Attribute Loader wraps ReflectionAttribute.
class FooAttribute {}
function target_function(): void {}
$loader = new Fratily\AttributeLoader\AttributeLoader(FooAttribute::class);
$attributes = $loader->load(new ReflectionFunction('target_function'));
var_dump($attributes[0]); // object(FooAttribute)
uses ReflectionAttribute::newInstance()
by default to instantiate.
However, if you want to interrupt the instantiation process for some reason, you can do the following:
class FooAttribute {}
#[FooAttribute(name: 'abc')]
function target_function(int $number): void {}
$loader = new Fratily\AttributeLoader\AttributeLoader(
function (ReflectionAttribute $attr) {
var_dump($attr->getArguments()); // array('name' => 'abc')
// do something ...
// ex: trigger event / customize attribute arguments ...
// MUST return an instance of $attr->getName().
// MUST not return a subclass of $attr->getName().
return new FooAttribute();
$attributes = $loader->load(new ReflectionFunction('target_function'));
var_dump($attributes[0]); // object(FooAttribute)