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Tests not running with kitchen-dokken (including in Travis), looking in /tmp rather than /opt #367



Tests are not running via kitchen verify with kitchen-dokken (I haven't tried kitchen-vagrant but i expect they work fine). See for an example

The issue is test-kitchen is looking in /tmp/verifier on the instances for tests, but everything is actually stored in /opt/verifier with kitchen-dokken.

kitchen verify debug output:

redisio $ bundle exec kitchen verify sentinel-ubuntu-1404 -l debug
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.19.2)
D      Berksfile found at /Users/austinheiman/code/, loading Berkshelf
D      Berkshelf 6.3.1 library loaded
D      Berksfile found at /Users/austinheiman/code/, loading Berkshelf
D      Berkshelf 6.3.1 previously loaded
-----> Verifying <sentinel-ubuntu-1404>...
       Creating kitchen sandbox in /Users/austinheiman/.dokken/verifier_sandbox/9033a7797a-sentinel-ubuntu-1404
-----> Busser installation detected (busser)
-----> Busser plugin detected: busser-serverspec
-----> Running serverspec test suite
/opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby -I/tmp/verifier/suites/serverspec -I/tmp/verifier/gems/gems/rspec-support-3.7.0/lib:/tmp/verifier/gems/gems/rspec-core-3.7.1/lib /opt/chef/embedded/bin/rspec --pattern /tmp/verifier/suites/serverspec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --color --format documentation --default-path /tmp/verifier/suites/serverspec
No examples found.

Finished in 0.0003 seconds (files took 0.0485 seconds to load)
0 examples, 0 failures

       Finished verifying <sentinel-ubuntu-1404> (0m0.77s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m1.78s)

So when I run the same command on the instance manually, but use /opt instead of /tmp everywhere, it works:

redisio $ bundle exec kitchen login sentinel-ubuntu-1404 -l debug
D      Berksfile found at /Users/austinheiman/code/, loading Berkshelf
D      Berkshelf 6.3.1 library loaded
D      Berksfile found at /Users/austinheiman/code/, loading Berkshelf
D      Berkshelf 6.3.1 previously loaded
D      Login command: docker exec -it 9033a7797a-sentinel-ubuntu-1404 /bin/bash -login -i (Options: {})
root@dokken:/# /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby -I/opt/verifier/suites/serverspec -I/opt/verifier/gems/gems/rspec-support-3.7.0/lib:/opt/verifier/gems/gems/rspec-core-3.7.1/lib /opt/chef/embedded/bin/rspec --pattern /opt/verifier/suites/serverspec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --color --format documentation --default-path /opt/verifier/suites/serverspec

  behaves like sentinel on port
WARNING: ignoring the provided expectation message argument ({:if=>true}) since it is not a string or a proc.
    enables the redis-sentinel service
    is listening on port 26379

Finished in 0.03449 seconds (files took 0.75687 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures



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