All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated versioning in github actions
- Updated dependency libraries
- Migrated into public Github hitide-backfill-lambdas repo
- Combined hitide-backfill-post-step lambda and hitide-backfill-sqs-to-step into one repo
- Update lambda use arm architecture
- Fixed lambdas to make to python 3.9
- Update lambda to use arm architechture
- Updated python version to 3.9, poetry version to 1.5.1, and dependency libraries
- **PODAAC-5274
- Change orm query into raw sql query to get step execution count
- Added cron job to calculate db counts
- Updated python version to 3.9, poetry version to 1.5.1, and dependency libraries
- **PODAAC-5229
- Added Dmrpp columns to tables
- Change way we count how many success and failures
- PODAAC-5127
- Added in ability to create dmrpp workflows and parallelized step function creation.
- PODAAC-4424
- Implementation of hitide backfill post step function lambda.
- add mysql db
- PODAAC-4424
- Implementation of hitide backfill sqs to step function lambda.