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marcpouzet committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent 999048b commit b358660
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 82 deletions.
173 changes: 91 additions & 82 deletions src/compiler/gencode/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ open Pp_tools
open Printer
open Oprinter

let typ_bool =
{ Zelus.desc = Zelus.Etypeconstr(Lident.Modname (Initial.bool_ident), []);
Zelus.loc = Location.no_location }
let typ_float =
{ Zelus.desc = Zelus.Etypeconstr(Lident.Modname (Initial.float_ident), []);
Zelus.loc = Location.no_location }

let immediate ff = function
| Eint i ->
Expand All @@ -41,8 +47,34 @@ let immediate ff = function

let default_list_of_methods = [Oaux.step; Oaux.reset]

(* Define the data-type for the internal state of a machine *)
(* A prefix "_" is added to the name of the machine to avoid *)
(* name conflicts *)
let def_type_for_a_machine ff f memories instances =
let one_entry ff (n, m) =
fprintf ff "@[mutable %a : '%s@]" name n m in
let i, params, entries =
(fun { m_name = n } (i, params, entries) ->
let m = Genames.int_to_alpha i in (i+1, m :: params, (n, m) :: entries))
memories (0, [], []) in
let i, params, entries =
(fun { i_name = n } (i, params, entries) ->
let m = Genames.int_to_alpha i in (i+1, m :: params, (n, m) :: entries))
instances (i, params, entries) in
(* if the state is empty, produce the dummy state type [unit] *)
if entries = []
then fprintf ff "@[type _%s = unit@.@.@]" f
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>type @[%a@] _%s =@ { @[%a@] }@.@.@]"
(Pp_tools.print_list_r (fun ff s -> fprintf ff "'%s" s)
"("","")") params
(Pp_tools.print_list_r one_entry """;""") entries

(* Print the call to a method *)
and method_call ff { met_name; met_instance; met_args } =
let method_call ff { met_name; met_instance; met_args } =
let m = method_name met_name in
let instance_name ff i_opt =
match i_opt with
Expand All @@ -62,12 +94,12 @@ and method_call ff { met_name; met_instance; met_args } =
instance_name met_instance m instance met_instance
(print_list_r (exp 3) "" "" "") met_args

and var ff left =
let var ff left =
match left with
| Eleft_name(n) -> fprintf ff "@[!%a@]" name n
| _ -> left_value ff left

and left_state_value ff left =
let left_state_value ff left =
match left with
| Eself -> fprintf ff "self."
| Eleft_instance_name(n) -> fprintf ff "self.%a" name n
Expand All @@ -81,20 +113,20 @@ and left_state_value ff left =
fprintf ff "@[%a%s@]" left_state_value left
(Oprinter.state_primitive_access a)

and assign ff left e =
let assign ff left e =
match left with
| Eleft_name(n) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>%a := %a@]" name n (exp 2) e
| _ ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>%a <- %a@]" left_value left (exp 2) e

and assign_state ff left e =
let assign_state ff left e =
match left with
| Eleft_state_global(gname) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>%a := %a@]" longname gname (exp 2) e
| _ -> fprintf ff "@[<v 2>%a <- %a@]" left_state_value left (exp 2) e

and letvar ff n is_mutable ty e_opt e =
let rec letvar ff n is_mutable ty e_opt e =
let s = if is_mutable then "" else "ref " in
match e_opt with
| None ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +173,14 @@ and exp prio ff e =
| Elet(p, e1, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 0>let %a in@ %a@]" pat_exp (p, e1) (exp (prio_e - 1)) e2
| Eletvar { id; is_mutable; ty; e_opt; e } ->
letvar ff id ty e_opt e
letvar ff id is_mutable ty e_opt e
| Eletmem(m_list, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 0>let %a in@ %a@]"
(print_list_r print_memory "" "and" "") m_list (exp 0) e
| Eletinstance(i_list, e) ->
fprintf ff
"@[<v 0>let %a in@ %a@]"
(print_list_r print_instance "" "and" "") i_list (exp 0) e
| Ematch(e, match_handler_l) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v2>match %a with@ @[%a@]@]"
(exp 0) e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,50 +250,17 @@ and pat_exp ff (p, e) =
and match_handler ff { m_pat; m_body } =
fprintf ff "@[<hov 4>| %a ->@ %a@]" pattern m_pat (exp 0) m_body

(* Define the data-type for the internal state of a machine *)
(* A prefix "_" is added to the name of the machine to avoid *)
(* name conflicts *)
let def_type_for_a_machine ff f memories instances =
let one_entry ff (n, m) =
fprintf ff "@[mutable %a : '%s@]" name n m in
let i, params, entries =
(fun { m_name = n } (i, params, entries) ->
let m = Genames.int_to_alpha i in (i+1, m :: params, (n, m) :: entries))
memories (0, [], []) in
let i, params, entries =
(fun { i_name = n } (i, params, entries) ->
let m = Genames.int_to_alpha i in (i+1, m :: params, (n, m) :: entries))
instances (i, params, entries) in
(* if the state is empty, produce the dummy state type [unit] *)
if entries = []
then fprintf ff "@[type _%s = unit@.@.@]" f
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>type @[%a@] _%s =@ { @[%a@] }@.@.@]"
(Pp_tools.print_list_r (fun ff s -> fprintf ff "'%s" s)
"("","")") params
(Pp_tools.print_list_r one_entry """;""") entries

let exp_with_typ ff (e, ty) = fprintf ff "(%a:%a)" (exp 2) e ptype ty

(* Print the method as a function *)
let pmethod f ff { me_name; me_params; me_body; me_typ } =
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>let %s_%s self %a =@ (%a:%a) in@]"
f (method_name me_name) pattern_list me_params (exp 2) me_body
Printer.ptype me_typ

(* create an array of type t[n_1]...[n_k] *)
let array_make print arg ff ie_size =
and array_make : 'a. (_ -> 'a -> _) -> 'a -> _ -> _ -> _ =
fun print arg ff ie_size ->
let rec array_rec ff = function
| [] -> fprintf ff "%a" print arg
| ie :: ie_size ->
fprintf ff "@[<hov>Array.init %a@ (fun _ -> %a)@]"
(exp 3) ie array_rec ie_size in
array_rec ff ie_size

let rec array_of e_opt ty ff ie_size =
and array_of e_opt ty ff ie_size =
let exp_of ff (e_opt, ty) =
match e_opt, ty with
| Some(e), _ -> exp 2 ff e
Expand All @@ -267,6 +273,48 @@ let rec array_of e_opt ty ff ie_size =
"@[<hov 2>Array.init %a@ (fun _ -> %a)@]" (exp 3) ie
(array_of e_opt ty) ie_list

(* Print the allocation function *)
and print_memory ff { m_name; m_value; m_typ; m_kind; m_size } =
match m_kind with
| Ediscrete ->
(* discrete state variable *)
match m_value with
| None ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = %a@]" name m_name
(array_make (fun ff _ -> fprintf ff "(Obj.magic (): %a)"
ptype m_typ) ())
| Some(e) ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = %a@]" name m_name
(array_make exp_with_typ (e, m_typ)) m_size
| Ezero ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = @[<hov 2>{ zin = %a;@ zout = %a }@]@]"
name m_name (array_of m_value typ_bool) m_size
(array_of (Some(Econst(Efloat(1.0)))) typ_float)
| Econt ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = @[<hov 2>{ pos = %a; der = %a }@]@]"
name m_name (array_of m_value m_typ) m_size
(* the default value of a derivative must be zero *)
(array_of (Some(Econst(Efloat(0.0)))) m_typ) m_size
| Ehorizon | Emajor ->
fprintf ff "%a = %a" name m_name (array_of m_value m_typ) m_size

and print_instance ff { i_name; i_machine; i_kind; i_params; i_sizes } =
fprintf ff "@[%a = %a (* %s *)@ @]" name i_name
(array_make (fun ff n -> fprintf ff "%a_alloc ()" name n) i_name)
i_sizes (kind i_kind)

and exp_with_typ ff (e, ty) = fprintf ff "(%a:%a)" (exp 2) e ptype ty

(* Print the method as a function *)
let pmethod f ff { me_name; me_params; me_body; me_typ } =
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>let %s_%s self %a =@ (%a:%a) in@]"
f (method_name me_name) pattern_list me_params (exp 2) me_body
Printer.ptype me_typ

let constructor_for_kind = function
| Zelus.Knode _ -> "Node"
| Zelus.Kfun _ -> assert false
Expand All @@ -278,46 +326,7 @@ let print_initialize ff e_opt =
match e_opt with
| None -> fprintf ff "()" | Some(e) -> fprintf ff "%a" (exp 0) e

(* Print the allocation function *)
let palloc f i_opt memories ff instances =
let typ_bool =
{ Zelus.desc = Zelus.Etypeconstr(Lident.Modname (Initial.bool_ident), []);
Zelus.loc = Location.no_location } in
let typ_float =
{ Zelus.desc = Zelus.Etypeconstr(Lident.Modname (Initial.float_ident), []);
Zelus.loc = Location.no_location } in
let print_memory ff { m_name; m_value; m_typ; m_kind; m_size } =
match m_kind with
| Ediscrete ->
(* discrete state variable *)
match m_value with
| None ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = %a@]" name m_name
(array_make (fun ff _ -> fprintf ff "(Obj.magic (): %a)"
ptype m_typ) ())
| Some(e) ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = %a@]" name m_name
(array_make exp_with_typ (e, m_typ)) m_size
| Ezero ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = @[<hov 2>{ zin = %a;@ zout = %a }@]@]"
name m_name (array_of m_value typ_bool) m_size
(array_of (Some(Econst(Efloat(1.0)))) typ_float)
| Econt ->
fprintf ff "@[%a = @[<hov 2>{ pos = %a; der = %a }@]@]"
name m_name (array_of m_value m_typ) m_size
(* the default value of a derivative must be zero *)
(array_of (Some(Econst(Efloat(0.0)))) m_typ) m_size
| Ehorizon | Emajor ->
fprintf ff "%a = %a" name m_name (array_of m_value m_typ) m_size in

let print_instance ff { i_name; i_machine; i_kind; i_params; i_sizes } =
fprintf ff "@[%a = %a (* %s *)@ @]" name i_name
(array_make (fun ff n -> fprintf ff "%a_alloc ()" name n) i_name)
i_sizes (kind i_kind) in
if memories = []
then if instances = []
then fprintf ff "@[let %s_alloc _ = %a in@]" f print_initialize i_opt
Expand Down

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