This Repo contains my dotfiles like my nvim setup, tmux configs and more.
Make sure you have the following installed on your systen
zsh --version
oh-my-posh --version
if not installed yet, install it:
brew install oh-my-posh
brew install zsh
brew install git
brew install stow
brew install ripgreg
Download and install raycast from the official website. Then go to Raycast Settings -> Account and login to your account (with GitHub). After that enable Cloud Sync to get all synced settings, shortcuts, theme and more.
To use Wezterm properly, you need to install the BlexMono Nerd Font. You can do this with the following command:
brew install --cask font-blex-mono-nerd-font
npm i -g @angular/cli
brew install neovim
Grant Sudo Permissions for Nvim to prevent sudo conflicts
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.local/share/nvim
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.config/nvim
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.cache/nvim
brew install tmux
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tmp
brew install fzf
chmod -x ~/.tmux/plugins/tmp
Clone the repo to your $HOME-Directory,
git clone
cd dotfiles
Then use GNU Stow to create symlinks.
stow .
This will create references in the equivalent directories in your $Homne-Directory like in the dotfiles directory.
NOTE: If you ever want to remove all symlinks, use the -D flag like so: stow -D .
in your dotfiles folder.
After that all, start tmux and type PREFIX + I to install all packages. Try PREFIX + o, if it does not open sessionx, try the following:
chmod +x ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-sessionx/scripts/
chmod +x ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-sessionx/scripts/