It is my understanding that autoload -U
should pull in function definitions for later use, hence the pattern (suggested in man zshcompsys
autoload -U compinit
However, (as determined by much manual testing with ~/.zshrc:1
:zmodload zsh/zprof
and ~/.zshrc:-1
, with no other calls, compinit
is called once per shell startup. Commenting out
:autoload -U compaudit compinit zrecompile
brings this down to 0 and makes shell startup dramatically faster.
The issue is that I further update the fpath
after omz
is loaded, which means that at every shell startup compinit
is run twice: once by omz
because of the reduced count of fpath
functions since last complete startup, and then again after my customizations.
This is wildly annoying and should be resolved with ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX
-- which prevents omz
's explicit compinit
call. However, the autoload
line still runs compinit
for whatever reason.