New Features
Android Extensions: cannot evaluate expression containing generated properties
Performance Improvements
Android Extensions: No cache for ViewsKT-18250
Android Extensions: Allow to use SparseArray as a View cache
Android Extensions: completion of generated properties is unclear for ambiguous idsKT-14086
Android-extensions not generated using flavors dimensionKT-14912
Lint: "Code contains STOPSHIP marker" ignores suppress annotationKT-15164
Kotlin Lint: problems in delegate expression are not reportedKT-16934
Android Extensions fails to compile when importing synthetic properties for layouts in other modulesKT-17641
Problem with Kotlin Android Extensions and Gradle syntaxKT-17783
Kotlin Lint: quick fixes to add inapplicable @RequiresApi and @SuppressLint make code incompilableKT-17786
Kotlin Lint: "Surround with if()" quick fix is not suggested for single expressionget()
Kotlin Lint: "Add @TargetApi" quick fix is not suggested for top level property accessorKT-17788
Kotlin Lint: "Surround with if()" quick fix corrupts code in case of destructuring declarationKT-17890
[kotlin-android-extensions] Renaming layout file does not rename importKT-18012
Kotlin Android Extensions generates@NotNull
properties for views present in a configuration and potentially missing in anotherKT-18545
Accessing to synthetic properties on smart casted Android components crashed compiler
New Features
Support meta-annotations from JSR 305 for nullability qualifiersKT-14187
Redundant "is" check is not detectedKT-16603
Supportinline suspend
Generate state machine for named functions in their bodies
Performance Improvements
Generate efficient comparisonsKT-6247
Optimization for 'in' and '..'KT-7571
Don't box Double instance to call hashCode on Java 8KT-9900
Optimize range operations for 'until' extension from stdlibKT-11959
Unnceessary boxing/unboxing due to Comparable.compareToKT-12158
Optimize away boxing when comparing nullable primitive type value to primitive valueKT-13682
Reuse StringBuilder for concatenation and string interpolationKT-14323
IntelliJ lockup when using Apache Spark UDFKT-14375
Kotlin compiler failure with spark when creating a flexible type for scala.Function22KT-15235
Escaped characters in template strings are generating inefficient implementationsKT-17280
Inline constant expressions in string templatesKT-17903
Generate 'for-in-indices' as a precondition loopKT-18157
Optimize out trivial INSTANCEOF checksKT-18162
Do not check nullability assertions twice for effectively same valueKT-18164
Do not check nullability for values that have been already checked with !!KT-18478
Unnecessary nullification of bound variablesKT-18558
Flatten nested string concatenationKT-18777
Unnecessary boolean negation generated for 'if (expr !in range)'
Confusing diagnostics when wrong number of type arguments are specified and there are several callee candiatesKT-2007
Improve diagnostics when + in not resolved on a pair of nullable intsKT-5066
Bad diagnostic message for ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for (companion) objectKT-5511
Inconsistent handling of inner enumKT-7773
Disallow to explicitly extend Enum classKT-7975
Unclear error message when redundant type arguments suppliedKT-8340
vararg in a property setter must be an errorKT-8612
Incorrect error message for var extension property without getter or setterKT-8829
Type parameter of a class is not resolved in the constructor parameter's default valueKT-8845
Bogus diagnostic on infix operation "in"KT-9282
Improve diagnostic on overload resolution ambiguity when a nullable argument is passed to non-null parameterKT-10045
Not specific enough compiler error message in case of trying to call overloaded private methodsKT-10164
Incorrect error message for external inline methodKT-10248
Smart casts: Misleading error on overloaded function callKT-10657
Confusing diagnostic when trying to invoke value as a functionKT-10839
Weird diagnostics on callable reference of unresolved classKT-11119
Confusing error message when overloaded method is called on nullable receiverKT-12408
Generic information lost for override valuesKT-12551
Report "unused expression" on unused bound double colon expressionsKT-13749
Error highlighting range for no 'override' modifier is bigger than neededKT-14598
Do not report "member is final and cannot be overridden" when overriding something from final classKT-14633
"If must have both main and else branches" diagnostic range is too highKT-14647
Confusing error message "'@receiver:' annotations could be applied only to extension function or extension property declarations"KT-14927
TCE in QualifiedExpressionResolverKT-15243
Report deprecation on usages of type alias expanded to a deprecated classKT-15804
Prohibit having duplicate parameter names in functional typesKT-15810
destructuring declarations don't work in scripts on the top levelKT-15931
IllegalStateException: ClassDescriptor of superType should not be null: T by aKT-16016
Compiler failure with NO_EXPECTED_TYPEKT-16448
Inline suspend functions with inlined suspend invocations are miscompiled (VerifyError, ClassNotFound)KT-16576
Wrong code generated with skynet benchmarkKT-17007
Kotlin is not optimizing away unreachable code based on const valsKT-17188
Do not propose to specify constructor invocation for classes without an accessible constructorKT-17611
Unnecessary "Name shadowed" warning on parameter of local function or local class memberKT-17692
NPE in compiler when calling KClass.java on function result of type UnitKT-17820
False "useless cast" when target type is flexibleKT-17972
Anonymous class generated from lambda captures its outer and tries to set nonexistent this$0 field.KT-18029
typealias not working in .kts filesKT-18085
Compilation Error:Kotlin: [Internal Error] kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be cast to non-null type com.intellij.psi.PsiElementKT-18115
Generic inherited classes in different packages with coroutine causes java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable typeKT-18189
Incorrect generic signature generated for implementation methods overriding special built-insKT-18234
Top-level variables in script aren't local variablesKT-18413
Strange compiler error - probably incremental compilerKT-18486
Superfluos generation of suspend function state-machine because of inner suspension of different coroutineKT-18598
Report error on access to declarations from non-exported packages and from inaccessible modules on Java 9KT-18698
java.lang.IllegalStateException: resolveToInstruction: incorrect index -1 for label L12 in subroutineKT-18702
Proguard warning with Kotlin 1.2-M1KT-18728
Integer method reference application fails with CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal errorKT-18845
Exception on building gradle project with collection literalsKT-18867
Getting constant "VerifyError: Operand stack underflow" from Kotlin pluginKT-18916
Strange bytecode generated for 'null' passed as SAM adapter for Java interfaceKT-18983
Coroutines: miscompiled suspend for loop (local variables are not spilled around suspension points)KT-19175
Compiler generates different bytecode when classes are compiled separately or togetherKT-19246
Using generic inline function inside inline extension function throws java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return typeKT-19419
Support JSR 305 meta-annotations in libraries even when JSR 305 JAR is not on the classpath
New Features
Inline property (with accessors) refactoringKT-7107
Rename refactoring for labelsKT-9818
Code style for method expression bodiesKT-11994
Data flow analysis support for Kotlin in IntelliJKT-14126
Code style wrapping options for enum constantsKT-14929
Deprecated ReplaceWith for type aliasesKT-14950
Code Style: Wrapping and Braces / "Local variable annotations" setting could be supportedKT-14965
"Configure Kotlin in project" should support build.gradle.ktsKT-15504
Add code style options to limit number of blank linesKT-16558
Code Style: Add Options for "Spaces Before Parentheses"KT-18113
Add new line options to code style for method parametersKT-18605
Option to not use continuation indent in chained callsKT-18607
Options to put blank lines between 'when' branches
Performance Improvements
Code completion calculates decompiled text when building lookup elements for PSI from compiled classesKT-17751
Kotlin slows down java inspections big timeKT-17835
10s hang on IDEA project openKT-18842
Very slow typing in certain files of Kotlin projectKT-18921
Configure library kind explicitly
Language injection doesn't work with String InterpolationKT-8893
Quick documentation shows type for top-level object-type elements, but "no name provided" for local onesKT-9359
"Accidental override" error message does not mention class (type) namesKT-10736
Highlighting usages doesn't work for synthetic properties created by the Android ExtensionsKT-11980
Spring: Generate Constructor, Setter Dependency in XML for Kotlin class: IOE at LightElement.add()KT-12123
Formatter: always indent after newline in variable initializationKT-12910
spring: create init-method/destroy-method from usage results in IOEKT-13072
Kotlin struggles to index JDK 9 classesKT-13099
formatting in angle brackets ignored and not fixedKT-14083
Formatting of where clasusesKT-14271
Value captured in closure doesn't always get highlightedKT-14561
Use regular indent for the primary constructor parametersKT-14974
"Find Usages" hangs in ExpressionsOfTypeProcessorKT-15093
Navigation to library may not work if there's another module in same project that references same jar via a different libraryKT-15270
Quickfix to migrate from @Native***KT-16352
Create from usage inserts extra space in first stepKT-16725
Formatter does not fix spaces before square bracketsKT-16999
"Parameter info" shows duplicates on toStringKT-17357
BuiltIns for module build with project LV settings, not with facet module settingsKT-17394
Core formatting is wrong for expression body propertiesKT-17759
Breakpoints not working in JSKT-17771
Kotlin IntelliJ plugin should resolve Gradle script classpath asynchronouslyKT-17818
Formatting of long constructors is inconsistent with Kotlin code conventionsKT-17849
Automatically insert trimMargin() or trimIndent() on enter in multi-line stringsKT-17855
Main function is shown as unusedKT-17894
support inserts wrong indent in some casesKT-17942
Enter in multiline string with injection doesn't add a proper indentKT-17956
Type hints for properties that only consist of constructor calls don't add much valueKT-18006
Copying part of string literal with escape sequences converts this sequences to special charactersKT-18030
Parameters hints:kotlin.arrayOf(elements)
should be on the blacklist by defaultKT-18059
Kotlin Lint: False positive error "requires api level 24" for interface method with bodyKT-18149
PIEAE "Element class CompositeElement of type REFERENCE_EXPRESSION (class KtNameReferenceExpressionElementType)" at PsiInvalidElementAccessException.createByNode()KT-18151
Do not import jdkHome from Gradle/Maven modelKT-18158
Expand selection should select the comment after expression getter on the same lineKT-18186
Create function from usage should infer expected return typeKT-18221
AE at org.jetbrains.kotlin.analyzer.ResolverForProjectImpl.descriptorForModuleKT-18269
Find Usages fails to find operator-style usages ofinvoke()
defined as extensionKT-18298
spring: strange menu at "Navige to the spring bean" gutterKT-18309
Join lines breaks codeKT-18373
Facet: can't change target platform between JVM versionsKT-18376
Maven import fails with NPE at ArgumentUtils.convertArgumentsToStringList() ifjvmTarget
setting is absentKT-18418
Generate equals and hashCode should be available for classes without propertiesKT-18429
Android strings resources folding false positivesKT-18444
Type hints don't work for destructuring declarationsKT-18475
Gradle/IntelliJ sync can result in IntelliJ modules getting gradle artifacts added to the classpath, breaking compilationKT-18479
Can't find usages of invoke operator with vararg parameterKT-18501
Quick Documentation doesn't show when @Supress("unused") is above the javadocKT-18566
Long find usages for operators when there are several operators for the same typeKT-18596
"Generate hashCode" produces poorly formatted codeKT-18725
facet disappears on reopening the projectKT-18974
Type hints shouldn't appear for negative literalsKT-19054
Lags in typing in string literalKT-19062
Member navigation doesn't work in expression bodies of getters with inferred property typeKT-19210
Command line flags like -Xload-jsr305-annotations have no effect in IDEKT-19303
Project language version settings are used to analyze libraries, disabling module-specific analysis flags like -Xjsr305-annotations
IDE. Completion
Support static member completion with not-imported-yet classesKT-12104
Smart completion does not work with "invoke" when receiver is expressionKT-17074
Incorrect autocomplete suggestions for contexts affected by @DslMarkerKT-18443
IntelliJ not handling default constructor argument from companion object wellKT-19191
Disable completion binding context caching by default
IDE. Debugger
Evaluate expression freezes debugger while evaluating filter, for time proportional to number of elements in collection.KT-17120
Evaluate expression: cannot find local variableKT-18453
Support 'Step over' and 'Force step over' action for suspended callsKT-18577
Debug: Smart Step Into does not enter functions passed as variable or parameter: "Method invoke() has not been called"KT-18632
Debug: Smart Step Into does not enter functions passed as variable or parameter when signature of lambda and parameter doesn't matchKT-18949
Can't stop on breakpoint after call to inline in Android StudioKT-19403
30s complete hangs of application on breakpoints stop attempt
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
Intention to replace .addAll() on a mutable collection with +=KT-13436
Replace 'when' with return: handle case when all branches jump out (return Nothing)KT-13458
Cascade "replace with return" for if/when expressionsKT-13676
Add better quickfix for 'let' and 'error 'only not null or asserted calls are allowed'KT-14648
Add quickfix for @receiver annotation being applied to extension member instead of extension typeKT-14799
Add inspection to simplify successive null checks into safe-call and null checkKT-14900
"Lift return out of when/if" should work with control flow expressionsKT-15257
JS: quickfix to migrate from @Native to externalKT-15368
Add intention to convert Boolean? == true to ?: false and vice versaKT-15893
"Array property in data class" inspection could have a quick fix to generateequals()
Inspection to inline "unnecessary" variablesKT-16063
Inspection to suggest converting block body to expression bodyKT-17198
Inspection to replace filter calls followed by functions with a predicate variantKT-17580
Add remaning branches intention should be available for sealed classesKT-17583
Support "Declaration access can be weaker" inspection for kotlin propertiesKT-17815
Quick-fix "Replace with safe call & elvis"KT-17842
Add quick-fix for NO_CONSTRUCTOR errorKT-17895
Inspection to replace 'a .. b-1' with 'a until b'KT-17919
Add "Simplify if" intention/inspectionKT-17920
Add intention/inspection removing redundant spread operator for arrayOf callKT-17970
Intention actions to format parameter/argument list placing each on separate lineKT-18236
Add inspection for potentially wrongly placed unary operatorsKT-18274
Add inspection to replace map+joinTo with joinTo(transform)KT-18386
Inspection to detect safe calls of orEmpty()KT-18438
Add inspection for empty ranges with start > endInclusiveKT-18460
Add intentions to apply De Morgan's laws to conditionsKT-18516
Add inspection to detect & remove redundant UnitKT-18517
Provide "Remove explicit type" inspection for some obvious casesKT-18534
Quick-fix to add empty brackets after primary constructorKT-18540
Add quickfix to create data class property from usage in destructuring declarationKT-18615
Inspection to replace if with three or more options with whenKT-18749
Inspection for useless operations on collection with not-null elementsKT-18830
"Lift return out of try"
Spring: "Create getter / setter" quick fixes cause IOE at LightElement.add()KT-12524
Wrong "redundant semicolon" for semicolon inside an enum class before the companion object declarationKT-13870
Wrong caption "Change to property access" for Quick Fix to convert class instantiation to object referenceKT-13886
Unused variable intention should remove constant initializerKT-14092
"Make " intention inserts modifier between annotation and class keywordsKT-14093
"Make " intention available only on modifier when declaration already have a visibility modifierKT-14643
"Add non-null asserted call" quickfix should not be offered on literal null constantsKT-15242
Create type from usage should include constraints into base typesKT-16046
Globally unused typealias is not marked as suchKT-16069
"Simplify if statement" doesn't work in specific caseKT-17026
"Replace explicit parameter" should not be shown on destructuring declarationKT-17092
Create function from usage works incorrectly with ::class expressionKT-17353
"Create type parameter from usage" should not be offered for unresolved annotationsKT-17537
Create from Usage should suggest Boolean return type if function is used in if conditionKT-17623
"Remove explicit type arguments" is too conservative sometimesKT-17651
Create property from usage should make lateinit varKT-17726
Nullability quick-fixes operate incorrectly with implicit nullable receiverKT-17740
CME at MakeOverriddenMemberOpenFix.getText()KT-18506
Inspection on final Kotlin spring components is false positiveKT-17823
Intention "Make private" and friends should respect modifier orderKT-17917
Superfluos suggestion to add replaceWith for DeprecationLevel.HIDDENKT-17954
Setting error severity on "Kotlin | Function or property has platform type" does not show up as error in IDEKT-17996
Android Studio Default Constructor Command Removes Custom SetterKT-18033
Do not suggest to cast expression to non-nullable type when it's the same as !!KT-18035
Quickfix for "CanBePrimaryConstructorProperty" does not work correctly with vararg constructor propertiesKT-18044
"Move to class body" intention: better placement in the bodyKT-18074
Suggestion in Intention 'Specify return type explicitly' doesn't support generic type parameterKT-18120
Recursive property accessor gives false positivesKT-18148
Incorrect, not working quickfix - final and can't be overriddenKT-18160
Circular autofix actions between redundant modality and non-final variable with allopen pluginKT-18194
"Protected in final" inspection works incorrectly with all-openKT-18195
"Redundant modality" is not reported with all-openKT-18197
Redundant "make open" for abstract class member with all-openKT-18253
Wrong location of "Redundant 'toString()' call in string template" quickfixKT-18347
Nullability quickfixes are not helpful when using invoke operatorKT-18368
"Cast expression x to Type" fails for expression inside argument listKT-18375
Backticked function name is suggested to be renamed to the same nameKT-18385
Spring: Generate Dependency causes Throwable "AWT events are not allowed inside write action"KT-18407
"Move property to constructor" action should not appear on properties declared in interfacesKT-18425
Make intention inserts modifier at wrong position for sealed classKT-18529
Add '!!' quick fix applies to wrong expression on operation 'in'KT-18642
Remove unused parameter intention transfers default value to another parameterKT-18683
Wrong 'equals' is generated for Kotlin JS projectKT-18709
"Lift assignment out of if" changes semanticsKT-18711
"Lift return out of when" changes semantics for functional typeKT-18717
Report MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate on visibility modifier if presentKT-18722
Correct "before" sample in description for intention Convert to enum classKT-18723
Correct "after" sample for intention Convert to applyKT-18852
"Lift return out of when" does not work for exhaustive when without elseKT-18928
In IDE, "Replace 'if' expression with safe access expression incorrectly replace expression when using propertyKT-18954
Kotlin plugin updater activates in headless modeKT-18970
Do not report "property can be private" on JvmField propertiesKT-19232
Replace Math.min with coerceAtMost intention is brokenKT-19272
Do not report "function can be private" on JUnit 3 test methods
IDE. Refactorings
New Features
Support renaming import aliasKT-8180
Copy ClassKT-17547
Refactor / Move: Problems Detected / Conflicts in View: only referencing file is mentioned
Copy / pasting a Kotlin file should bring up the Copy Class dialogKT-13437
Change signature replaces return type with Unit when it's not requestedKT-15859
Renaming variables or functions with backticks removes the backticksKT-16180
Opened decompiled editor blocks refactoring of involved elementKT-17062
Field/property inline refactoring works incorrectly with Kotlin & Java usagesKT-17128
Refactor / Rename in the last position of label name throws Throwable "PsiElement(IDENTIFIER) by com.intellij.refactoring.rename.inplace.MemberInplaceRenamer" at InplaceRefactoring.buildTemplateAndStart()KT-17489
Refactor / Inline Property: cannot inline val with the following plusAssignKT-17571
Refactor / Move warns about using private/internal class from Java, but this is not related to the moveKT-17622
Refactor / Inline Function loses type argumentsKT-18034
Copy Class refactoring replaces all usages of the class with the new one!KT-18076
Refactor / Rename on alias of Java class suggests to select between refactoring handlersKT-18096
Refactor / Rename on import alias usage of a class member element tries to rename the element itselfKT-18098
Refactor / Copy can't generate proper import if original code uses import alias of java memberKT-18135
Refactor: no Problems Detected for Copy/Move source using platform type to another platform's moduleKT-18200
Refactor / Copy is enabled for Java source selected with Kotlin file, but not for Java source selected with Kotlin classKT-18241
Refactor / Copy (and Move) fails for chain of lambdas and invoke()'s with IllegalStateException: "No selector for PARENTHESIZED" at KtSimpleNameReference.changeQualifiedName()KT-18325
Renaming a parameter name in one implementation silently rename it in all implementationsKT-18390
Refactor / Copy called for Java class opens only Copy File dialogKT-18699
Refactor / Copy, Move loses necessary parenthesesKT-18738
Misleading quick fix message for an 'open' modifier on an interface memberKT-19130
Refactor / Inline val: "Show inline dialog for local variables" setting is ignored
Performance Improvements
JS: compilation performance degrades fast when inlined nested labels are used
JS sourcemaps should contain relative path. The relative base & prefix should be set from project/module preferencesKT-8020
JS: String? plus operator crashes on runtimeKT-13919
JS: Source map weirdnessKT-15456
JS: inlining doesn't work for array constructor with size and lambdaKT-16984
KotlinJS - 1 > 2 > false causes unhandled javascript exceptionKT-17285
JS: wrong result when call function with default parameter overridden by delegation by function from another interfaceKT-17445
JS: minifier for Kotlin JS appsKT-17476
JS: Some symbols in identifiers compile, but are not legalKT-17871
JS: spread vararg call doesn't work on functions imported with @jsmoduleKT-18027
JS: Illegal symbols are possible in backticked labels, but cause crash in runtime and malformed js codeKT-18032
JS: Illegal symbols are possible in backticked package names, but cause crash in runtime and malformed js codeKT-18169
JS: reified generic backticked type name containing non-identifier symbols causes malformed JS and runtime crashKT-18187
JS backend does not copy non-abstract method of interface to implementing class in some casesKT-18201
JS backend generates wrong code for inline function which calls non-inline function from another moduleKT-18652
JS: Objects from same package but from different libraries are incorrectly accessed
Small typo in documentation for kotlin-stdlib / kotlin.collections / retainAllKT-18624
JS: Bad return type for Promise.allKT-18670
Incorrect documentation of MutableMap.valuesKT-18671
Provide implementation for CoroutineContext.Element functions.
Support reflection for local delegated propertiesKT-14094
IllegalAccessException when try to get members annotated by private annotation with parameterKT-16399
Embedded Tomcat fails to load Class-Path: kotlin-runtime.jar from kotlin-reflect-1.0.6.jarKT-16810
Do not include incorrect ExternalOverridabilityCondition service file into kotlin-reflect.jarKT-18404
“KotlinReflectionInternalError: This callable does not support a default call” when function or constructor has more than 32 parametersKT-18476
KClass<*>.superclasses does not contain Any::classKT-18480
Kotlin Reflection unable to call getter of protected read-only val with custom getter from parent class
NoArg: IllegalAccessError on instantiating sealed class child via Java reflectionKT-18874
Crash during compilation after switching to 1.1.3-release-IJ2017.2-2KT-19047
Private methods are final event if used with the all-open-plugin.
Tools. CLI
Report error when CLI compiler is not being run under Java 8+KT-18599
Support -Xmodule-path and -Xadd-modules arguments for modular compilation on Java 9KT-18794
kotlinc-jvm prints an irrelevant error message when a JVM Home directory does not existKT-3045
Report error instead of failing with exception on "kotlinc -script foo.kt"KT-18754
Rename CLI argument "-module" to "-Xbuild-file"KT-18927
run kotlin app crashes eclipse
Tools. Gradle
Gradle plugin doesn't pick up changed project.buildDirKT-17031
JVM crash on in-process compilation in Gradle with debugKT-17035
Gradle Kotlin Plugin can not compile tests calling source internal fields/variables if compileJava dumps classes to a different directory and then copied classes are moved to sourceSets.main.output.classesDir by a different taskKT-17197
Gradle Kotlin plugin does not wire task dependencies correctly, causing compilation failuresKT-17618
Pass freeCompilerArgs to compiler unchangedKT-18262
kotlin-spring should also open @SpringBootTest classesKT-18647
Kotlin incremental compile cannot be disabled.KT-18832
Java version parsing error with Gradle Kotlin plugin + JDK 9
Tools. J2K
J2K removes empty lines from Doc-commentsKT-13146
J2K goes into infinite loop with anonymous inner class that references itselfKT-15761
Converting Java to Kotlin corrupts string which includes escaped backslashKT-16133
Converting switch statement inserts dead code (possibly as a false positive for fall-through)KT-16142
Kotlin Konverter produces empty line in KdocKT-18038
Java to Kotlin converter messes up empty lines while converting from JavaDoc to KDocKT-18051
Doesn't work the auto-convert Java to Kotlin in Android Studio 3.0KT-18141
J2K changes semantic when while does not have a bodyKT-18142
J2K changes semantics whenif
does not have a bodyKT-18512
J2K Incorrect null parameter conversion
Tools. JPS
JPS: invalid compiler argument causes exception (see also EA-92062)KT-16057
Provide better error message when the same compiler argument is set twiceKT-19155
IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported kind: PACKAGE_LOCAL_VARIABLE_LIST in incremental compilation
Tools. Maven
kotlin maven plugin - adding dependencies overwrites arguments.pluginClassPath preventing kapt goal from runningKT-18224
Maven compilation with JDK 9 fails with InaccessibleObjectException
Tools. REPL
REPL: Support destructuring declarationsKT-12564
Kotlin REPL Doesn't Perform Many ChecksKT-15172
REPL: function declarations that contain empty lines throw errorKT-18181
REPL: support non-headless execution for Swing codeKT-18349
REPL: do not show warnings when there are errors
Tools. kapt
Kapt: Anonymous class types are not rendered properly in stubsKT-18758
Kotlin 1.1.3 / Kapt fails with gradleKT-18799
Kapt3, IC: Kapt does not generate annotation value for constant values in documented typesKT-19178
Kapt: Build dependencies from 'kapt' configuration should go into the 'kaptCompile' task dependenciesKT-19179
Kapt: Gradle silently skips 'kotlinKapt' task sometimesKT-19211
Kapt3: Generated classes output is not synchronized with Java classes output in pure Java projects (Gradle 4+)
Previous releases
This release also includes the fixes and improvements from the previous