- 🔭 I'm currently learning Jetbrains IDE Plugin Development
- 🔭 我现在正在学习 Jetbrains IDE 插件开发
- 🌱 I'm currently planning to learn Kotlin, C#, molecular dynamics, Rust, CSS, game engines(if I have time)
- 🌱 我现在正打算学习 Kotlin, C#, 分子动力学, Rust, CSS, 游戏引擎(有时间的话)
- 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on any interesting projects, if you interested in my projects, please contact me!
- 👯 我想在任何有趣的项目上合作,如果你对我在做的项目感兴趣,请随时联系我!
- ✨ Fun fact: I'm a Minecraft lover and War Thunder player!
- ✨ 趣事:我是个Minecraft玩家和War Thunder玩家!
- Bilibili: BetaFoprhoton
- QQ: 3352564708
- E-mail: [email protected]