ligravel is a library of basic c++ data-structures and functionality. It is not intended to replace the STL, or boost, merely provide a few general datas-tructures and highly general functions to make certain c++ constructs easier to work with. It's not always going to be header only, but currently is.
The following features are currently a part of libgravel.
Provides runtime polymorphic value types, that uses small buffer optimization to reduce the number of allocations.
Usage example, when created using the make_dynamic_value function:
#include <gravel/dynamic_value.hpp>
#include <iostream>
class MyBase
virtual int get_my_id() const = 0;
class MyChild : public MyBase
MyChild(int id)
: m_id(1000 + id)
int get_my_id() const override
return m_id;
int m_id;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
gravel::dynamic_value<MyBase> value = gravel::make_dynamic_value<MyBase, MyChild>(4);
std::cout << value->get_my_id();
Output: 1004
Move-only variant of an std::function. Uses small-buffer optimization to minimize needless heap allocations. Primarily intended to enable the user to put a move only function object into it, such as a function object containing a promise.
Usage example:
#include "gravel/unique_function.hpp"
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
namespace {
class FunctionObjectWithPromise
std::future<int> get_future()
return m_promise.get_future();
void operator()(int value)
m_promise.set_value(value * 3);
std::promise<int> m_promise;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
FunctionObjectWithPromise fobject;
auto future = fobject.get_future();
gravel::unique_function<void(int)> move_from(std::move(fobject));
gravel::unique_function<void(int)> move_to(std::move(move_from));
std::cout << future.get();
Output: 18