A guide to all the functions, structs, and items available in Immolate.
Written by PacManMVC, with additions by MathIsFun_
This program is written entirely in C++ and this doc is not intended to teach you the language, there are other tools for that purpose. The intent is to give insight on what functions serve which purpose, which parameters they require, and what they return, as well as the different structs along with their attributes. A list of all items will also be included.
lock(Item item)
Locks a given item from being rolled.
unlock(Item item)
Unlocks a given item to be rolled.
isLocked(Item item)
Returns a bool
to check if a given item is locked.
initLocks(int ante, bool freshProfile, bool freshRun)
Locks items according to the given ante.
This impacts bosses, tags, jokers, vouchers, and hidden hand planets.
initUnlocks(int ante, bool freshProfile)
Unlocks items according to the given ante.
This impacts bosses and tags.
nextTarot(std::string source, int ante, bool soulable)
Returns an Item
representing the next tarot card generated from a given random source in a given ante.
nextPlanet(std::string source, int ante, bool soulable)
Returns an Item
representing the next planet card generated from a given random source in a given ante.
nextSpectral(std::string source, int ante, bool soulable)
Returns an Item
representing the next spectral card generated from a given random source in a given ante.
nextJoker(std::string source, int ante, bool hasStickers)
Returns a JokerData
representing the next joker generated from a given random source in a given ante.
This has the joker, rarity, edition, and stickers.
Returns a ShopInstance
that has the weights for the different items in the shop.
This takes deck and active vouchers into account.
nextShopItem(int ante)
Returns a ShopItem
representing the next item generated from the shop in a given ante.
This does not support playing cards.
nextPack(int ante)
Returns an Item
representing the next booster pack generated from the shop in a given ante.
packInfo(Item pack)
Returns a Pack
containing a given pack's generic type, size, and choices.
Generic pack types are Arcana, Celestial, Standard, Buffoon, and Spectral.
nextStandardCard(int ante)
Returns a Card
representing the next playing card generated from the shop in a given ante.
This has the base, enhancement, edition, and seal.
nextArcanaPack(int size, int ante)
Returns a vector<Item>
containing the next size
tarot cards from booster packs in a given ante.
This takes Omen Globe into account.
nextCelestialPack(int size, int ante)
Returns a vector<Item>
containing the next size
planet cards from booster packs in a given ante.
nextSpectralPack(int size, int ante)
Returns a vector<Item>
containing the next size
spectral cards from booster packs in a given ante.
nextStandardPack(int size, int ante)
Returns a vector<Item>
containing the next size
playing cards from booster packs in a given ante.
nextBuffoonPack(int size, int ante)
Returns a vector<Item>
containing the next size
jokers from booster packs in a given ante.
isVoucherActive(Item voucher)
Returns a bool
representing if a given voucher is active.
activateVoucher(Item voucher)
Activates a given voucher.
nextVoucher(int ante)
Returns an Item
representing the next voucher generated in a given ante.
setDeck(Item deck)
Sets the instance's deck to the given one.
This activates the respective vouchers for the Magic, Nebula, and Zodiac Deck.
setStake(Item stake)
Sets the instance's stake to the given one.
nextTag(int ante)
Returns an Item
representing the next tag generated in a given ante.
nextBoss(int ante)
Returns an Item
representing the next boss generated in a given ante.
jokerRate - default 20
tarotRate - default 4
planetRate - default 4
playingCardRate - default 0
spectralRate - default 0
eternal - default false
perishable - default false
rental - default false
joker - default Joker
rarity - default Common
edition - default No_Edition
stickers - default JokerStickers
type - default T_Tarot
item - default The_Fool
jokerData - default null
item - default null
weight - default null
type - default null
size - default 0
choices - default 0
base - default null
enhancement - default null
edition - default null
seal - default null
All variable names for items are as close as possible to their in-game names. Spaces and invalid characters for OpenCL variables are replaced by underscores, and items that start with digits use an underscore as a prefix.
Joker, Greedy_Joker, Lusty_Joker, Wrathful_Joker, Gluttonous_Joker, Jolly_Joker, Zany_Joker, Mad_Joker, Crazy_Joker, Droll_Joker, Sly_Joker, Wily_Joker, Clever_Joker, Devious_Joker, Crafty_Joker, Half_Joker, Credit_Card, Banner, Mystic_Summit, _8_Ball, Misprint, Raised_Fist, Chaos_the_Clown, Scary_Face, Abstract_Joker, Delayed_Gratification, Gros_Michel, Even_Steven, Odd_Todd, Scholar, Business_Card, Supernova, Ride_the_Bus, Egg, Runner, Ice_Cream, Splash, Blue_Joker, Faceless_Joker, Green_Joker, Superposition, To_Do_List, Cavendish, Red_Card, Square_Joker, Riff_raff, Photograph, Reserved_Parking, Mail_In_Rebate, Hallucination, Fortune_Teller, Juggler, Drunkard, Golden_Joker, Popcorn, Walkie_Talkie, Smiley_Face, Golden_Ticket, Swashbuckler, Hanging_Chad, Shoot_the_Moon
Joker_Stencil, Four_Fingers, Mime, Ceremonial_Dagger, Marble_Joker, Loyalty_Card, Dusk, Fibonacci, Steel_Joker, Hack, Pareidolia, Space_Joker, Burglar, Blackboard, Sixth_Sense, Constellation, Hiker, Card_Sharp, Madness, Seance, Shortcut, Hologram, Cloud_9, Rocket, Midas_Mask, Luchador, Gift_Card, Turtle_Bean, Erosion, To_the_Moon, Stone_Joker, Lucky_Cat, Bull, Diet_Cola, Trading_Card, Flash_Card, Spare_Trousers, Ramen, Seltzer, Castle, Mr_Bones, Acrobat, Sock_and_Buskin, Troubadour, Certificate, Smeared_Joker, Throwback, Rough_Gem, Bloodstone, Arrowhead, Onyx_Agate, Glass_Joker, Showman, Flower_Pot, Merry_Andy, Oops_All_6s, The_Idol, Seeing_Double, Matador, Stuntman, Satellite, Cartomancer, Astronomer, Bootstraps
DNA, Vampire, Vagabond, Baron, Obelisk, Baseball_Card, Ancient_Joker, Campfire, Blueprint, Wee_Joker, Hit_the_Road, The_Duo, The_Trio, The_Family, The_Order, The_Tribe, Invisible_Joker, Brainstorm, Drivers_License, Burnt_Joker
Canio, Triboulet, Yorick, Chicot, Perkeo
Overstock, Overstock_Plus
Clearance_Sale, Liquidation
Hone, Glow_Up
Reroll_Surplus, Reroll_Glut
Crystal_Ball, Omen_Globe
Telescope, Observatory
Grabber, Nacho_Tong
Wasteful, Recyclomancy
Tarot_Merchant, Tarot_Tycoon
Planet_Merchant, Planet_Tycoon
Seed_Money, Money_Tree
Blank, Antimatter
Magic_Trick, Illusion
Hieroglyph, Petroglyph
Directors_Cut, Retcon
Paint_Brush, Palette
The_Fool, The_Magician, The_High_Priestess, The_Empress, The_Emperor, The_Hierophant, The_Lovers, The_Chariot, Justice, The_Hermit, The_Wheel_of_Fortune, Strength, The_Hanged_Man, Death, Temperance, The_Devil, The_Tower, The_Star, The_Moon, The_Sun, Judgement, The_World
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Planet_X, Ceres, Eris
Pair, Three_of_a_Kind, Full_House, Four_of_a_Kind, Flush, Straight, Two_Pair, Straight_Flush, High_Card, Five_of_a_Kind, Flush_House, Flush_Five
Familiar, Grim, Incantation, Talisman, Aura, Wraith, Sigil, Ouija, Ectoplasm, Immolate, Ankh, Deja_Vu, Hex, Trance, Medium, Cryptid, The_Soul, Black_Hole
No_Enhancement, Bonus_Card, Mult_Card, Wild_Card, Glass_Card, Steel_Card, Stone_Card, Gold_Card, Lucky_Card
No_Seal, Gold_Seal, Red_Seal, Blue_Seal, Purple_Seal
No_Edition, Foil, Holographic, Polychrome, Negative
Arcana_Pack, Jumbo_Arcana_Pack, Mega_Arcana_Pack
Celestial_Pack, Jumbo_Celestial_Pack, Mega_Celestial_Pack
Standard_Pack, Jumbo_Standard_Pack, Mega_Standard_Pack
Buffoon_Pack, Jumbo_Buffoon_Pack, Mega_Buffoon_Pack
Spectral_Pack, Jumbo_Spectral_Pack, Mega_Spectral_Pack
Uncommon_Tag, Rare_Tag, Negative_Tag, Foil_Tag, Holographic_Tag, Polychrome_Tag, Investment_Tag, Voucher_Tag, Boss_Tag, Standard_Tag, Charm_Tag, Meteor_Tag, Buffoon_Tag, Handy_Tag, Garbage_Tag, Ethereal_Tag, Coupon_Tag, Double_Tag, Juggle_Tag, D6_Tag, Top_up_Tag, Speed_Tag, Orbital_Tag, Economy_Tag
Small_Blind, Big_Blind
The_Hook, The_Ox, The_House, The_Wall, The_Wheel, The_Arm, The_Club, The_Fish, The_Psychic, The_Goad, The_Water, The_Window, The_Manacle, The_Eye, The_Mouth, The_Plant, The_Serpent, The_Pillar, The_Needle, The_Head, The_Tooth, The_Flint, The_Mark
Amber_Acorn, Verdant_Leaf, Violet_Vessel, Crimson_Heart, Cerulean_Bell
Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades
_2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace
C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5, C_6, C_7, C_8, C_9, C_A, C_J, C_K, C_Q, C_T
D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5, D_6, D_7, D_8, D_9, D_A, D_J, D_K, D_Q, D_T
H_2, H_3, H_4, H_5, H_6, H_7, H_8, H_9, H_A, H_J, H_K, H_Q, H_T
S_2, S_3, S_4, S_5, S_6, S_7, S_8, S_9, S_A, S_J, S_K, S_Q, S_T
Red_Deck, Blue_Deck, Yellow_Deck, Green_Deck, Black_Deck, Magic_Deck, Nebula_Deck, Ghost_Deck, Abandoned_Deck, Checkered_Deck, Zodiac_Deck, Painted_Deck, Anaglyph_Deck, Plasma_Deck, Erratic_Deck, Challenge_Deck
The_Omelette, _15_Minute_City, Rich_get_Richer, On_a_Knifes_Edge, X_ray_Vision, Mad_World, Luxury_Tax, Non_Perishable, Medusa, Double_or_Nothing, Typecast, Inflation, Bram_Poker, Fragile, Monolith, Blast_Off, Five_Card_Draw, Golden_Needle, Cruelty, Jokerless
White_Stake, Red_Stake, Green_Stake, Black_Stake, Blue_Stake, Purple_Stake, Orange_Stake, Gold_Stake
Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary
T_Joker, T_Tarot, T_Planet, T_Spectral, T_Playing_Card
Macros can be added to the top of a filter file to further customize its settings.
Instead of only printing out seeds generated with the highest score, running this filter will print out any seeds higher than the number specified with -c
#define VER1 1
#define VER2 0
#define VER3 0
#define VER4 14
This set of macros allows you to configure Immolate to search in versions besides the latest version of Balatro.
This example would allow a filter to search in version 1.0.0n (14 represents the letter n).