First of all: Thx for your work, I love it :D
But actually I wasn't able to use it for my populated home area with a high density of portals because there are always some links from other people.
Might it possible to implement a feature to feed the algorithm with fixed links as a base for the following random sequence?
Maybe at the end of the portal list beginning with a "+" followed by the linked portals.
For example:
This would be the most important of my wishlist ^^
Another nice feature would be if links could be given as a frontier which mustn't be crossed, e.g. when links from out of the planned area go into the planned one.
Portals for that exclusion list (X-list) could be given like the other ones but with a trailing "-X;" like:
-X;Funny Portal;,1.122333&z=19&pll=1.234567,1.122333 #--> will be X0
-X;Happy Portal;,3.122333&z=19&pll=2.234567,3.122333 #--> will be X1
Followed by X-list which can contain normal portals, too: