What is the current behavior? Describe the bug
The tinymce.get() function doesn't appear to work for the Web Component API.
Please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem via or similar.
// Several editors are on the page at this point.
// The specific one mentioned below is displayed correctly on the page when the code below runs.
// The editor that is being retrieved is not the active instance.
// This ID is set on the tinymce-editor tag. On the <tinymce-editor> tag itself.
let thisTinyMCEEditor = 'oneOfSeveralEditors_1';
let el = document.getElementById(thisTinyMCEEditor);
// Correctly displays a tinymce-editor element:
console.log('el:', el);
let activeEditor = tinymce.get(thisTinyMCEEditor);
// Incorrectly displays "null":
console.log('activeEditor:', activeEditor);
What is the expected behavior?
The editor specified by the ID should be retrieved by the get() function.
Which versions of TinyMCE, and which browser / OS are affected by this issue? Did this work in previous versions of TinyMCE?
At least version 6.0.2. I didn't see any mentioned fix for this in later versions.
Affects Chromium/Firefox.
Suggestion: is it trying to look in the shadow DOM for the tag?