To reproduce, clone @pchiusano/arcella/@pchiusano/kind-inference-bug blah
, then put the following in a scratch file:
main1 : '{IO, Exception} Text
main1 = Cloud.main do
t = Cloud.submit Environment.default() do
N = 20000
t0 = time.monotonic!
ns = List.range 0 N |> (i -> (tokenize (nat i), i))
_ = MemTrie.fromList ns
t1 = time.monotonic!
t1 - t0 |> Duration.toText
type TokenTrie a
= TokenTrie (Optional a)
(TokenTrie a)
(TokenTrie a)
(Map Bytes (TokenTrie a))
| Empty
Save, then do run main1
, you'll get:
Encountered exception:
[typeConstraintTree] Ref lookup failure: ReferenceDerived (Id "nk9jfsoidsc5h3nhcf1p6528t6c5hqui3hridbvaqnruel4jns3qo6plgups2sgi82c9jgt9ba1qlkum1bdjdgp75h7si2thbo7tcfg" 0)
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Unison/KindInference/Generate.hs:97:22 in unison-parser-typechecker-0.0.0-JliU30UQmMa2dDW5SxUdL:Unison.KindInference.Generate
Tested on mac with version 0.5.32