it has function (next()) if it hase another row the next() will move this pointer to the next row unitl there are not row in the reslut set(one-directional)
* get the value from column using get methods like (getString(index), getInt(index),......)
logger is a tool used for recording log messages that can help developers diagnose issues
track application behavior, and maintain logs of application events.
- Logger: The core class for logging. It is used to log messages with different severity levels.
- Handler: Handles the output of log messages. Common handlers include ConsoleHandler, FileHandler, and SocketHandler.
- Formatter: Formats the log messages. Common formatters include SimpleFormatter and XMLFormatter.
- Level: Represents the severity of log messages. Levels include SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST.
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger");
logger.info("This is an info message.");
logger.warning("This is a warning message.");
logger.severe("This is a severe message.");
FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler("app.log");
fileHandler.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());