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|> Apipe

SQL-like interface for querying APIs

Apipe mascot

What if you could query any API like you would a database? Introducing Apipe, a library that provides a SQL-like interface for querying APIs. It's Provider interface allows you to easily add support for new APIs.


  • SQL-like query interface inspired by Supabase & Ecto
  • Flexible filtering, joining and chainable operators
  • Optional type-safe responses with casting
  • Comprehensive error handling
  • Extensible provider system


Add apipe to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:apipe, "~> 0.1.0"}


import Apipe
alias Apipe.Providers.GitHub

# Create a new GitHub client (auth token and cast_response are optional)
github =

|> from("repos/cpursley/apipe")
|> execute()


# Using map-based where filters (with casting)
|> from("search/repositories")
|> where(%{language: "elixir", name: [like: "phoenix"], stars: [gt: 1000, lte: 10000]})
|> order_by(:stars, :desc)
|> limit(3)
|> execute()

# Query using chainable operators with select (without type casting), cast_response: false)
|> select([:id, :name, :stargazers_count])
|> from("search/repositories")
|> eq(:language, "elixir")
|> gt(:stars, 1000)
|> lte(:stars, 10000)
|> order_by(:stars, :desc)
|> limit(3)
|> execute()

# Combining both styles (with casting)
github # using the client with casting enabled (we set up earlier)
|> select(:name) # only name field will be cast to repository struct
|> from("search/repositories")
|> where(:language, eq: "elixir") # using field-operator syntax instead of maps
|> gt(:stars, 1000)
|> lte(:stars, 10000)
|> like(:name, "phoenix")
|> order_by(:stars, :desc)
|> limit(3)
|> execute()

# Joining related resources
contributors = fn repo -> "repos/#{repo["full_name"]}/contributors" end

|> from("search/repositories")
|> eq(:language, "elixir")
|> order_by(:updated) # Find repositories with recent activity
|> limit(3)
|> join(:contributors, fn repo -> # join top contributors
  |> from(contributors.(repo))
  |> limit(2)
|> execute()

Filter Operators

Apipe supports a variety of filter operators that can be used in both map-based where clauses and as chainable functions:

Comparison Operators

  • Equality: where(%{field: value}) or eq(field, value)
  • Not Equal: where(%{field: [neq: value]}) or neq(field, value)
  • Greater Than: where(%{field: [gt: value]}) or gt(field, value)
  • Greater Than or Equal: where(%{field: [gte: value]}) or gte(field, value)
  • Less Than: where(%{field: [lt: value]}) or lt(field, value)
  • Less Than or Equal: where(%{field: [lte: value]}) or lte(field, value)

List Operators

  • IN: where(%{field: [in: values]}) or in_list(field, values)
  • NOT IN: where(%{field: [nin: values]}) or nin_list(field, values)

Pattern Matching

  • LIKE: where(%{field: [like: pattern]}) or like(field, pattern)
  • Case-insensitive LIKE: where(%{field: [ilike: pattern]}) or ilike(field, pattern)

Multiple Operators

You can combine multiple operators for the same field in a where clause:

where(%{stars: [gt: 100, lte: 1000]})

Response Types

All responses are wrapped in a Response struct that includes:

  • data: The actual response data (typed if using cast_response: true, raw JSON otherwise)
  • Additional metadata specific to the provider (rate limits, pagination info, etc.)

Type Casting

Type casting is configured when creating a new client with the cast_response: true option. When enabled, responses will be converted into Elixir structs with proper types. Without it, you'll get raw JSON responses. Choose based on your needs:

  • Enable casting when you want:

    • Type safety
    • Better IDE support
    • Cleaner access to nested data
    • Example: repo.full_name, repo.stargazers_count
  • Skip casting when you want:

    • Raw JSON responses
    • Better performance
    • To access fields not defined in the type structs
    • Example: repo["full_name"], repo["stargazers_count"]


Apipe uses a provider-based architecture to support multiple API integrations. A provider is a module that implements the Apipe.Provider behaviour and handles the specifics of communicating with a particular API.


Each provider is responsible for:

  • Route matching and validation
  • Schema resolution and type casting
  • Request building and execution
  • Response processing and transformation

OpenAPI Integration

Apipe includes built-in support for generating providers from OpenAPI specifications. This process involves:

  1. Converting the OpenAPI spec to Elixir types using oapi_generator:
# In config/config.exs
config :oapi_generator,
    github: [
      output: [
        base_module: GitHubOpenAPI,
        extra_fields: [
          __info__: :map,
          # required for joins
          __joins__: :map
        location: "lib/providers/github/openapi",
        operation_subdirectory: "operations/",
        schema_subdirectory: "schemas/",
        schema_use: Apipe.Providers.OpenAPI.Encoder
  1. Generating the provider's route module using the mix task:
# Local file
mix apipe.gen.openapi.provider path/to/spec.yaml provider_name [--module-name NAME]

# Remote file
 mix apipe.gen.openapi.provider --url provider_name [--module-name NAME]

This generates:

  • Route matching logic for API endpoints
  • Schema resolution for response types
  • Validation for paths and parameters

Creating a Provider

To create a new provider:

  1. Add the OpenAPI specification to your project
  2. Configure oapi_generator for your provider
  3. Generate the types and routes:
# Generate types from OpenAPI spec
mix oapi.gen path/to/openapi-spec.yaml

# Generate routes
mix apipe.gen.openapi.provider path/to/openapi-spec.yaml provider_name
  1. Implement the provider module:
defmodule Apipe.Providers.MyProvider do
  @behaviour Apipe.Provider

  alias Apipe.Providers.MyProvider.Routes

  # Implement the required callbacks
  def execute(query, opts \\ []) do
    # Your implementation

The provider can then be used with Apipe's query interface:
|> Apipe.from("some/endpoint")
|> Apipe.execute()


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


SQL-like interface for querying APIs






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