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Garden website markdown source

matham edited this page May 22, 2019 · 1 revision

This is the original markdown used to generate the garden site ( using

#Welcome to Kivy Garden

This is an organization for developers of Kivy widgets, add-ons and related software.

If you have a kivy flower you'd like to contribute to garden see Developing a new flower.

Memberships are granted for users who have contributed to existing garden flowers in the past year or have submitted their own flower in the application. Please note that memberships expire after a year of inactivity.

The garden flower widgets are contributed by regular users such as yourself. The kivy developers do not take any responsibility for the code hosted in the garden organization repositories - we do not actively monitor the flower repos. Please use at your own risk.

##Update to garden structure

Starting with the kivy 1.11.0 release, kivy has shifted from using the garden legacy tool that installs flowers with garden install flower and where the flower does not have a proper python package structure to flowers that can be installed with pip and uploaded to pypi. Kivy supports the legacy garden flowers side by side with the newer packages so the garden tool and legacy flowers will be able to be used indefinitely. But we will only provide support for the newer packages format in the future.

For garden package maintainers - for a guide how to migrate your garden package from the legacy structure garden.flower to the newer flower structure used with the pip, see this guide.

##General Usage Guidelines

To use a kivy garden flower, first check if the flower is in the legacy format. If the flower name is in the format of garden.flower, such as garden.graph it is a legacy flower. If it is just flower such as graph it is in the present format. If it is in the legacy format see Legacy Garden Tool General Usage Guidelines for how to install and use it. Otherwise, continue with the guide below.

Garden flowers can be installed with the pip tool like a normal python package. Given a flower that you want to install, lets use graph as an example. You can install it directly from github master with:

python -m pip install

Look under the repository's releases tab if you'd like to install a specific release or a pre-compiled wheel, if the flower has any. Then use the url with pip.

Or you can automatically install it using garden's pypi server with:

python -m pip install kivy_garden.graph --extra-index-url

To permanently add our garden server to your pip configuration so that you don't have to specify it with --extra-index-url, add

timeout = 60
index-url =

to your pip.conf.

If the flower maintainer has uploaded the flower to pypi, you can just install it with pip install kivy_garden.flower.

Development Guidelines

##Developing a new flower

If your flower will be a pure python flower start with the pure python demo. If it is a cython flower, start with this demo.

  1. Create a new empty repository in your github account named widgetname (the lowercase name of the widget you're contributing).

  2. Clone the demo repo locally (the following instructions use git ssh urls, replace [email protected]:your_github_username with if you don't have ssh set up):

    git clone [email protected]:kivy-garden/flower.git widgetname

    or if will be a cython flower:

    git clone [email protected]:kivy-garden/cython_flower.git widgetname

    You'll be modifying the demo flower to contain your own widget.

  3. Now mirror the demo to your account and fix the git origin to point to your account:

    cd widgetname
    git push --mirror [email protected]:your_github_username/widgetname.git
    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:your_github_username/widgetname.git
  4. Start customizing the demo repo for your flower:

    1. Rename the kivy_garden/flower directory to kivy_garden/widgetname.
    2. Replace the contents of kivy_garden/widgetname/ with code for your widget. People will be importing your new widget with from kivy_garden.widgetname import WidgetName so make sure that works.
    3. Fix the tests in tests/ to test your widget. The test are run with pytest. Try to test as much as you can.
    4. Fix the with basic information about your widget.
    5. Fix to replace all references of flower with widgetname and everything else as appropriate.
    6. Test install it to python and use it in your app to see if it works:
      pip install -e .
      This installs it in place so you can test and change the source code directly without having to reinstall every time. To test:
      python -c "from kivy_garden.widgetname import WidgetName"
      If it's a cython flower, compile it after any changes:
      python build_ext --inplace
      To run the tests:
      python -m pytest tests/
    7. If you enable travis integration for your new widgetname repo on github, the code will be automatically tested on travis after every commit (see the .travis.yml file - you shouldn't need to change anything there). Kivy-garden will automatically run travis integration on all flowers, so make sure it works.
    8. Finally, add your changes, commit and push all your changes to github:
      git push origin master
    9. Make sure that travis runs without failures, otherwise fix and push etc.
  5. Now that the widgetname repo is ready, you're ready to transfer it into kivy-garden. See Transferring repository.

  6. To make the project installable with pip, you'll need to add it to garden's simple pypi server.

    1. Fork the garden website into your account.
    2. Take a look at how the current flowers are listed and add a similar new file for your flower (kivy-garden-widgetname/index.html).
    3. Add your flower to the root simple/index.html file.
    4. Make a pull request to the original repo and link to it in your issue that requests that your flower be added to kivy-garden that you opened in Transferring repository.
  7. In the future if you want tp make a release to your flower and change the version, see [Making a release for your flower](#Making a release for your flower) for how to make a release and add these releases to the pypi server.

##Flower guidelines

  1. Code added to the garden must be licensed under MIT (same as Kivy) and a LICENSE file must be added to every repository.

  2. Keep the Widget and add-on simple. Do one task and do it well.

  3. Name your widget correctly. Don't put "Widget" in the widget name as this is obvious. (SliderWidget, ProgressBarWidget are wrong, keep it simple.)

  4. Create adequate documentation that explains the functionality of your widget. A doc directory using sphinx documentation is adequate, or just nice docs in the actualy code or readme.

  5. Follow the PEP8 guidelines for coding standards.

  6. Follow the kivy guidelines for contributing. To install the pep8 checker into your git directory do

    cp path-to-kivy/kivy/tools/pep8checker/pre-commit.githook path-to-your-source/.git/hooks/pre-commit
    chmod +x path-to-garden-source/.git/hooks/pre-commit

    Then assuming you have kivy in your path, our style guide check will run whenever you do a commit, and if there are violations in the parts that you changed, your commit will be aborted. Fix & retry.

  7. Use the Monitor module to ensure that your widget can maintain a FPS rate above 60, ensuring smooth interaction with the user.

  8. Follow the performance guidelines for Python, like ensuring minimum lookups, avoiding lookups in loops...

  9. As a way of self-organizing widgets, add a screenshot named "screenshot.png" to the root of your repo showcasing the widget.

  10. Use tags instead of a directory structure to categorize your widgets in the documentation.

Note: you must have a GitHub account to open a ticket. You can create one for free here.

##Making a release for your flower

  1. Update and commit the changes
  2. Update __version__ in kivy-garden/flower/ (or in kivy-garden/flower/ if it's a cython flower) to the next version and commit the change. If it's x.y.z.dev0, remove the dev0 to update to the release version.
  3. Call git tag -a x.y.z -m "Tagging version x.y.z" to make a tag
  4. Call python bdist_wheel --universal (or python bdist_wheel if it's a cython flower) and python sdist, which generates the wheel and sdist in the dist/* directory.
  5. Make sure the dist directory contains the files to be uploaded to pypi and call twine check dist/*
  6. Then call twine upload dist/* to upload to pypi.
  7. Call git push origin master --tags to push the latest changes and the tags to github.
  8. In github, go to the release tab and draft a new release for the tag. Upload there any wheels you generated (if any).
  9. Make a new PR that updates to list any new wheels, sdist, and versions as needed. Link to the github release files as needed. See the website for information on how to list files on a pypi server.
  10. Update __version__ in kivy-garden/flower/ (or in kivy-garden/flower/ if it's a cython flower) to the next dev (e.g. x.y+1.z.dev0) version and commit and push the change.

Other issues

For all other issues, please open a ticket in the appropriate repository.

Disabling notification spam

By default you are subscribed to all new Garden github repository notifications. Unless you disable this yourself, your inbox will soon contain only Github spam.

Go to Select what to watch or uncheck Automatically watch. But attention: latter will disable watch for all organizations.

Transferring repository

Once you have a flower repository ready and all the tests are passing, you're ready to transfer it to garden.

How to move your repository to Kivy Garden shared ownership?

About transferring the ownership of repositories. See Github instructions regarding transfers

Join us by opening a new issue indicating you have a flower to contribute.

Request the github name of any of the Kivy Garden administrators team on the github issue who is ready to initiate the process. Make sure they are actually an admin. Then, make them the owner of the repository which needs to be transferred. If the repository is already part of Github organization then create a new team and make the garden admin person the sole member of this team. Then assign the ownership permission of the repository to the new team. Now the garden administrator can go to the repository settings and press Transfer Ownership button

Legacy Flowers

##Legacy Garden Tool General Usage Guidelines

  1. Make sure you have requests installed:

    sudo pip install requests
  2. Install kivy-garden if you don't have it:

    pip install kivy-garden

    Make sure you have the folder that contains garden file on your PATH (or cd to the folder).

    $ garden list

    To list all the installed garden packages

    $ garden search

    To search garden packages on GitHub

    $ garden install package_name

    To install a garden package

    $ garden uninstall package_name

    To uninstall a garden package

  3. To use a installed garden package:

    from import package_name
  4. By default the installation is done in ~/.kivy/garden/garden.widgetname so that all kivy apps can use the widget once installed.

    To include the package in your mobile distribution, you should install the garden package with --app command line argument, this way the package is downloaded and installed in your app directory and thus included in your apk.

    cd my_app_dir
    /path/to/kivy_instalation/kivy/tools/garden install --app graph

    This should install the Graph Widget in my_app_dir/libs/garden/garden.widgetname

##Guide for migrating flowers from legacy structure

This is a guide for how to migrate a flower with legacy garden.flower structure to the new proper python package flower structure.

  • Demo of the result of converting pure-python graph from legacy to updated.
  • Demo of the result of converting cython-python collider from legacy to updated.

Here are the base pure-python and cython-python flowers to be used as starting points for the migration.

The following steps use the garden graph package to demonstrate how to migrate a package to the new format.

  1. Ensure that the original flower issues and pull requests are closed or can be closed because the repo will be archived after the following process. Issues can be transferred to the new repo if needed.

  2. Create a new empty repo with the name graph in garden or request in a new issue that we create one for you and give you access.

  3. In coveralls sync the kivy-garden repos and then enable it (or request that we enable it).

  4. Clone the flower demo repo, if you haven't already. Otherwise make sure it is up to date with master: For a pure python flower:

    git clone [email protected]:kivy-garden/flower.git

    or for a cython-python flower:

    git clone [email protected]:kivy-garden/cython_flower.git
  5. Push the flower repo to github:

    cd flower
    git push --mirror [email protected]:kivy-garden/graph.git
  6. Now clone graph and the original garden.graph locally:

    git clone [email protected]:kivy-garden/graph.git
    git clone [email protected]:kivy-garden/garden.graph.git
  7. Merge garden.graph into the new graph:

    cd graph
    git remote add original ../garden.graph
    git remote update
    git merge --allow-unrelated-histories original/master

    If there are any merge conflicts, resolve them and commit.

  8. Migrate the original package structure into a pythonic structure.

    1. Remove the kivy-garden/flower directory and make a new kivy-garden/graph directory.
    2. Copy all the original python modules e.g. into kivy-garden/graph.
    3. Fix the tests in tests/ to test the graph code.
    4. open and replace all instances of flower with graph.
    5. Do any remaining cleanup, e.g. duplicate license files or readme.
    6. Commit all changes.
  9. Test to make sure everything works, otherwise fix and commit (make sure pytest is installed). Test install it to python and use it in your app:

    pip install .
    python -c "from kivy_garden.graph import Graph"

    If it's a cython flower (graph isn't), compile it first:

    PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH python build_ext --inplace

    Then run the tests:

    PYTHONPATH=. python -m pytest tests/
  10. Push to kivy-garden and remove the original garden remote

    git push origin master
    git remote rm original
  11. Verify that the travis tests pass.

  12. Transfer issues from the garden.graph to graph and archive garden.graph.