Note, that while this example shows a specific command that could have a dedicated error message, this suggested ticket is about improving the unexpected server response message generally.
What's the message you're seeing?
Please paste from your terminal or paste a screenshot, e.g:
focus/main> lib.install potions
Oops, I received an unexpected status code from the server.
Here is the request.
{ requestPath =
( BaseUrl
{ baseUrlScheme = Https
, baseUrlHost = ""
, baseUrlPort = 443
, baseUrlPath = ""
, "/ucm/v1/projects/project"
, requestQueryString = fromList
( "name"
, Just "potions"
, requestBody = Nothing
, requestAccept = fromList
[ application/json;charset=utf-8
, application/json
, requestHeaders = fromList []
, requestHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1
, requestMethod = "GET"
Here is the full response.
{ responseStatusCode = Status
{ statusCode = 400
, statusMessage = "Invalid Parameter"
, responseHeaders = fromList
( "Server"
, "nginx/1.24.0"
( "Date"
What would a better version look like?
Sorry, I wasn't able to perform `lib.install`:
The server ( responded
unexpectedly with:
400, Invalid Parameter