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This is the code repository containing Javagruppens website.

The website is based on Jekyll, and is automatically re-generated / deployed by Github (Github Pages). Whenever a page is committed, a new build is produced and deployed to Do however notice that a cap of a maximum of 10 builds per hours does exist.

Development environment

To develop on / contribute to Javagruppens website, we recommend that you use one of the following approaches

Local development:

This section contains information on setting up a development environment locally on your own machine

On Windows

Please read: (

Download: (


gem install bundle
gem install jekyll
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

On Mac OSX

Please read: (

or follow (the condensed command-set below):

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install rbenv ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile  
rbenv install 2.3.3
rbenv local 2.3.3
rbenv global 2.3.3
rbenv rehash
gem update --system
gem install bundle
gem install jekyll
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve


To configure WebStorm for Jekyll development, read the following blog post by Hadi Hariri:


Easy development (through docker):

This section contains information on developing through a docker-based setup, by:

  1. Make sure Docker (and docker-compose) is properly installed on your machine
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Go into the cloned repository
  4. Start the jekyll bundler (through docker)
    • docker run -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd):/site bretfisher/jekyll-serve


Site contents

Here's a description of "what goes where", in regards to posts, pages etc.:




Pages must be placed in a sub-folder within the pages-folder, with an appropriate name. The file within that folder must then be named, if the page contains one or more sub pages, these can be added to the same sub-folder, with a descriptive name.

The following example illustrates the layout for a contact-page, with address- and form-sub pages, eg.:


The Front Matter of the pages "posts" can contain quite a few entries, to customize a few aspects of their appearance, these beingø;:

  • layout controls the layout of the page in question (this is required normally this will be set to page, eg: layout: page - unless catering to special concerns)
  • title sets the title of the page (and is required)
  • permalink specifies the URL path to the page (this may be omitted, or must contain an URL path, eg.: /example/ making it accessible on
  • feature-img sets the banner image on the page (containing the title of the page)
  • tags sets a list (array) of tags to categorize the page under (must be an array, eg.: [Test, Eaxmple, Other])
  • order the sort order of the menu-item (linking to the page from the main navigation, must be an positive integer)
  • hide specifies if the page should appear in the main navigation (used for hiding sub-pages, eg.: hide: true)

E-mails / "sent out" correspondence

Emails must be placed in the folder _emails, in the appropriate year-folder, and named on the form, where YYYY is replaced with a 4 digits year, MM with a two digit month and DD with a two digit "day of month".

Eg. a mail correspondence (newsletter) from April 1st 2018, must go into the _emails/2018-folder, and file must be named (where the description in this case is some description).

The Front Matter of the e-mail "posts" must contain two entries:

  • layout controls the layout of the emails posts (and this must be set to email, eg: layout: email)
  • subject (being the subject line used in the e-mail)


Term Description
Front Matter The first lines of the various posts / pages, containing meta-data about the content (partitioned by 3 dashes ---)


Javagruppens website







No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 51.6%
  • CSS 34.5%
  • Ruby 5.2%
  • Shell 4.8%
  • JavaScript 3.9%