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marcpouzet committed Oct 27, 2024
1 parent 0f5979e commit c6a70b4
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Showing 7 changed files with 126 additions and 341 deletions.
149 changes: 50 additions & 99 deletions src/compiler/rewrite/
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Expand Up @@ -15,29 +15,30 @@
(* dead-code removal. *)
(* this is applied to normalized code *)

open Zmisc
open Zident
open Misc
open Ident
open Vars
open Zelus
open Defnames
open Deftypes

(** Dead-code removal. First build a table [yn -> {x1,...,xk}] wich associate *)
(** the list of read variables used to produce yn *)
(** then recursively mark all useful variable according to *)
(** read-in dependences *)
(** An equation [eq] is marked useful when it may be unsafe, that *)
(** is, it has side effets and/or is non total *)
(** For the moment, only combinatorial functions *)
(** are considered safe. *)
(** finally, only keep equations and name defs. for useful variables *)
(** horizons are considered to be useful *)
(* Dead-code removal. First build a table [yn -> {x1,...,xk}] wich associate *)
(* the list of read variables used to produce yn *)
(* then recursively mark all useful variable according to *)
(* read-in dependences *)
(* An equation [eq] is marked useful when it may be unsafe, that *)
(* is, it has side effets and/or is non total *)
(* For the moment, only combinatorial functions *)
(* are considered safe. *)
(* finally, only keep equations and name defs. for useful variables *)
(* horizons are considered to be useful *)
type table = cont Env.t
and cont =
{ mutable c_vars: S.t; (* set of variables *)
mutable c_useful: bool; (* is-it a useful variable? *)
mutable c_visited: bool; (* has it been visited already? *) }

(** Useful function. For debugging purpose. *)
(* Useful function. For debugging purpose. *)
let print ff table =
let names ff l =
Pp_tools.print_list_r "{" "," "}" ff (S.elements l) in
Expand All @@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ let add is_useful w r table =
let mark_useful set table =
let mark x table =
let { c_useful = u } as cont = Env.find x table in
let { c_useful } as cont = Env.find x table in
cont.c_useful <- true;
Expand All @@ -69,9 +70,9 @@ let add is_useful w r table =

let add x table =
let { c_vars = l; c_useful = u } as cont = Env.find x table in
cont.c_vars <- S.union r l;
cont.c_useful <- u || is_useful;
let { c_vars; c_useful } as cont = Env.find x table in
cont.c_vars <- S.union r c_vars;
cont.c_useful <- c_useful || is_useful;
| Not_found ->
Expand All @@ -83,14 +84,14 @@ let add is_useful w r table =
S.fold add w table

(** Extend [table] where every entry [y -> {x1,...,xn}] *)
(** is marked to also depend on names in [names] *)
(* Extend [table] where every entry [y -> {x1,...,xn}] *)
(* is marked to also depend on names in [names] *)
let extend table names =
(fun ({ c_vars = l } as cont) -> { cont with c_vars = S.union l names })
(fun ({ c_vars } as cont) -> { cont with c_vars = S.union c_vars names })

(** Fusion of two tables *)
(* Fusion of two tables *)
let merge table1 table2 =
let add x ({ c_vars = l1; c_useful = u1 } as cont1) table =
Expand All @@ -101,77 +102,32 @@ let merge table1 table2 =
| Not_found -> Env.add x cont1 table in
Env.fold add table2 table1

(** Build the association table [yk -> { x1,..., xn}] *)
let rec build_equation table { eq_desc = desc } =
match desc with
| EQeq(p, e) ->
let w = fv_pat S.empty S.empty p in
(* for every [x in w], add the link [x -> {x1, ..., xn }] to table *)
let r = fve S.empty e in
add (Unsafe.exp e) w r table
| EQpluseq(n, e) | EQinit(n, e)
| EQder(n, e, None, []) ->
let r = fve S.empty e in
add (Unsafe.exp e) (S.singleton n) r table
| EQmatch(_, e, m_h_list) ->
let r = fve S.empty e in
let u = Unsafe.exp e in
(* mark read variables to be useful when [e] is potentially unsafe *)
let table = add u S.empty r table in
let table_b =
(fun table { m_body = b } -> build_block table b)
Env.empty m_h_list in
merge table (extend table_b r)
| EQreset(res_eq_list, e) ->
let r = fve S.empty e in
let u = Unsafe.exp e in
(* mark read variables to be useful when [e] is potentially unsafe *)
let table = add u S.empty r table in
let table_res = build_equation_list Env.empty res_eq_list in
merge table (extend table_res r)
| EQforall { for_index = i_list; for_init = init_list;
for_body = b_eq_list } ->
let index table { desc = desc } =
match desc with
| Einput(i, e) ->
add (Unsafe.exp e) (S.singleton i) (fve S.empty e) table
| Eoutput(i, j) ->
add false (S.singleton j) (S.singleton i) table
| Eindex(i, e1, e2) ->
add ((Unsafe.exp e1) || (Unsafe.exp e2))
(S.singleton i) (fve (fve S.empty e1) e2) table in
let init table { desc = desc } =
match desc with
| Einit_last(i, e) ->
add (Unsafe.exp e) (S.singleton i) (fve S.empty e) table in
let table = List.fold_left index table i_list in
let table = List.fold_left init table init_list in
build_block table b_eq_list
| EQand(eq_list) | EQbefore(eq_list) -> build_equation_list table eq_list
| EQblock _ | EQder _ | EQnext _ | EQautomaton _
| EQpresent _ | EQemit _ -> assert false

and build_block table { b_body = eq_list } = build_equation_list table eq_list

and build_local table { l_eq = eq_list } = build_equation_list table eq_list
(* Build the association table [yk -> { x1,..., xn}] *)
let equation funs table eq =
let { eq_desc } as eq, table = Mapfold.equation_it funs table eq in
let eq, table =
match eq_desc with
| EQeq(p, e) ->
let { v = w } = Vars.pattern { lv = S.empty; v = S.empty } p in
let { v = r } = Vars.expression { lv = S.empty; v = S.empty } e in
(* for every [x in w], add the link [x -> {x1, ..., xn }] to table *)
eq, add (Unsafe.expression e) w r table
| _ -> eq, table in
eq, table

and build_equation_list table eq_list =
List.fold_left build_equation table eq_list

(** Visit the table: recursively mark all useful variables *)
(** returns the set of useful variables *)
(** [read] is a set of variables *)
(* Visit the table: recursively mark all useful variables *)
(* returns the set of useful variables *)
(* [read] is a set of variables *)
let visit read table =
let useful = ref S.empty in
(* recursively mark visited nodes which are useful *)
let rec visit x ({ c_vars = l; c_useful = u; c_visited = v } as entry) =
if not v then
let rec visit x ({ c_vars; c_useful; c_visited } as entry) =
if not c_visited then
entry.c_visited <- true;
entry.c_useful <- true;
useful := S.add x !useful;
S.iter visit_fathers l
S.iter visit_fathers c_vars
and visit_fathers x =
useful := S.add x !useful;
Expand All @@ -181,26 +137,21 @@ let visit read table =
Not_found -> ()
(* look for an entry in the table that is not marked but useful *)
and visit_table x ({ c_useful = u; c_visited = v } as entry) =
if not v && u then visit x entry in
and visit_table x ({ c_useful; c_visited } as entry) =
if not c_visited && c_useful then visit x entry in
(* recursively mark nodes and their predecessors *)
S.iter visit_fathers read;
Env.iter visit_table table;

(** Empty block *)
let is_empty_block { b_locals = l; b_body = eq_list } =
(l = []) && (eq_list = [])

(** remove useless names in write names *)
let writes useful { dv = dv; di = di; der = der; nv = nv; mv = mv } =
(* remove useless names in write names *)
let writes useful { dv; di; der } =
let filter set = S.filter (fun x -> S.mem x useful) set in
{ dv = filter dv; di = filter di; der = filter der;
nv = filter nv; mv = filter mv }
{ dv = filter dv; di = filter di; der = filter der }

(* remove useless names in a pattern *)
let rec pattern useful ({ p_desc = desc } as p) =
match desc with
let rec pattern useful ({ pat_desc } as p) =
match pat_desc with
| Ewildpat | Econstpat _ | Econstr0pat _ -> p
| Etuplepat(p_list) ->
{ p with p_desc = Etuplepat( (pattern useful) p_list) }
Expand All @@ -221,7 +172,7 @@ let rec pattern useful ({ p_desc = desc } as p) =
let p = pattern useful p in
{ p with p_desc = Etypeconstraintpat(p, ty_exp) }

(** Remove useless equations. [useful] is the set of useful names *)
(* Remove useless equations. [useful] is the set of useful names *)
let rec remove_equation useful
({ eq_desc = desc; eq_write = w } as eq) eq_list =
match desc with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,14 +264,14 @@ and remove_local useful ({ l_eq = eq_list; l_env = l_env } as l) =
let l_env = Env.filter (fun x entry -> S.mem x useful) l_env in
{ l with l_eq = eq_list; l_env = l_env }

(** Compute the set of horizons *)
(* Compute the set of horizons *)
let horizon read { l_env = l_env } =
let take h { t_sort = sort } acc =
match sort with
| Smem { m_kind = Some(Horizon) } -> S.add h acc | _ -> acc in
Env.fold take l_env read

(** the main entry for expressions. Warning: [e] must be in normal form *)
(* the main entry for expressions. Warning: [e] must be in normal form *)
let exp ({ e_desc = desc } as e) =
match desc with
| Elet(l, e_let) ->
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/rewrite/
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ open Mapfold
let fresh_x () = fresh "x"
let fresh_m () = fresh "m"

(* Defines a value [let x = e in e_let] *)
let let_value e =
let x = fresh_x () in
Aux.e_letrec [Aux.id_eq x e] (var x)

(* two options - generates let/rec or local/in *)
(* [let rec m = e and x = last* m in x] *)
let let_mem_value e =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +76,17 @@ let expression funs acc e =
| Eop(Eunarypre, [e1]) ->
(* [let rec m = e1 and x = last* m in x] *)
local_mem_value e1, acc
| Eop(Eminusgreater, [e1; e2]) ->
(* turns it into [let m = e1 -> e2 in x] *)
let_value e, acc
| Eop(Eifthenelse, [e1; e2; e3]) ->
(* if [e2] (and [e3]) is stateful, name the result *)
let e2 = if Unsafe.expression e2 then let_value e2 else e2 in
let e3 = if Unsafe.expression e3 then let_value e3 else e3 in
{ e with e_desc = Eop(Eifthenelse, [e1; e2; e3]) }, acc
| Eop(Eup, [e1]) ->
(* turns it into [let x = up(e1) in x] *)
let_value e, acc
| _ -> e, acc

let set_index funs acc n =
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
(* *)
(* *)
(* Zelus, a synchronous language for hybrid systems *)
(* *)
(* (c) 2024 Inria Paris (see the AUTHORS file) *)
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
(* the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement (see the *)
(* LICENSE file). *)
(* *)
(* *********************************************************************)

(* safe/unsafe expressions and equations. *)
(* A computation is safe when it is combinatorial, that is, it *)
(* has no side effect, total and no state *)
open Zelus
open Ident
open Deftypes
open Aux

(* An expression or equation is unsafe if it contains an unsafe operation. *)
let expression funs acc e =
let { e_desc; e_info } as e, acc = Mapfold.expression funs acc e in
if acc then e, acc
let ty = Typinfo.get_type e_info in
match e_desc with
| Eapp { f; arg_list } ->
(* look if (f e1...en) is combinatorial *)
e, (not (Types.is_combinatorial (List.length arg_list) ty))
| _ -> e, acc

let expression e =
let global_funs = Mapfold.default_global_funs in
let funs =
{ Mapfold.defaults with expression; global_funs } in
let _, acc = Mapfold.expression_it funs false e in

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/rewrite/
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Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ type t =
v: S.t; (* variables *)

let pattern { lv; v } p =
let _, { last; current } =
Mapfold.pattern_it funs { empty with last = lv; current = v } p in
{ lv = last; v = current }

let expression { lv; v } e =
let _, { last; current } =
Mapfold.expression_it funs
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