All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Issue 229 - Create new database tables for version d collections
- Issue 234 - Add documentation on collection versioning
- Issue 233 - Create new API parameter for user to specify data version
- Issue 273 - Modify the logging of the timeseries Lambda response object to reduce the log statement size
- Issue 267 - Modify track ingest operations to support new collection versions
- Issue 211 - Query track ingest table for granules with "to_ingest" status
- Issue 212 - Update track ingest table with granule status
- Issue 203 - Construct CNM to trigger load data operations and ingest granule
- Issue 236 - Allow UAT query of CMR to support querying in different venues
- Issue 250 - Handle overlapping times with unique CRIDS
- Issue 251 - Add note to readme to point to documentation
- Issue 258 - Granules with very large feature counts cannot be added to hydrocron
- Issue 235 - Track ingest table can be populated with granules that aren't loaded into Hydrocron
- Issue 248 - Track ingest operations need to query UAT for granule files if track ingest is running in SIT or UAT
- Issue 243 - Fix cases where not all time steps were returned for a feature id
- Issue 205 - Define a an API key for the Confluence workflow and usage plan limits
- Issue 201- Create table for tracking granule ingest status
- Issue 225 - Create one track ingest table per feature type
- Issue 222 - Add operations to load granule Lambda to write granule record to track ingest database
- Issue 198 - Implement track ingest lambda function CMR and Hydrocron queries
- Issue 193 - Add new Dynamo table for prior lake data
- Issue 196 - Add new feature type to query the API for lake data
- Issue 210 - Features with large geometries cannot be loaded
- Issue 186 - Implement API keys to control usage
- Issue 183 - Update documentation examples and provide a brief intro to the timeseries endpoint
- Issue 100 - Add option to 'compact' GeoJSON result into single feature
- Issue 101 - Add support for HTTP Accept header
- Issue 102 - Enable compression for API Responses
- Issue 175 - Update all documentation to point to OPS instead of UAT
- Issue 124 - Log granule name on ingest
- Issue 155 - Log feature ids on database write
- Issue 21 - Create tutorial documentation
- Issue 142 - Add fields to support OPS monitoring and set up indexes to query on them
- Issue 161 - Remove obscure_data option from load data lambdas before OPS loading, add environment variable.
- Issue 169 - 403 Error when accessing grnule through bulk load_data
- Issue 158 - Use Lambda role instead of EDL for s3 connection
- Issue 104 - Prevent nodes from being loaded into the reach table
- Issue 77 - Create UMM-S record for hydrocron
- Issue 89 - Pass headers to timeseries Lambda and test for 'Elastic-Heartbeat' in 'User-Agent' header
- Issue 126 - Capture and log the client IP address
- Issue 24 - Indicate which collection version the data belongs to
- Issue 13 - Add SWORD version from shp.xml to DB entries
- Issue 85 - Add variable units to API response
- Issue 78 - Use a VPC endpoint and policies to access DynamoDB
- Issue 70 - Enable notification of swot shapefile to tva
- Issue 91 - Add CORS headers to API responses
- Issue 79 - Generate data for use by benchmarks
- Issue 88 - There are no CloudWatch logs for the API Gateway
- Issue 13 - Add SWORD version from shp.xml to DB entries
- Issue 125 - Provide better time series Lambda function logging
- Issue 132 - Update documentation for OPS release
- Issue 127 - Return a 400 (not 404) response code and a better error message when there is no data in the start/end dates requested
- Issue 108 - Update collection to 2.0, backload 2.0 data
- Issue 59 - Using GeoDataFrame to work with data returned from db
- Issue 75 - Update log messaging format
- Issue 60 - Encapsulate DyanmoDB under a single shared module
- Issue 60 - Improved error handling
- Issue 39 - Clean up code, removed comments and unused parameters
- Issue 131 - Error message when incorrect time format entered suggests a time format that also fails
- Issue 105 - Only benchmarking data is being loaded even when load_benchmarking_data flag is false
- Issue 44 - Load data lambda only loads the first granule found in the time range
- Issue 116 - CICD will not publish when build run as workflow dispatch
- Issue 146 - Fixed value of URL and RelatedURLs in UMM-S record
- Issue 41 - Update API documentation with query response examples
- Issue 27 - Create lambda function to execute database loading
- Issue 9 - Create API Usage Documentation
- Issue 4 - User guide for how to run database load script manually
- Issue 12 - Move all constants to separate constants file
- Issue 6 - Pylint and Flake8 configured
- Issue 6 - Github Actions
- Issue 8 - Hydrocron API implementation with mysql local database
- Issue 23 - Added github actions with Snyk, pylint, flake8
- Issue 7 - Added actions to build.yml to upload docker container to registry
- Issue 7 - Fixed poetry.lock to account for new vulnerability detected in Synk, given that we are going to remove flask
- Issue 8 - Hydrocron API implementation with dynamodb local database
- Issue 8 - Rearrange database code
- Issue 8 - Rearrange tests
- Issue 8 - Add script to load data
- Issue 18 - Remove Flask
- Issue 52 - Remove partial_f from data columns to obscure
- Issue 42 - Change database query to use time range
- Issue 36 - Request mapping template was not transforming request parameters correctly resulting in 500 internal server errors
- Issue 33 - Obscure data sometimes fails when 1 is chosen multiplier in randomization
- Issue 45 - Fixed columns filtering bug
- Issue 38 - Fix bug: specification does not match actual returned content (csv)
- Issue 45 - Fixed columns filtering bug
- Issue 54 - Fixed output format
- Issue 55 - Fixed cvs with geometry bug
- Issue 62 - Fix mismatch in specification and api
- Issue 64 - Fix bug by parsing just the request query params