I got a sqlite error when attempting this migration:
.blarg> pull-request.load git( git(
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 2...
Starting codebase migration. This may take a while, it's a good time to make some tea ☕️
Updating Namespace Root...
🏗 55717 / ~55717 entities migrated. 🚧
Finished migrating, initiating cleanup.
Updating Namespace Root...
Rewriting old object IDs...
Garbage collecting orphaned objects...
Garbage collecting orphaned watches...
Updating Schema Version...
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 3...
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 4...
🏗 37305 / ~37305 entities migrated. 🚧
🛠 Cleaning up unreachable branches and causals...
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 5...
🕵️ Checking codebase integrity...
Checking Namespace Integrity...
Checking Causal Integrity...
Cleaning up...
🏁 Migration complete 🏁
Importing downloaded files into local codebase...
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 3...
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 4...
🏗 14933 / ~14933 entities migrated. 🚧
🛠 Cleaning up unreachable branches and causals...
🔨 Migrating codebase to version 5...
🕵️ Checking codebase integrity...
Checking Namespace Integrity...
Checking Causal Integrity...
Cleaning up...
🏁 Migration complete 🏁
Importing downloaded files into local codebase...
I checked out git( to base.
I checked out git( to head.
The merged result is in merged.
The (squashed) merged result is in squashed.
Use `diff.namespace base merged` or `diff.namespace base squashed` to see what's been updated.
Use `todo merged.patch merged` to see what work is remaining for the merge.
Use `push git( merged` or
`push git( squashed` to push the changes.
Encountered exception:
{ sql = "SELECT
FROM object
JOIN hash ON object.primary_hash_id =
WHERE hash.base32 = ? COLLATE NOCASE"
, params = ""3e3rc9d77fh8mnjgtn5cvck814p5hc1u9vrkqq5bmkp7v61q2rg2hrloob5kai0hoh990pqt1p7k83vb3f1tcp24lim09f3fn1ttud0""
, exception = ExpectedExactlyOneRowException
{ rows = "[]" }
, callStack = []
, connection = Connection
{ name = "main"
, file = "/Users/cpenner/.unison/v2/unison.sqlite3"
, threadId = ThreadId 351
I copied the codebase which fails to migrate here: