Hi! Tobler is awesome! Thank you for all the work!
I am aggregating census count data from the census-tract level to the congressional district level. Using "area_interpolate" this works fine. Thanks!!
Now I'm trying to improve this using the NLCD data and "masked_area_interpolate". When I do that I get lots of errors of the form:
"CBR: result (after common-bits addition) is INVALID: Self-intersection at or near point..."
"CBR: result (after common-bits addition) is INVALID: Too few points in geometry component at or near point..."
each followed by many many numbers. I've tried projecting both source and target geometries to EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326 and it happens either way.
It continues to run, despite the errors. So I have 2 questions:
- Is there something I should be doing with the data before calling "masked_area_interpolate" that might fix this?
- Will the interpolation still be useful? That is, is masked_area_interpolate going to be an improvement on area_interpolate regardless of all these errors, or should I just stick with the results of area_interpolate until/unless I figure out the errors?