I have a whole bunch of twig files with a ".html" extensions (i.e., "structure.html").
These files are in a directory hierarchy, and many include or extend others.
These were built prior to my adopting Laravel, and so all the calls to include
or extends
specify the full filename and directory (relative to the template base directory).
Example: {{ extends 'main_themes/structure.html' }}
etc., etc.
I would like to ditch all the fancy laravel magic of specifying view names without file extensions, and just be able to specify full file names with extensions, so all the templates don't have to be reworked. (These template files are in a library that is also shared by code that isn't coming out of laravel, and thus needs to specify full filenames; I'd like to continue to share the code this way).
I can get around this by loading the Twig environment myself directly,, but then I don't get the benefit of all the extensions and Laravel functions that TwigBridge automatically includes, as well as its automatic injection of certain data into the views.
Is there any way to achieve this?
I'm aware of using
View::addExtension('html', 'twig');
which lets me use both .html and .twig files and load them with laravel view functions and inside the templates (without the extension), but this still doesn't let me just leave the full filenames in there.
I also tried
'View::addExtension('', 'twig'); (adding an empty string as extension), but that didn't seem to work, nor did escaping the dots with backslashes (
return view('main_themes/theme.html');`, etc.).
(N.B. I have found that using a '/' as directory separator instead of a dot ('.') does work; which is nice, and useful, but still doesn't solve the problem.)