When receiving a HTTP Artifact, I need to use a certificate which is signed with a private certificate authority.
I found a section of code in SAML2\SOAPClient::send method, which theoretically is there to do exactly what I need - load a private CA file to the context of the SoapClient, so that it could be used to verify the certificate:
This code section depends on the $dstMetadata variable, which is the third parameter of the SOAPClient::send method, is supposed to be a SimpleSAML\Configuration, and is optional.
Unfortunatelly, the SAML2\HTTPArtifact object which uses SOAPClient::send when receiving the artifact, doesn't specify this third Configuration argument at all, leaving this $dstMetadata variable empty and causing the peer certificate verification to be skipped:
which is by the way the only use of SAML2\SOAPClient::send method I've found in the simplesamlphp/saml2 package, which would make that verification section of the code never to be used.
Is it intentional? Is something forgotten? Wrongly removed? Is this third Configuration parameter of SOAPClient::send method used in some other package only?
Do you plan to add this possibility to SAML2\HTTPArtifact in any near future?
Is there any way I could currently use this feature to actually load a private CA file and perform the certificate verification against it?