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Merian 🎨

~ A Vulkan development framework. ~

Merian is split into multiple components:

  • merian: Provides core abstractions and utilities (Vulkan context, memory allocation, configuration, IO, ...).
  • merian-nodes: Implements an extensible Vulkan processing graph. Already implemented nodes can be found here.
  • merian-shaders: Collection of reusable shader-code.


Merian aims for compatibility with Windows, Linux as well as all major GPU vendors.

Getting started

int main() {
    // Validation Layers, Debug labels,...
    auto debug_utils = std::make_shared<merian::ExtensionVkDebugUtils>(false);
    // Initializes a memory, resource allocator and staging manager.
    auto resources = std::make_shared<merian::ExtensionResources>();
    // Configure core features for VK 1.0...1.3
    auto core = std::make_shared<merian::ExtensionVkCore>();

    merian::ContextHandle context = merian::Context::make_context({debug_utils, resources, core}, "merian");
    auto alloc = resources->resource_allocator();

    // allocating, rendering,...

    // merian cleans up everything for you

Include Merian into your Project

This library uses the Meson Build System and declares a dependency for it:

# in your

merian = dependency('merian', version: ['>=1.0.0'], fallback: ['merian', 'merian_dep'])
# or if you want to use the shader compiler from merian
merian_subp = subproject('merian', version: ['>=1.0.0'])
merian = merian_subp.get_variable('merian_dep')
shader_generator = merian_subp.get_variable('shader_generator')

sources = ['app.cpp']
sources += shader_generator.process('shader0.comp', 'shader1.comp',...)
# or to prevent conflicts:
sources += shader_generator.process(
    'shader0.comp', 'shader1.comp',...
    extra_args: ['--prefix', 'my_app_c_prefix'],
    preserve_path_from: meson.source_root(),

exe = executable(
    dependencies: [
    # ...

To allow meson to find Merian, either clone this repo into the subprojects folder or add a file subprojects/merian.wrap with

directory = merian

url =
revision = 1.0.0
depth = 1
clone-recursive = true

merian = merian_dep


Documentation is in the docs subdirectory of this repository.

Nodes are documented in their respective subfolder.


Merian is similar to the vulkan_raii.hpp layer for vulkan.hpp. And most objects follow the RAII principle. The merian namespace provides shareable handles for most Vulkan types (e.g. merian::ImageHandle for vk::Image) and objects are automatically destroyed if their reference count becomes 0.

The Context class initializes and destroys a Vulkan device and holds core objects (PhysicalDevice, Device, Queues, ...).

Create a Context using the Context::make_context(..) method.

Make sure your program ends with [INFO] [context.cpp:XX] context destroyed.

Note, that the Vulkan dynamic dispatch loader must be used. The default dispatcher is initialized in Context. The merian build system should already ensure that.