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IC: Small cleanup in KotlinClassInfo.kt
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This is to address the not-yet-resolved comments in
#5127, plus a few other small
(non-functional) changes.

^KT-58986: In progress

(cherry picked from commit ff612f1)
  • Loading branch information
hungvietnguyen authored and Space Team committed Jun 18, 2023
1 parent 06aa10e commit 5964edc
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Showing 8 changed files with 149 additions and 78 deletions.
154 changes: 103 additions & 51 deletions build-common/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/incremental/KotlinClassInfo.kt
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.snapshotClassExcludingMembers
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.snapshotField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.snapshotMethod
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.sortClassMembers
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.KotlinClassInfo.ExtraInfo
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.inline.InlineFunctionOrAccessor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.inline.inlineFunctionsAndAccessors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.header.KotlinClassHeader
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,19 +45,32 @@ class KotlinClassInfo(
class ExtraInfo(

* Snapshot of the class excluding its fields and methods and Kotlin metadata (iff classKind == [KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS]).
* Snapshot of the class excluding its fields and methods and Kotlin metadata. It is not null iff
* [classKind] == [KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS].
* For example, the class's annotations which are currently not captured by Kotlin metadata (KT-57919) will be captured here.
* Note: Kotlin metadata is excluded because [ExtraInfo] is meant to contain information that supplements Kotlin metadata. (We have
* a separate logic for comparing protos constructed from Kotlin metadata. That logic considers only changes in protos/Kotlin
* metadata that are important for incremental compilation. If we don't exclude Kotlin metadata here, we might report a change in
* Kotlin metadata even when the change is not important for incremental compilation.)
* Note: It also excludes Kotlin metadata as [ExtraInfo] should only contain info not yet captured in Kotlin metadata.
* TODO(KT-59292): Consider removing this info once class annotations are included in Kotlin metadata.
val classSnapshotExcludingMembers: Long?,

/** Snapshots of the class's constants (including their values). The map's keys are the constants' names. */
* Snapshots of the class's non-private constants.
* Each entry maps a constant's name to the hash of its value.
val constantSnapshots: Map<String, Long>,

/** Snapshots of the class's inline functions and property accessors (including their implementation). */
val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots: Map<InlineFunctionOrAccessor, Long>
* Snapshots of the class's non-private inline functions and property accessors.
* Each entry maps an inline function or property accessor to the hash of its corresponding method in the bytecode (including the
* method's body).
val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots: Map<InlineFunctionOrAccessor, Long>,

val className: JvmClassName by lazy { JvmClassName.byClassId(classId) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,19 +135,29 @@ class KotlinClassInfo(

private fun getExtraInfo(classHeader: KotlinClassHeader, classContents: ByteArray): ExtraInfo {
// Get the list of (non-private) inline functions and accessors from Kotlin class metadata, then find and snapshot them in the bytecode.
// Note:
// - Some of them may not be found in the bytecode. Specifically, internal/private inline functions/accessors may be removed from the
// bytecode if code shrinker is used. For example, `kotlin-reflect-1.7.20.jar` contains `/kotlin/reflect/jvm/internal/UtilKt.class` in
// which the internal inline function `reflectionCall` appears in the Kotlin class metadata (also in the source file), but not in the
// bytecode. When that happens, we will ignore those methods. It is safe to ignore because the methods are not declared in the bytecode
// and therefore can't be referenced.
// - Look for private methods as well because a *public* inline function/accessor may have a *private* corresponding method in the
// bytecode (see `InlineOnlyKt.isInlineOnlyPrivateInBytecode`).
val inlineFunctionsAndAccessors: List<InlineFunctionOrAccessor> = inlineFunctionsAndAccessors(classHeader, excludePrivateMembers = true)
val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSignatures: Map<JvmMemberSignature.Method, InlineFunctionOrAccessor> =
inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.associateBy { it.jvmMethodSignature }
val inlineFunctionsAndAccessors: Map<JvmMemberSignature.Method, InlineFunctionOrAccessor> =
inlineFunctionsAndAccessors(classHeader, excludePrivateMembers = true).associateBy { it.jvmMethodSignature }

// 1. Create a ClassNode that will contain only required info
val classNode = ClassNode()

// 2. Load the class's contents into the ClassNode, keeping only info that is required to compute `ExtraInfo`:
// - Keep only fields that are non-private constants
// - Keep only methods that are non-private inline functions/accessors
// + Do not filter out private methods because a *non-private* inline function/accessor may have a *private* corresponding method
// in the bytecode (see `InlineOnlyKt.isInlineOnlyPrivateInBytecode`)
// + Do not filter out method bodies
val classReader = ClassReader(classContents)
val selectiveClassVisitor = SelectiveClassVisitor(
shouldVisitField = { _: JvmMemberSignature.Field, isPrivate: Boolean, isConstant: Boolean ->
!isPrivate && isConstant
shouldVisitMethod = { method: JvmMemberSignature.Method, _: Boolean ->
// Do not filter out private methods (see above comment)
method in inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.keys
val parsingOptions = if (inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.isNotEmpty()) {
// Do not pass (SKIP_CODE, SKIP_DEBUG) as method bodies and debug info (e.g., line numbers) are important for inline
// functions/accessors
Expand All @@ -144,54 +167,64 @@ private fun getExtraInfo(classHeader: KotlinClassHeader, classContents: ByteArra
// inline functions/accessors
ClassReader.SKIP_CODE or ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG
classReader.accept(selectiveClassVisitor, parsingOptions)

// Load class contents into a `ClassNode`.
// Note that we'll only load methods that are inline functions/accessors (including private methods -- see comment at the top of
// `getExtraInfo`) as we don't need to snapshot the other methods when computing `ExtraInfo`.
val classNode = ClassNode()
val classReader = ClassReader(classContents)
classReader.accept(SkipMethodClassVisitor(classNode) { it !in inlineFunctionOrAccessorSignatures.keys }, parsingOptions)
// 3. Sort fields and methods as their order is not important

// Snapshot the class excluding its fields and methods and metadata
// 4. Snapshot the class
val classSnapshotExcludingMembers = if (classHeader.kind == KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS) {
// Also exclude Kotlin metadata (see `ExtraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers`'s kdoc)
snapshotClassExcludingMembers(classNode, alsoExcludeKotlinMetaData = true)
} else null

// Snapshot constants
fun FieldNode.isPrivate() = (access and Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0
fun FieldNode.isStaticFinal() = (access and (Opcodes.ACC_STATIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)) == (Opcodes.ACC_STATIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)

val constantSnapshots: Map<String, Long> = classNode.fields
.filter { !it.isPrivate() && it.isStaticFinal() }
.associate { to snapshotField(it) }

// Snapshot inline functions and accessors
fun MethodNode.signature() = JvmMemberSignature.Method(name = name, desc = desc)
val constantSnapshots: Map<String, Long> = classNode.fields.associate { fieldNode ->
// Note: `fieldNode` is a constant because we kept only fields that are (non-private) constants in `classNode` to (fieldNode.value?.let { ConstantValueExternalizer.toByteArray(it).hashToLong() } ?: 0L)

val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots: Map<InlineFunctionOrAccessor, Long> = classNode.methods
.associate { methodNode ->
// `methodNode` must be an inline function/accessor because we loaded only inline functions/accessors into `classNode`
inlineFunctionOrAccessorSignatures[methodNode.signature()]!! to snapshotMethod(methodNode, classNode.version)
val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots: Map<InlineFunctionOrAccessor, Long> = classNode.methods.associate { methodNode ->
// Note:
// - Each of `classNode.methods` (`methodNode`) is an inline function/accessor because we kept only methods that are (non-private)
// inline functions/accessors in `classNode`.
// - Not all inline functions/accessors have a corresponding method in the bytecode (i.e., it's possible that
// `classNode.methods.size < inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.size`). Specifically, internal/private inline functions/accessors may
// be removed from the bytecode if code shrinker is used. For example, `kotlin-reflect-1.7.20.jar` contains
// `/kotlin/reflect/jvm/internal/UtilKt.class` in which the internal inline function `reflectionCall` appears in the Kotlin
// class metadata (also in the source file), but not in the bytecode. However, we can safely ignore those
// inline functions/accessors because they are not declared in the bytecode and therefore can't be referenced.
val methodSignature = JvmMemberSignature.Method(name =, desc = methodNode.desc)
inlineFunctionsAndAccessors[methodSignature]!! to snapshotMethod(methodNode, classNode.version)

return ExtraInfo(classSnapshotExcludingMembers, constantSnapshots, inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots)

/** [ClassVisitor] which skips visiting methods where `[shouldSkipMethod] == true`. */
private class SkipMethodClassVisitor(
* [ClassVisitor] which visits only members satisfying the given criteria (`[shouldVisitField] == true` or `[shouldVisitMethod] == true`).
class SelectiveClassVisitor(
cv: ClassVisitor,
private val shouldSkipMethod: (JvmMemberSignature.Method) -> Boolean,
private val shouldVisitField: (JvmMemberSignature.Field, isPrivate: Boolean, isConstant: Boolean) -> Boolean,
private val shouldVisitMethod: (JvmMemberSignature.Method, isPrivate: Boolean) -> Boolean,
) : ClassVisitor(Opcodes.API_VERSION, cv) {

override fun visitField(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, value: Any?): FieldVisitor? {
return if (shouldVisitField(JvmMemberSignature.Field(name, desc), access.isPrivate(), access.isStaticFinal())) {
cv.visitField(access, name, desc, signature, value)
} else null

override fun visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, exceptions: Array<out String>?): MethodVisitor? {
return if (shouldSkipMethod(JvmMemberSignature.Method(name, desc))) {
} else {
return if (shouldVisitMethod(JvmMemberSignature.Method(name, desc), access.isPrivate())) {
cv.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions)
} else null

private fun Int.isPrivate() = (this and Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0

private fun Int.isStaticFinal() = (this and (Opcodes.ACC_STATIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)) == (Opcodes.ACC_STATIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)


/** Computes the snapshot of a Java class represented by a [ClassNode]. */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,7 +260,7 @@ object ClassNodeSnapshotter {

fun snapshotMethod(methodNode: MethodNode, classVersion: Int): Long {
val classNode = emptyClass()
classNode.version = classVersion // Class version is required for method bodies (see KT-38857)
classNode.version = classVersion // Class version is required when working with methods (without it, ASM may fail -- see KT-38857)
return snapshotClass(classNode)
Expand All @@ -245,10 +278,29 @@ object ClassNodeSnapshotter {

private fun emptyClass() = ClassNode().also {
// A name is required = "EmptyClass" = "SomeClass"

* [DataExternalizer] for the value of a constant.
* A constant's value must be not-null and must be one of the following types: Integer, Long, Float, Double, String (see the javadoc of
* [ClassVisitor.visitField]).
* Side note: The value of a Boolean constant is represented as an Integer (0, 1) value.
private object ConstantValueExternalizer : DataExternalizer<Any> by DelegateDataExternalizer(
listOf(IntExternalizer, LongExternalizer, FloatExternalizer, DoubleExternalizer, StringExternalizer)

fun ByteArray.hashToLong(): Long {
// Note: The returned type `Long` is 64-bit, but we currently don't have a good 64-bit hash function.
// The method below uses `md5` which is 128-bit and converts it to `Long`.
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Expand Up @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ class ClassFileWithContents(
@Suppress("unused") val classFile: ClassFile,
val contents: ByteArray
) {
val classInfo: BasicClassInfo = BasicClassInfo.compute(contents)
val classInfo: BasicClassInfo by lazy {
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Expand Up @@ -248,17 +248,20 @@ object ClasspathChangesComputer {

// IncrementalJvmCache currently doesn't use the `KotlinClassInfo.extraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers` info when comparing
// classes, so we need to do it here.
// TODO(KT-58289): Ensure IncrementalJvmCache uses that info when comparing classes.
// TODO(KT-59292): Ensure IncrementalJvmCache uses that info when comparing classes, so we can remove this code.
val currentClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers = currentClassSnapshots
.associate { it.classId to it.classMemberLevelSnapshot!!.extraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers }
.filter { it.value != null }
val previousClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers = previousClassSnapshots
.associate { it.classId to it.classMemberLevelSnapshot!!.extraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers }
.filter { it.value != null }
previousClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers.keys.intersect(currentClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers.keys).forEach {
if (previousClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers[it]!! != currentClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers[it]!!) {
previousClassSnapshots.forEach { previousClassSnapshot ->
val classId = previousClassSnapshot.classId
val currentClassSnapshotExcludingMember = currentClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers[classId]
val previousClassSnapshotExcludingMembers =
if (currentClassSnapshotExcludingMember != null && previousClassSnapshotExcludingMembers != null
&& currentClassSnapshotExcludingMember != previousClassSnapshotExcludingMembers
) {
// `areSubclassesAffected = false` as we don't need to compute impacted symbols at this step
changesCollector.collectSignature(fqName = it.asSingleFqName(), areSubclassesAffected = false)
changesCollector.collectSignature(fqName = classId.asSingleFqName(), areSubclassesAffected = false)

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Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ internal object KotlinClassInfoExternalizer : DataExternalizer<KotlinClassInfo>

internal object ExtraInfoExternalizer : DataExternalizer<KotlinClassInfo.ExtraInfo> {
private object ExtraInfoExternalizer : DataExternalizer<KotlinClassInfo.ExtraInfo> {

override fun save(output: DataOutput, info: KotlinClassInfo.ExtraInfo) {
NullableValueExternalizer(LongExternalizer).save(output, info.classSnapshotExcludingMembers)
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