This is a beginner-friendly tutorial. It shows how to write Haskell programs with a graphical user interface using reflex-dom.
Today most computer programs have a graphical user interface (GUI). However Haskell programs with a GUI are still rare. Haskell programs normally use a command line interface (CLI). For a long time, there were no good options to write GUI programs in Haskell. It is difficult to match the event driven nature of a GUI program onto the functional paradigm. The traditional object oriented way to program a GUI application uses callbacks. These callbacks need a lot of global state and in Haskell managing state is not easy.
To solve these problems the Haskell community developed a lot of new new ideas. One of them is called Functional Reactive Programming, FRP for short. Conal Elliott and Paul Hudak first developed the basic ideas and published them in 2007 in the paper Functional Reactive Animation. On Hackage you can find a lot of different FRP libraries, eg elera, frpnow, grapefruit-frp, netwire, reactive-banana, reflex and many more.
In this tutorial we use reflex and reflex-dom. Reflex is a FRP implementation written by Ryan Trinkle from Obsidian. Reflex is a strong foundation to handle events and values that change over time. Reflex-Dom is built on Reflex and on GHCJS.Dom. It allows you to write GUI programs that run in a Web Browser or as a 'native' application in WebkitGtk. Reflex-Dom was written by Ryan Trinkle too.
Reflex-dom protects you from all the low level details of an FRP implementation. Writing GUI programs in reflex-dom is much fun. You can really write GUI programs in a functional way and you can separate the GUI logic from the business logic. It's not necessary to be a Haskell guru to write programs with reflex-dom. A good understanding of basic Haskell with the concepts of Functor, Applicative and Monad is enough. Of course, the more experience you have, the easier it is.
Normally input functions are impure. Assume a function getChar that reads a single character from the keyboard. For different calls the function getChar normally returns a different character, depending on the key that was pressed on the keyboad . Therefore such a function is not a pure Haskell function. As everybody knows Haskell uses monadic IO actions to avoid impure functions. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) takes an other approach. All potentially impure functions have a time parameter and the FRP system makes sure, that every call to such a function is done with a new and unique time value.
In pseudo code:
getChar :: Time -> Char
getChar 1 -- this returns eg a 'F'
getChar 2 -- this returns eg a 'R'
Everytime you call getChar with a parameter of 1, it will return the character 'F'. However the FRP framework will not allow you to do multiple calls to getChar with the parameter 1.
With this trick, getChar is now a pure function.
In the type declaration of a reflex function the time parameter is always shown explicitely. Normally a type parameter with the name t is used. However it's never necessary to supply this parameter as a programmer when you call the function.
Reflex has 3 main time-dependent data types:
- Event
- Behavior
- Dynamic
A typical type declaration for a function could be:
dispEvent :: MonadWidget t m => T.Text -> Event t ClickInfo -> m ()
Here the t is the time parameter. This parameter is always introduced with a precondition. In our case
MonadWidget t m =>
. The m is normally some monad. ClickInfo would be a user defined Haskell data type.
To call the above function, in some monadic context, you would write:
dispEvent "This is my event" evClick
Events and Behaviors are common data types in different FRP implementations. Dynamics, however, are probably unique in Reflex.
Events occur at some points in time and they carry a value. The most prominent example for events are mouse clicks and pressing keys on a keyboard. The value of a keyboard event is normally the code of the pressed key.
During any given time frame, an Event is either occurring or not occurring; if it is occurring, it will contain a value of the given type. This is shown in the following diagram:
In Reflex the data type Event has the following simplified type:
data Event t a
'a' is the type of the event. I also call the value 'a' the payload of the event. It can be more or less every Haskell data type. Sometimes we will even use functions as event payloads.
Events are the main work horses in Reflex. As we will see, it is very common to transform an event of type a into an event of type b.
The data type Event is an instance of the Haskell Functor type class. This allows easy event transformation with the well known fmap function:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
Later we will see other functions to transform events.
A Behavior is a container for a value, that changes over time. Other than events, Behaviors always have a value. It is not possible to be notified when a Behavior changes.
In Reflex the data type Behavior has the following simplified type:
data Behavior t a
Behaviors can change their values only at time points where events occur. This is shown in the following diagram.
To write a Reflex-dom application we rarely use Behaviors. We use Dynamics if we need values that change over time.
A Dynamic is a container for a value that can change over time and allows notifications on changes. Dynamics are special to Reflex. They are a combination of the types Behavior and Event.
data Dynamic t a
The data type Dynamic is an instance of the Haskell Applicative type class. It is very common to use applicative syntax when working with Dynamics.
In this tutorial, we will use reflex-dom-0.4 and reflex-0.5 both of which are available on Hackage. Unfortunately most of the examples will not compile with earlier versions of reflex-dom!
If you used the reflex-platform to install reflex and reflex-dom, you will have the newer versions.
To write Reflex programs, very often we use some of the following GHC Haskell language extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
We need it, because Reflex uses Text instead of String. The extension OverloadedStrings allows automatic conversion of string constants like "I'm a String" to the correct string type. We don't need to pack and unpack the string constants ourselfs.
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
Sometimes we need to access a value or an event from a DOM element before it is defined. RecursiveDo makes this easy, by extending the do
-notation syntax sugar.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Sometimes the compiler is unable to infer the type of a bound variable in a do-block. Or sometimes we want to document the type of such a variable. This makes it easier to understand the code. With the extension ScopedTypeVariables GHC accepts such type annotations.
In the following example we specify the type of the value name.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "What's your name"
name :: String <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ name
From all the 1001 libraries stored on Hackage, we will use only very few:
import Reflex.Dom
Ok this tutorial is about Reflex.Dom so we should import and use it. It's not necessary to import Reflex. Reflex.Dom re-exports all the needed functions of Reflex.
import qualified Data.Text as T
As mentioned above, reflex-dom uses the data type Text instead of String. So we have to import it!
import qualified Data.Map as Map
Haskell maps are very popular in Reflex-dom. They are used in a lot of functions.
import Data.Monoid
We normally use the function mempty to create an empty map, the function (=:) to create a singelton map and the function mappend rsp (<>) to combine two maps.
Rarely we will use other libraries, eg
- import Data.FileEmbed - library file-embed on Hackage and installed by reflex-platform.
- import Data.Text.Encoding - will be installed with reflex-dom
- import Data.Maybe - part of base
- import Data.Time - part of base
- import Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Widgets - from
- import Control.Monad.Trans - part of base
- import Data.Meteo.Swiss - from
A lot of the following examples could be written with less lines, just by using the monadic functions (>>=), (>>), (=<<), (<<) etc.
Sometimes I use more lines in my code in order to have code that is easier to understand by beginners.
Let's begin with a first simple reflex-dom example. The code is in the file src/count01.hs:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ display =<< count =<< button "ClickMe"
This example uses four reflex or reflex-dom functions:
- mainWidget
- display
- count
- button
Let's look at the types of these functions and what they do:
mainWidget :: (forall x. Widget x ()) -> IO ()
It sets up the reflex-dom environment. It takes an argument of type Widget
and returns IO ()
The type Widget is a little bit scary. However we never really need to work with the details of it.
type Widget x =
Spider (WithWebView x (PerformEventT Spider (SpiderHost Global))))
PostBuildT is a monad transformer. It set's up a monadic environement for reflex-dom. As side effects, some of the reflex-dom functions will create and change the DOM elements. To follow this tutorial you don't need to understand the concepts behind monad transformers.
The function mainWidget has two sister functions mainWidgetWithCss and mainWidgetWithHead. We will see them later.
display :: (Show a, ... ) => Dynamic t a -> m ()
The function takes an argument of type Dynamic t a
and returns unit in the current monad.
It uses the Show instance of the datatype a to build a string representation of its first parameter.
Then it creates a text element in the DOM, where it displays the string.
As mentioned above, the creation of the DOM element is a monadic side effect.
display has a precondition of Show a. It has other preconditions too. If you use mainWidget or one of its sister functions, the other preconditions are normally fullfilled automatically. Thefore I don't show them here and in the most examples to follow..
count :: (Num b, ...) => Event t a -> m (Dynamic t b)
The count function takes an event as argument and creates a Dynamic. In this Dynamic the function counts up the number of times the event occured or fired.
button :: (...) => Text -> m (Event t ())
The button function takes a text as argument. It creates a DOM button element labelled with the text, and returns an event with () as payload.
Now it's easy to understand the whole line mainWidget $ display =<< count =<< button "ClickMe":
- Clicking on the button creates or triggers an event.
- The function count creates a Dynamic value with the total number of these events.
- The function display creates a DOM element with a string representation of this number and displays it as DOM element.
If you installed reflex-platform do the following to run the program src/count01.hs in the browser:
- Navigate into your reflex-platform directory.
- Start the nix-shell by typing
(The first time this may take some time...) - In the nix-shell, navigate into your reflex-dom-inbits directory. You can use normal linux cd commands.
- Compile the program with
ghcjs src/count01.hs
- Open the resulting src/count01.jsexe/index.html file with your browser. eg
chromium src/count01.jsexe/index.html
If you installed reflex with stack, use the command stack exec ghcjs src/count01.hs
and then
open the resulting src/count01.jsexe/index.html file with your browser as described above.
Unfortunately interactive ghcjs does not yet work, if the ghcjs compiler was compiled with GHC 8.0.
If you have installed reflex-platform do the following to run the program src/count01.hs as a native programme:
- Navigate into your reflex-platform directory.
- Start the nix-shell by typing
(The first time this may take some time...) - In the nix-shell, navigate into your reflex-dom-inbits directory. You can use normal linux cd commands.
- Run the program with
runghc src/count01.hs
Till now we used the 2 helper functions button and display to create DOM elements. Reflex has 2 other very frequently used helper functions to create DOM elements:
- text
- dynText
text :: (...) => Text -> m ()
It is very simple: It just displays the text in the DOM. During program execution the text displayed in the DOM never changes. The text is not of type Dynamic t Text but only of Text, hence it is static!!
dynText :: (...) => Dynamic t Text -> m ()
The function dynText does more or less the same as the function text. However, the function argument is of type Dynamic t Text. The text may change during the execution of the program!! We will see some examples later.
Reflex-dom has 2 function families to create all the different kind of DOM elements:
- el, elAttr, elClass, elDynAttr, elDynClass
- el', elAttr', elClass', elDynAttr', elDynClass'
First we will look at the family without the primes ' in the name. We will cover the second function family with the primes in the names in a later section.
This function has the type signature:
el :: (...) => Text -> m a -> m a
It takes a text string with the HTML-type of the DOM element as a first parameter. The second parameter is either the text of the element or a valid child element.
The file src/dom01.hs contains a typical first example and shows basic usage of the function el:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ el "h1" $ text "Welcome to Reflex-Dom"
This will create a header-1 DOM element with the text "Welcome to Reflex-Dom".
<h1>Welcome to Reflex-Dom</h1>
We are now able to create whole web pages. The file src/dom02.hs contains a small example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO()
main = mainWidget $ do
el "h1" $ text "Welcome to Reflex-Dom"
el "div" $ do
el "p" $ text "Reflex-Dom is:"
el "ul" $ do
el "li" $ text "Fun"
el "li" $ text "Not difficult"
el "li" $ text "Efficient"
Try it!!
Unfortunately, this web page is very static, It doesn't react to any input actions of the user. Later, we will learn how make more dynamic web pages.
If you use HTML elements without any values or without a child, you could simply write:
el "br" $ return ()
Because this return ()
is used frequently and we need a $
, there is a little helper with the following definition:
blank :: forall m. Monad m => m ()
blank = return ()
Hence we can write: el "br" blank
With the function el, we can't create a DOM element with attributes, eg a link:
<a target="_blank" href="">Google!</a>
To add attributes, reflex-dom has a function elAttr. It has the type:
elAttr :: (...) => Text -> Map Text Text -> m a -> m a
The function elAttr is similar to the function el, but it takes an additional parameter of type Map Text Text. This parameter contains the attributes of the DOM element. A Map is a key-value relation, In the above link example, target and href are the keys and "_blank" and "" are the values.
The file src/dom03.hs contains an example for elAttr:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ do
el "h1" $ text "A link to Google in a new tab"
elAttr "a" attrs $ text "Google!"
attrs :: Map.Map T.Text T.Text
attrs = ("target" =: "_blank") <> ("href" =: "")
The module Reflex.Dom defines a little helper function (=:) to create a singelton Map.
(=:) :: k -> a -> Map k a
Two singleton maps are then merged / appended with the (<>) operator from Data.Monoid.
The function elClass allows you to specify the name of the class to be used by the Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS).
It has the following type:
elClass :: (...) => Text -> Text -> m a -> m a
The first parameter is again the HTML-type of the DOM element. The second is the name of the CSS class.
A small example:
elClass "h1" "mainTitle" $ text "This is the main title"
<h1 class="mainTitle">This is the main title</h1>
All the above functions allow us to define DOM elements with static attributes. But you cannot change the attributes while the program is running!
With the function elDynAttr, as the name says, you can specify dynamic attributes, that change during program execution. It has the following type:
elDynAttr :: (...) => Text -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text) -> m a -> m a
You guessed it, the first parameter is again the type, and the second is a map with any attribute, you can use for your DOM element. However, this time this map is wrapped in a Dynamic.
To use the function elDynAttr we must somehow create a Dynamic. Reflex has several functions to create Dynamic values. As a first example, we will use the function toggle:
toggle :: (...) => Bool -> Event t a -> m (Dynamic t Bool)
The function toggle create a new Dynamic using the first parameter as the initial value and flips this boolean value every time the event in the second parameter occurs.
The file src/dom04.hs contains an example for the function elDynAttr:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ do
dynBool <- toggle False evClick
let dynAttrs = attrs <$> dynBool
elDynAttr "h1" dynAttrs $ text "Changing color"
evClick <- button "Change Color"
return ()
attrs :: Bool -> Map.Map T.Text T.Text
attrs b = "style" =: ("color: " <> color b)
color True = "red"
color _ = "green"
- We need recursive do: We refer to the event evClick before it's defined.
- dynBool contains our value of type Dynamic t bool. It is created by the toggle function.
- dynAttrs contains the Dynamic t (Map Text Text). It is created with an applicative call to the function attrs.
- The function attrs contains the 'business logic' of this example: It decides on the boolean parameter about the color of the DOM element.
- Please note, that the function attrs is a normal pure function as we know and love them since Haskell kindergarden! So if you have a program that needs some input values, you can easily write a reflex-dom frontend, without changing your logic!
- Transforming a Dynamic value or combining several Dynamic values with the help of applicative syntax and a pure function is a common pattern in Reflex.
The function elDynClass is similar to elClass but here the type of the parameter to specify the name of the CSS class is Dynamic. This allows you to change the CSS-class of the element dynamically during runtime.
The function has the type:
elDynClass :: (...) => Text -> Dynamic t Text -> m a -> m a
With the function elAttr, elClass, elDynAttr, and elDynClass we can reference selectors of CSS style sheets. But with the function mainWidget we have no possibility to specify one or several css files. As mentioned above, mainWidget has two sister function, and they solve this little issue..
This is not a tutorial about Cascaded Style Sheets. Therefore I don't spice up my examples with sexy css. In the next 2 examples, I reference a file "css/simple.css". It contains the most simple css ever possible:
h1 { color: Green; }
It just uses a green color for all header-1 DOM elements.
This function has the following type:
mainWidgetWithCss :: ByteString ->
Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView SpiderHost) (HostFrame Spider)) () ->
IO ()
Again it looks scary. The first parameter is a ByteString containing your css specifications. Normally you don't want to have the css specs embeded in your Haskell program. You want them in a separate file.
On Hackage, there is a library called file-embed. It contains a function embedFile that allows you, during compilation, to embed the contents of a file into your source code. This function uses a GHC feature called Template Haskell. Hence we need the GHC language extension for Template Haskell. And we need an additional import (Data.FileEmbed).
The second paramter of mainWidgetWithCss is just the same thing as the parameter of the function mainWidget, we used for all our examples till now. It's the HTML body element.
The file src/main01.hs contains a full example:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.FileEmbed
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidgetWithCss css bodyElement
where css = $(embedFile "css/simple.css")
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h1" $ text "This title should be green"
return ()
- Template Haskell runs at compile time. If you change something in your css file, you have to recompile and re-deploy your application.
- The path to the css file (css/simple.css in the above example) is used by the compiler and therefore relative to your working directory during compile time. I assume that your working directory is reflex-dom-inbits.
- If the css file does not exist, or the path is wrong, you will get an error during compile time.
The function mainWidgetWithHead has the following type:
mainWidgetWithHead ::
Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView SpiderHost) (HostFrame Spider)) () ->
Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView SpiderHost) (HostFrame Spider)) () -> IO ()
The function mainWidgetWithHead takes two parameters as we know them from the functions mainWidget and mainWidgetWithCss. The first parameter is the HTML head element, and the second parameter the HTML body element.
File src/main02.hs contains the example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.Map as Map
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidgetWithHead headElement bodyElement
headElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
headElement = do
el "title" $ text "Main Title"
styleSheet "css/simple.css"
styleSheet link = elAttr "link" (Map.fromList [
("rel", "stylesheet")
, ("type", "text/css")
, ("href", link)
]) $ return ()
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h1" $ text "This title should be green"
return ()
- We use the function Map.fromList to create the map parameter for the function elAttr.
- The path to the css file (css/simple.css in the above example) is used during run time. It is relative to the directory you run your program from.
- Depending on how you run your reflex-dom program, you have to copy your *.css files to the correct directory.
- If the css file does not exist, or the path is wrong, the browser or WebkitGtk will simply ignore your css specs.
- If you compile your program with ghcjs and run it with chromium src/.jsexe/index.html, your working directory is src/.jsexe. You have to manually copy the directory from reflex-dom-inbits/css to src/.jsexe.
- If you change your css files, the changes become active after a reload of the index.html page in the browser.
- It is possible, to specify other options in your header element.
- Unfortunately you have to annotate the type
:: MonadWidget t m => m ()
for the functions headElement and bodyElement. GHC is not able to infer these types and gives you a not so nice error message. - The title element in the header, will be used in the page tab of your browser.
- Use mainWidget for small examples.
- Use mainWidgetWithCss if you don't want anybody to change your CSS specifications.
- Use mainWidgetWithHead for professional projects.
In this section we will have a first look on how to use events.
Remember the first example src/dom01.hs with the counter. There we used the predefined function count. We will now do the same example, but we handle the events ourselfs with the foldDyn function.
The function foldDyn has the type:
foldDyn :: (...) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Event t a -> m (Dynamic t b)
It works similar to the well known foldr function from the list data type. It first creates a Dynamic with the value specified in the second parameter. Every time an event (third parameter) occurs, it uses the fold function in the first parameter and folds up the values of the event.
File src/event01.hs contains an example for foldDyn
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
rec el "h2" $ text "Counter as a fold"
numbs <- foldDyn (+) (0 :: Int) (1 <$ evIncr)
el "div" $ display numbs
evIncr <- button "Increment"
return ()
Look at the line: numbs <- foldDyn (+) (0 :: Int) (1 <$ evIncr)
- We use the normal addition as a fold function.
- We have to specify the type of the initial value. The compiler does not know whether we want to count up numbers of type Int or Integer or even Float.
- evIncr has the type
Event t ()
. We cannot use () as an argument for the (+) fold function. Therfore we use applicative syntax to replace the event payload () by the number 1. 1 we can use together with our fold function (+)! - This is the first example that uses event tranformation
- We need *recursive do": We refer to evIncr before it is defined.
Please note, that in reflex-dom the implemention of count differs from our example above.
Now we want a second button to decrement our counter. To combine the events of the 2 buttons we use the function leftmost:
leftmost :: Reflex t => [Event t a] -> Event t a
If an event in the array of the first parameter occurs, the function leftmost returns this event. If two ore more events in the array occur simultaneously, the function leftmost returns the leftmost of all the simultaneously occuring events.
File src/event02.hs contains the example:
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
rec el "h2" $ text "Combining Events with leftmost"
counts <- foldDyn (+) (0 :: Int) $ leftmost [1 <$ evIncr, -1 <$ evDecr]
el "div" $ display counts
evIncr <- button "Increment"
evDecr <- button "Decrement"
return ()
Assume, it would be possible to click in the above example both buttons simultaneously. If we click both buttons together, the function leftmost returns only evIncr and we loose evDecr. In situations, where we are not allowed to loose events, we can use the function mergeWith.
The function mergeWith has the following type:
mergeWith :: Reflex t => (a -> a -> a) -> [Event t a] -> Event t a
It uses a function of type (a -> a -> a) to combine the payloads of all simultaneously occuring events.
File src/event03.hs contains the full example:
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
rec el "h2" $ text "Combining Events with mergeWith and foldDyn"
dynCount <- foldDyn (+) (0 :: Int) (mergeWith (+) [1 <$ evIncr, -1 <$ evDecr])
el "div" $ display dynCount
evIncr <- button "Increment"
evDecr <- button "Decrement"
return ()
Now in addition to the increment and decrement buttons, we want a third button to reset the counter to zero. The challenge is this reset: To continue to use normal addition as a fold function, we would have to read out the current value of the counter and replace the reset event with the negative value of the counter. This, however, is very messy!!
A better approach is to use events, that carry functions as payloads. We transform
- the payload of the event of the increment button to the function
(+ 1)
, - the payload of the event of the decrement button to the function
(+ (-1))
, - the payload of the event of the reset button to the function
const 0
As a fold function we then use normal function application ($) to apply the transformed function to the current value of our counter.
File src/event04.hs has the full example:
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Using foldDyn with function application"
rec dynNum <- foldDyn ($) (0 :: Int) $ leftmost [(+ 1) <$ evIncr, (+ (-1)) <$ evDecr, const 0 <$ evReset]
el "div" $ display dynNum
evIncr <- button "Increment"
evDecr <- button "Decrement"
evReset <- button "Reset"
return ()
Using function application as a fold function over a current value is very powerful!! We'll see more examples.
In this section, we look at the standard reflex-dom input elements. They are predefined and easy to use. We already have seen buttons, hence we will not cover them here again.
For most of the input widgets, reflex-dom defines two data structures
- a configuration record
- an element record.
TextInput fields are of the most popular input widgets in GUI applications. They allow the user to enter texual data, eg their name, address, phone and credit card numbers and so on.
The configuration record has the following definition:
data TextInputConfig t
= TextInputConfig { _textInputConfig_inputType :: Text
, _textInputConfig_initialValue :: Text
, _textInputConfig_setValue :: Event t Text
, _textInputConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text) }
and the element record is defined as:
data TextInput t
= TextInput { _textInput_value :: Dynamic t Text
, _textInput_input :: Event t Text
, _textInput_keypress :: Event t Int
, _textInput_keydown :: Event t Int
, _textInput_keyup :: Event t Int
, _textInput_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
, _textInput_builderElement :: InputElement EventResult GhcjsDomSpace t }
The type GhcjsDomSpace originates from a lower level GHCJS library, that is used to build Reflex-dom. You will not use it in your program.
The function to create a text input element is:
textInput :: (...) => TextInputConfig t -> m (TextInput t)
The Haskell library data-default-class defines a type class Default to initialize a data type with default values:
-- | A class for types with a default value.
class Default a where
-- | The default value for this type.
def :: a
It has one single function def.
The data type TextInputConfig is an instance of this type class and the def function is defined like this:
instance Reflex t => Default (TextInputConfig t) where
def = TextInputConfig { _textInputConfig_inputType = "text"
, _textInputConfig_initialValue = ""
, _textInputConfig_setValue = never
, _textInputConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty }
We will see more configuration records. They are all instances of the type class Default.
never :: Event t a
It's an event, that never occurs.
Note the type of the _textInputConfig_attributes: It's Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
To create a Dynamic map we can use the function constDyn:
It takes an value of type a
and returns a value of type Dynamic t a
Of course, a Dynamic created with constDyn will not change while our program is running.
constDyn :: Reflex t => a -> Dynamic t a
TextInputConfig is a normal Haskell record structure with accessor functions. You can use the following code to create a TextInput widget configured with an initial value:
textInput def { _textInputConfig_initialValue = "0"}
However Reflex-dom uses lenses to give us syntactic sugar to populate these configuration records.
With the two combinators (&) and (.~). we can write:
textInput $ def & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "input"
Note that the underscore (_) in front of _textInputConfig has gone.
If you are not familar with lenses, you can use the standard Haskell record syntax.
The first example in src/textinput01.hs is very simple:
A TextInput widget where you can enter some text. The text you entered is immediately shown in a second widget. It uses the dynText function we described earlier and the function value to extract the current value out of the TextInput widget.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Simple Text Input"
ti <- textInput def
dynText $ value ti
In the above example the value ti is of type TextInput.
The function dynText needs an parameter of type Dynamic t Text.
So the function value should have the type: value :: TextInput -> Dynamic t Text
However, this is not quite true! In the section about checkboxes you will see a function again called value. It will have the type:
value :: Checkbox -> Dynamic t Bool
Reflex-dom uses advanced Haskell type level hackery to define this value function polymorphicly. For you it's simple: The function value normally does what you naturally expect! Most of the predefined input widgets are instances of the type class HasValue. Hence most of these widgets support the value function. All of these value functions return Dynamic values.
The next example in src/textinput02.hs shows some examples how to configure a TextInput widget.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Text Input - Configuration"
el "h4" $ text "Max Length 14"
t1 <- textInput $ def & attributes .~ constDyn ("maxlength" =: "14")
dynText $ _textInput_value t1
el "h4" $ text "Initial Value"
t2 <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "input"
dynText $ _textInput_value t2
el "h4" $ text "Input Hint"
t3 <- textInput $
def & attributes .~ constDyn("placeholder" =: "type something")
dynText $ _textInput_value t3
el "h4" $ text "Password"
t4 <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "password"
dynText $ _textInput_value t4
el "h4" $ text "Multiple Attributes: Hint + Max Length"
t5 <- textInput $ def & attributes .~ constDyn ("placeholder" =: "Max 6 chars" <> "maxlength" =: "6")
dynText $ _textInput_value t5
el "h4" $ text "Numeric Field with initial value"
t6 <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number"
& textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0"
dynText $ _textInput_value t6
return ()
In all the above examples we used the contents of the TextInput field immediately when it changed. Sometimes you want to use this contents when the user clicks a button.
tagPromptlyDyn :: Reflex t => Dynamic t a -> Event t b -> Event t a
When the event in the second function parameter occurs, the function returns a new event with the payload of the Dynamic value in the first function parameter. The function tagPromptlyDyn lifts the Dynamic value onto the Event.
holdDyn :: (...) => a -> Event t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
It converts an Event with a payload of type a into a Dynamic with the same value. We have to specify a default value, to be used before the first event occurs.
Look at the last two lines in the file src/textinput03.hs:
- evText is the event that carries the contents of the TextInput as payload
- With the function holdDyn we create a Dynamic. Its value changes on each click on the button.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Text Input - Read Value on Button Click"
ti <- textInput def
evClick <- button "Click Me"
el "br" blank
text "Contents of TextInput on last click: "
let evText = tagPromptlyDyn (value ti) evClick
dynText =<< holdDyn "" evText
Sometimes you want to use the text in the TextInput widget when the user presses the Return/Enter key inside the widget.
keypress :: (...) => Key -> e -> Event t ()
Instead of the button, we use this function to create the event that triggers reading the TextInput value:
The code in src/textinput04.hs is similar to the example above:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Text Input - Read Value on 'Enter'"
ti <- textInput def
el "br" blank
text "Contents of TextInput after 'Enter': "
let evEnter = keypress Enter ti
let evText = tagPromptlyDyn (value ti) evEnter
dynText =<< holdDyn "" evText
Sometimes you want to set the text in the TextInput widget with the value of an Dynamic t T.Text. Remember, reflex-dom is Haskell and we cannot set the value of a widget somewhere in the code. We have to specify this, when we define the widget in our code.
Using the syntactic sugar of the lens library is the easiest way to set the value of a TextInput widget:
ti <- textInput $ def & setValue .~ evText
Here the value evText has the type Event t T.Text
. The text payload of this event will be written
into the TextInput widget. That's it!
If you are not familiar with lenses, just take this as a syntax construct.
File src/textinput05.hs has the example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget body
body :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
body = do
el "h1" $ text "Write into TextInput Widget"
t1 <- textInput def
evCopy <- button ">>>"
let evText = tagPromptlyDyn (value t1) evCopy
t2 <- textInput $ def & setValue .~ evText
return ()
We define two TextInput widgets and a button in between. Clicking the button generates the event evCopy with a unit () as payload. Then we use the function tagPromptlyDyn to create a new event evText, with the value of the first textbox as payload. In the definition of the second TextInput widget we use this event to set the text of the second textbox.
Sometimes you want to have a Reset button to clear TextInput widgets. This is now easy: We use event transformation to create an event with an empty text. The code is in src/textinput06.hs:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget body
body :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
body = do
rec el "h1" $ text "Clear TextInput Widget"
ti <- textInput $ def & setValue .~ ("" <$ evReset)
evReset <- button "Reset"
return ()
We use recursive do because we define the Reset button after the TextInput widget.
TextInput fields have only one input text line. If you want several input lines, you must use TextAreas.
TextAreas are built in the same way as TextInput fields: There is a configuration record and a data record. They are similar to the record for TextInput fields. The names are different: _textInput is replaced by _textArea.
With the TextInput and TextArea widgets we are now able to write our first usefull GUI program in Haskell: It is a RGB color viewer. We enter the 3 color components, and the program shows us the resulting RGB color.
The file src/colorviewer.hs contains the example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "RGB Viewer"
el "div" $ text "Enter RGB component values as numbers between 0 and 255"
dfsRed <- labledBox "Red: "
dfsGreen <- labledBox "Green: "
dfsBlue <- labledBox "Blue: "
textArea $
def & attributes .~ (styleMap <$> value dfsRed <*> value dfsGreen <*> value dfsBlue)
return ()
labledBox :: MonadWidget t m => T.Text -> m (TextInput t)
labledBox lbl = el "div" $ do
text lbl
textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number"
& textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0"
styleMap :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Map T.Text T.Text
styleMap r g b = "style" =: mconcat ["background-color: rgb(", r, ", ", g, ", ", b, ")"]
As soon as you change the value in one of the TextInput fields, the background color of the TextArea widget changes!
- The function labledBox combines a TextInput field with a label.
- The interesting thing happens in the line
styleMap <$> value dfsRed <*> value dfsGreen <*> value dfsBlue
. We again use applicative syntax to call the function styleMap with the current values of our 3 input fields. - The function styleMap contains our 'business logic'. It creates the correct string to color the resulting TextArea widget.
- The function styleMap is again a normal, simple, pure Haskell function!
- The example shows, how to process the input of several TextInput fields
Checkboxes are rather simple, therefore the configuration and the element records are simple too.
The configuration record:
data CheckboxConfig t
= CheckboxConfig { _checkboxConfig_setValue :: Event t Bool
, _checkboxConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text) }
The Default instance:
instance Reflex t => Default (CheckboxConfig t) where
def = CheckboxConfig { _checkboxConfig_setValue = never
, _checkboxConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty }
The element function:
checkbox :: (...) => Bool -> CheckboxConfig t -> m (Checkbox t)
The first pramameter is the initial state of the checkbox: True for checked, False for unchecked.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Checkbox (Out of the box)"
cb <- checkbox True def
text "Click me"
el "p" blank
let dynState = checkedState <$> value cb
dynText dynState
checkedState :: Bool -> T.Text
checkedState True = "Checkbox is checked"
checkedState _ = "Checkbox is not checked"
As mentioned above, here the function value is used with the type signature: value :: Checkbox -> Dynamic t Bool
This is the most simple way to create and use a checkbox. However, you have to click exactly into the small square to change the state of the checkbox. When you click at the label Click me it does not change it's state. This is not user friendly!
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
main = mainWidget $ el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Checkbox - User friendly"
cb <- el "label" $ do
cb1 <- checkbox True def
text "Click me"
return cb1
el "p" blank
let dynState = checkedState <$> value cb
dynText dynState
checkedState :: Bool -> T.Text
checkedState True = "Checkbox is checked"
checkedState _ = "Checkbox is not checked"
This example shows how to fix the issue with checkbox01.hs. We create a combined widget: The checkbox element is a child of a label element. The result of the combined widget is the checkbox.
It works now as expected: To change the state of the checkbox, you can either click into the small square or at the text Click me
Unfortunately basic reflex-dom does not contain a simple predefined function to create radio buttons. We will learn how to write our own radio button function later in the chapter Defining your own events.
However there is a library reflex-dom-contrib on Github:
This library also defines a configuration record and a widget record.
The configuration record is defined as:
data WidgetConfig t a
= WidgetConfig { _widgetConfig_setValue :: Event t a
, _widgetConfig_initialValue :: a
, _widgetConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
The widget record is defined as:
data HtmlWidget t a = HtmlWidget
{ _hwidget_value :: Dynamic t a
-- ^ The authoritative value for this widget.
, _hwidget_change :: Event t a
-- ^ Event that fires when the widget changes internally (not via a
-- setValue event).
, _hwidget_keypress :: Event t Int
, _hwidget_keydown :: Event t Int
, _hwidget_keyup :: Event t Int
, _hwidget_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
From this library we use the function radioGroup:
radioGroup :: (Eq a, ...) => Dynamic t T.Text -> Dynamic t [(a, T.Text)] -> GWidget t m (Maybe a)
Remember: In HTML a radio button in a list looks like:
<li><input type="radio" name="size" value="Large">LARGE</li>
The first parameter of the function radioGroup is a Dynamic T.Text that is used to create the name attribute (size in the above HTML).
The second parameter of the function radioGroup takes a list of tuples. The left component of one tuple contains a value. This value will be the payload of the event, that is created when the radio button is clicked. The type of this value must be an instance of the Eq type class. The right component of the tuple will be used as label of the radio button.
The function radioGroup returns a value of type GWidget. The documentation for the function radioGroup says: Radio group in a 'GWidget' interface (function from 'WidgetConfig' to 'HtmlWidget' ). Hence we have to add a WidgetConfig value, that will be consumed by the resulting function of radioGroup
The final result is of type HtmlWidget.
File src/radio01.hs shows the details
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Widgets.Common
import Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Widgets.ButtonGroup
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Radio Buttons from the Contrib Library"
rbs :: HtmlWidget t (Maybe Selection) <-
(constDyn "size")
(constDyn [(Small, "small"), (Medium, "Medium"), (Large, "LARGE")])
WidgetConfig { _widgetConfig_initialValue = Nothing
, _widgetConfig_setValue = never
, _widgetConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty}
text "Result: "
display (translate <$> _hwidget_value rbs)
return ()
-- | A data type for the different choices
data Selection = Small | Medium | Large
deriving Eq
-- | Helper function to translate a Selection to an Text value containing a number
translate :: Maybe Selection -> T.Text
translate Nothing = "0"
translate (Just Small) = "10"
translate (Just Medium) = "50"
translate (Just Large) = "800"
- If you use the debugger or inspector of your web browser, you will see, that the function radioGroup does not pack the radio buttons into a HTML list. It packs them into a HTML table.
- The type annotation in the line
rbs :: HtmlWidget t (Maybe Selection) <- radioGroup ...
is not necessary. I added it, so you can immediately see the type. - Again we use applicative syntax and a pure Haskell function to transform the rbs value to a dynamic text.
- Again translating the Selection to our result string (the business logic) is done with a simple pure function!
- Radio buttons from the contrib library are userfriendly: To check, you can either click on the small circle or on the label.
A DropDown allows you to select items from a predefined list. Normally you only see the selected item. When you click on the little down array, the dropdown widget presents a list of possible values and you can choose one.
DropDowns are defined in the basic reflex-dom library. We don't need the contrib library to use them.
DropDowns also have a configuration record that supports the Default instance and an element record:
The configuration record:
data DropdownConfig t k
= DropdownConfig { _dropdownConfig_setValue :: Event t k
, _dropdownConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
The default instance:
instance Reflex t => Default (DropdownConfig t k) where
def = DropdownConfig { _dropdownConfig_setValue = never
, _dropdownConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty
The element record:
data Dropdown t k
= Dropdown { _dropdown_value :: Dynamic t k
, _dropdown_change :: Event t k
The dropdown function has the following type:
dropdown :: (Ord k, ...) => k
-> Dynamic t (Map.Map k Text)
-> DropdownConfig t k
-> m (Dropdown t k)
Let's start with the second parameter: It's a map. The keys of type k of this map identify the values. The Text values will be shown in the dropdown to the user. The values will be presented in the order of the keys. In the example below, the keys are of type Int.
The first parameter is the key of the item, that is initially selected. In the example below it's the 2. Hence the dropdown shows Switzerland.
The file src/dropdown01.hs has the example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid((<>))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)extInpu
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Dropdown"
text "Select country "
dd <- dropdown 2 (constDyn countries) def
el "p" $ return ()
let selItem = result <$> value dd
dynText selItem
countries :: Map.Map Int T.Text
countries = Map.fromList [(1, "France"), (2, "Switzerland"), (3, "Germany"), (4, "Italy"), (5, "USA")]
result :: Int -> T.Text
result key = "You selected: " <> fromJust (Map.lookup key countries)
Let's look at the line let selItem = result <$> value dd
In our example the expression value dd returns an element of the type Int.
If the user chooses "Germany" this expression evaluates to 3. This is the map-key of the selected item.
To print out the selected item, we use the function result to look up this key in our map.
If you use the function dropdown with a first parameter that is missing as key in the map of the second parameter, reflex will add a (key,value) pair with this missing key and an empty text string. Hence the use of Map.lookup is not dangerous!
Ranges allow the user to select a value from a range of values.
Ranges again have a configuration and an element record. The configuration record is an instance of the Default type class.
The configuration record:
data RangeInputConfig t
= RangeInputConfig { _rangeInputConfig_initialValue :: Float
, _rangeInputConfig_setValue :: Event t Float
, _rangeInputConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
The Default instance:
instance Reflex t => Default (RangeInputConfig t) where
def = RangeInputConfig { _rangeInputConfig_initialValue = 0
, _rangeInputConfig_setValue = never
, _rangeInputConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty
The element record:
data RangeInput t
= RangeInput { _rangeInput_value :: Dynamic t Float
, _rangeInput_input :: Event t Float
, _rangeInput_mouseup :: Event t (Int, Int)
, _rangeInput_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
, _rangeInput_element :: HTMLInputElement
The example in src/range01 uses default values for everything:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Range Input"
rg <- rangeInput def
el "p" blank
display $ _rangeInput_value rg
return ()
As you can see, the default range goes from 0 to 100.
The next example in src/range02.hs allows the user to select numbers in the range of -100 to +100. We have to set the minimum attribute to -100.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Range Input"
rg <- rangeInput $ def & attributes .~ constDyn ("min" =: "-100")
el "p" blank
display $ _rangeInput_value rg
return ()
Depending on your version of RangeInput, it does not support the HasValue type class. The HasValue class was added end of March 2017. If your version is older, you cannot use the value function. However in all versions you can use the _rangeInput_value function!
The next example from src/range03.hs allows only numbers from -100 to +100 in steps from 10. We add ticks above the values of -30, 0 and 50:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "Range Input"
rg <- rangeInput $ def & attributes .~ constDyn
("min" =: "-100" <> "max" =: "100" <> "value" =: "0" <> "step" =: "10" <> "list" =: "powers" )
elAttr "datalist" ("id" =: "powers") $ do
elAttr "option" ("value" =: "0") blank
elAttr "option" ("value" =: "-30") blank
elAttr "option" ("value" =: "50") blank
el "p" blank
display $ _rangeInput_value rg
return ()
It generates the following HTML:
<input type="range" min="-100" max="100" value="0" step="10" name="power" list="powers">
<datalist id="powers">
<option value="0">
<option value="-30">
<option value="+50">
In this section of the tutorial, we will look at the second function family to create DOM elements. The names of these functions all end with a prime ('). They take the same parameters and work similar as the functions without the prime in the name, but they give you more power!
As an example we look at the difference between el and el'. Similar facts hold for the other functions.
The unprimed version el creates a DOM element, but does not give access to the created element:
el :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> m a -> m a
With the primed function el' we get access to the created DOM element:
el' :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> m a -> m (Element EventResult (DomBuilderSpace m) t, a)
Again the type of el' is a little bit scary!
Without going into details, we see that the primed function el' takes the same arguments as the unprimed function el.
We can simplify the type of el' to
el' :: (...) => Text -> m a -> m (Element, a)
It returns a tuple (Element, a): The first value of this tuple is the DOM element, the second value is (ignoring monadic wrapping) the second parameter of the el' function.
With access to the DOM element, we are now able to add events to our widgets. The next section shows the details.
When we use the unprimed version of el to define a button
el "button" $ text "Click me"
we get a button, but when clicked, it will not create any events.
With the return value of the primed version(el'), and with the help of the function domEvent we are now able to add events to DOM elements:
button :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> m (Event t ())
button t = do
(e, _) <- el' "button" $ text t
return $ domEvent Click e
Please note, that reflex-dom uses a slightly different definition.
The function domEvent takes an event name as a first parameter and an element as a second parameter, and returns an event of a variable type.
Reflex-dom uses some advanced type hackery like TypeFamilies to create events of variable types depending of the event name.
domEvent Click e
returns an event of type ()domEvent Mousedown e
returns an event of type (Int,Int) with the mouse coordinates.
This is defined in the module Reflex.Dom.Builder.Class.Events:
- The data type EventName lists the possible event names.
- The type family EventResultType defines the type of the resulting event.
In a lot of web shops you must check a checkbox to accept the business conditions like "low quality at high prices". If you don't accept the conditions, the order button is disabled and you cannot order! We are now able to define the checkbox, the button and the logic to enable or disable the button.
File src/button01.hs contains the code:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Button enabled / disabled"
cb <- el "label" $ do
cb1 <- checkbox True def
text "Enable or Disable the button"
return cb1
el "p" blank
counter :: Dynamic t Int <- count =<< disaButton (_checkbox_value cb) "Click me"
el "p" blank
display counter
-- | A button that can be enabled and disabled
disaButton :: MonadWidget t m
=> Dynamic t Bool -- ^ enable or disable button
-> T.Text -- ^ Label
-> m (Event t ())
disaButton enabled label = do
let attrs = ffor enabled $ \e -> monoidGuard (not e) $ "disabled" =: "disabled"
(btn, _) <- elDynAttr' "button" attrs $ text label
pure $ domEvent Click btn
-- | A little helper function for data types in the *Monoid* type class:
-- If the boolean is True, return the first parameter, else return the null or empty element of the monoid
monoidGuard :: Monoid a => Bool -> a -> a
monoidGuard p a = if p then a else mempty
The function disaButton contains the main logic. It takes a Dynamic Bool, which indicates whether the button should be enabled or disabled.
ffor is like fmap but with flipped parameters: ffor :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
We are now able to write our own function to create radio buttons. File src/radio02.hs has the code:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid((<>))
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Own Radio buttons"
let group = "g"
let dynAttrs = styleMap <$> dynColor
evRad1 <- radioBtn "orange" group Orange dynAttrs
evRad2 <- radioBtn "green" group Green dynAttrs
evRad3 <- radioBtn "red" group Red dynAttrs
let evRadio = (T.pack . show) <$> leftmost [evRad1, evRad2, evRad3]
dynColor <- holdDyn "lightgrey" evRadio
return ()
data Color = White | Red | Orange | Green
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Helper function to create a radio button
radioBtn :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadWidget t m) => T.Text -> T.Text -> a -> Dynamic t (Map.Map T.Text T.Text)-> m (Event t a)
radioBtn label group rid dynAttrs = do
el "br" blank
ev <- elDynAttr "label" dynAttrs $ do
(rb1, _) <- elAttr' "input" ("name" =: group <> "type" =: "radio" <> "value" =: T.pack (show rid)) blank
text label
return $ domEvent Click rb1
return $ rid <$ ev
styleMap :: T.Text -> Map.Map T.Text T.Text
styleMap c = "style" =: ("background-color: " <> c)
- The function radioBtn contains the logic to create a radio button.
- Like the previous radio button example with the function radioGroup from the contrib library, it uses an user defined datatype as payload for the click event.
- Maybe you want to add an additonal Boolean parameter to specify whether a radio button is initially checked.
- Similar to the checkbox example, these radio buttons are userfriendly. You can click on the circle or on the label.
- Depending on the checked radio button, the background color of the whole radio button changes.
- Again we use event transformation.
- We use the reflex function holdDyn to convert an Event to a Dynamic value.
In a reflex-dom program a lot of code works with events. In big programs you may get lost. To help you out, there are two reflex functions traceEvent and traceEventWith. They allow you to trace events.
The function traceEvent has the following type:
traceEvent :: (Reflex t, Show a) => String -> Event t a -> Event t a
It takes a String (not a Text!) and an Event with a payload of type a and returns a new unmodified Event with the same payload. The type a must have a Show instance. When the event occurs, it creates a trace entry with the string and the payload of the event using the show function.
If the type of your payload is not an instance of Show or the string produced by the show function is far to long you can use the traceEventWith function. It has the type:
traceEventWith :: Reflex t => (a -> String) -> Event t a -> Event t a
Instead of using the Show instance, you provide a custom function to get a string representation of the payload.
In the reflex source code both functions have the following comment:
-- Note: As with Debug.Trace.trace, the message will only be printed if the
-- 'Event' is actually used.
It's not specified explicitely, but you have to use / consume the new event returned by the traceEvent/traceEventWith function. Use or consume the event means, that this event or a transformed child event must finally have some effect in the DOM.
Let's add tracing to the above radio button example. Here I show only the bodyElement function, the rest is unmodified. The full code is in src/trace01.hs.
bodyElement = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Some Tracing"
let group = "g"
let dynAttrs = styleMap <$> dynColor
evRad1 <- radioBtn "orange" group Orange dynAttrs
evRad2 <- radioBtn "green" group Green dynAttrs
evRad3 <- radioBtn "red" group Red dynAttrs
let evRadio = (T.pack . show) <$> leftmost [evRad1, evRad2, evRad3]
-- added line:
let evRadioT = traceEvent ("Clicked rb in group " <> T.unpack group) evRadio
-- modified line: evRadioT instead of evRadio
dynColor <- holdDyn "lightgrey" evRadioT
return ()
Here is an example of my test output (from WebkitGtk):
Clicked radio button in group g: "Orange"
Clicked radio button in group g: "Green"
Clicked radio button in group g: "Red"
- If you use a browser, you can see the trace output in your browser-console.
- If you use WebkitGtk, the trace output is routed to stderr.
- Look at the modified line staring with
: If you change back to the event evRadio tracing will no longer work. You have to use evRadioT returned by the traceEvent function!!
Similar to Events you can also trace Dynamics. The names and types of the functions are:
traceDyn :: (Reflex t, Show a) => String -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t a
traceDynWith :: Reflex t => (a -> String) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t a
They work similar to the traceEvent and traceEventWith functions. Everytime the Dynamic value changes a trace entry will be created. Also the new created Dynamic value must finally be used for an effect in the DOM.
A timer will send you always an event after a predefined amount of time has expired. Reflex-dom has two timer functions tickLossy and tickLossyFrom. The function tickLossyFrom is used only in applications where you need several parallel timers. Normally you will use tickLossy. It will start sending events immediately after the startup of your application. It has the following type
tickLossy :: (...) => NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime -> m (Event t TickInfo)
The types NominalDiffTime and UTCTime are defined in the basic GHC library time. To use them, we need to import Data.Time.
The first parameter NominalDiffTime is the length of the time interval between two events. It is measured in seconds. The second parameter is an UTCTime. I never really found out what it's used for. You can give an arbitrary data-time field. Normally I use current time.
The result is a series of Events. Their payload is the data structure TickInfo:
data TickInfo
= TickInfo { _tickInfo_lastUTC :: UTCTime
-- ^ UTC time immediately after the last tick.
, _tickInfo_n :: Integer
-- ^ Number of time periods since t0
, _tickInfo_alreadyElapsed :: NominalDiffTime
-- ^ Amount of time already elapsed in the current tick period.
Both functions tickLossy and tickLossyFrom have the term lossy in their name: If the system starts running behind, occurrences of events will be dropped rather than buffered.
A simple example is in the file src/timer01.hs:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.Time
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget bodyElement
bodyElement :: MonadWidget t m => m()
bodyElement = do
el "h2" $ text "A Simple Clock"
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
evTick <- tickLossy 1 now
let evTime = (T.pack . show . _tickInfo_lastUTC) <$> evTick
dynText =<< holdDyn "No ticks yet" evTime
In the next examples we will send requests to a Web server and process the responses in reflex-dom.
Note: The following examples run only in the browser, but not in WebkitGtk. There are some security issues with the same-origin security policy and with cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). Please inform me, if you know how to overcome this issue.
To send a request we need a data structure called XhrRequest
data XhrRequest a
= XhrRequest { _xhrRequest_method :: Text
, _xhrRequest_url :: Text
, _xhrRequest_config :: XhrRequestConfig a
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Functor)
Again this needs a configuration record:
data XhrRequestConfig a
= XhrRequestConfig { _xhrRequestConfig_headers :: Map Text Text
, _xhrRequestConfig_user :: Maybe Text
, _xhrRequestConfig_password :: Maybe Text
, _xhrRequestConfig_responseType :: Maybe XhrResponseType
, _xhrRequestConfig_sendData :: a
, _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials :: Bool
, _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders :: XhrResponseHeaders
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Functor)
and again this configuration record is an instance of the type class Default
instance a ~ () => Default (XhrRequestConfig a) where
def = XhrRequestConfig { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = Map.empty
, _xhrRequestConfig_user = Nothing
, _xhrRequestConfig_password = Nothing
, _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = Nothing
, _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = ()
, _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False
, _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = def
To send a request to the server, we use the function
performRequestAsync :: (...) => Event t (XhrRequest a) -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
So we have to pack a XhrRequest into an Event. Of course we'll again use event transformation to accomplish this. Sending the request does not block our reflex-dom frontend. When the response arrives from the server, we just get an 'Event t XhrRespone'
The data type XhrResponse is defined as:
data XhrResponse
= XhrResponse { _xhrResponse_status :: Word
, _xhrResponse_statusText :: Text
, _xhrResponse_response :: Maybe XhrResponseBody
, _xhrResponse_responseText :: Maybe Text
, _xhrResponse_headers :: Map Text Text
deriving (Typeable)
The type XhrResponseBody is defined as:
data XhrResponseBody = XhrResponseBody_Default Text
| XhrResponseBody_Text Text
| XhrResponseBody_Blob Blob
| XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer ByteString
deriving (Eq)
If you want to write rock solid software, you should use the function performRequestAsyncWithError instead of performRequestAsync. It has the following type:
performRequestAsyncWithError :: (...) => Event t (XhrRequest a) -> m (Event t (Either XhrException XhrResponse))
In case of error you get back a XhrException value. It's defined like:
data XhrException = XhrException_Error
| XhrException_Aborted
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
To keep my examples small, I'll only use performRequestAsync.
This is a little helper function we use in the next example. It has the type:
getPostBuild :: PostBuild t m => m (Event t ())
It generates a single event at the time the HTML page has been created. It's similar to the HTML onload.
As an example server we'll use a Web service, that returns the measurement data of the last 10 minutes of automatic meteo stations. This Web service has some advantages:
- You can just use this service. It's not necessary to register with your e-mail address.
- It's very simple: There are only 2 different requests and responses.
- It returns the data in JSON format.
For the first example we use a dropdown with a fixed list of stations:
- Bern the captal:
- Zurich, the main city:
- Jungfraujoch, called Top of Europe with 3454 meters above sea level really high in the Swiss mountains
- Zermatt, the world famous mountain resort at the bottom of the Matterhorn:
- Binn, a small and very lovely mountain village, far off mainstream tourism:
Every meteo station has a 3-letter code eg "BER" for Bern. We send this 3-letter code to the server and it returns a JSON string wih the measured data. To start, we just show this JSON string as it is, without any nice formatting.
The code is in the file src/xhr01.hs:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget body
body :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
body = el "div" $ do
el "h2" $ text "Swiss Meteo Data (raw version)"
text "Choose station: "
dd <- dropdown "BER" (constDyn stations) def
-- Build and send the request
evStart <- getPostBuild
let evCode = tagPromptlyDyn (value dd) $ leftmost [ () <$ _dropdown_change dd, evStart]
evRsp <- performRequestAsync $ buildReq <$> evCode
-- Display the whole response
el "h5" $ text "Response Text:"
let evResult = (fromMaybe "" . _xhrResponse_responseText) <$> evRsp
dynText =<< holdDyn "" evResult
return ()
buildReq :: T.Text -> XhrRequest ()
buildReq code = XhrRequest "GET" ("" <> code) def
stations :: Map.Map T.Text T.Text
stations = Map.fromList [("BIN", "Binn"), ("BER", "Bern"), ("KLO", "Zurich airport"), ("ZER", "Zermatt"), ("JUN", "Jungfraujoch")]
- We use tagPromptlyDyn to lift the 3-letter code from the dropdown onto an event.
- Then we use this event to create a new event with the XhrRequest.
- With the function performRequestAsync we send this XhrRequest to the server.
- We send a request immediately after startup and every time the value of the dropdown changes.
- At the time of this writing, the station Binn is not operational. The server returns a code of 204 in the _xhrResponse_status field.
Now we want not just display the raw JSON string. We want to display the meteo data (more or less) nicely. We will use a tabbed display to show the returned data. If the station has no data, we will show an error page. I'll not reproduce the whole code here. You can find it in the file src/xhr02.hs.
From the server we get back responses with an HTTP return code. If this respone code is 200, the server returned real meteo data. If the response code has an other value, something strange happend and we issue an error message. We need to separate these 2 types of events. Event filtering is the way to do it.
There are 2 functions:
ffilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Event t a -> Event t a
fforMaybe :: Event t a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Event t b
The function ffilter selects only those events that fullfill the predicate (a -> Bool). Other events are discarded. The function fforMaybe selects only those events, where the function (a -> Maybe b) returns a Just b value, and does a corresponding event transformation from a to b.
Separating the good and the bad events is now easy:
let (evOk, evErr) = checkXhrRsp evRsp
-- | Split up good and bad response events
checkXhrRsp :: FunctorMaybe f => f XhrResponse -> (f XhrResponse, f XhrResponse)
checkXhrRsp evRsp = (evOk, evErr)
evOk = ffilter (\rsp -> _xhrResponse_status rsp == 200) evRsp
evErr = ffilter (\rsp -> _xhrResponse_status rsp /= 200) evRsp
- Ok, in a professional environnment you would replace the hardcoded number 200 with a nice constant.
- I asked ghci to tell me the type signature of the function checkXhrRsp.
- Event Filtering is one of the powerful methods used in reflex-dom programs.
If the server sent a nice response with a status code of 200 we don't want to show the error page. If we receive a response with a bad status code, means different from 200, we don't want to show the data page. In the Dynamic value dynPage we store the page we want to display. For this we have our data type Page with an enumeration of our pages. Again we use foldDyn with function application. The last event sets the value of dynPage:
dynPage <- foldDyn ($) PageData $ leftmost [const PageData <$ evOk, const PageError <$ evErr]
For each of our pages we write an own function to display the data. As parameters we use the corresponding event and the value dynPage:
pageData evOk dynPage
pageErr evErr dynPage
Inside the page functions we use the function visible to create a dynamic attribute map, which contains a visible or hide attribute. The example shows the code for the error page:
-- | Display the error page
pageErr :: MonadWidget t m => Event t XhrResponse -> Dynamic t Page -> m ()
pageErr evErr dynPage = do
let dynAttr = visible <$> dynPage <*> pure PageError
elDynAttr "div" dynAttr $ do
el "h3" $ text "Error"
-- | Helper function to create a dynamic attribute map for the visibility of an element
visible :: Eq p => p -> p -> Map.Map T.Text T.Text
visible p1 p2 = "style" =: ("display: " <> choose (p1 == p2) "inline" "none")
choose True t _ = t
choose False _ f = f
If we receive a response with a status code of 200, we need to parse the JSON string. For this we use the popular aeson library. We need a data structure that corresponds to the JSON string.
The library opench-meteo contains Haskell definitons for the Swiss meteo data and the instances of the FromJSON type class. You can find this library on Hackage or on You must use version or higher. Version 0.1.* used http, but the now server expects a https request.
We need to import this library: import Data.Meteo.Swiss
The function decodeXhrResponse converts the response returned by the performRequestAsync function to your data type. It has the type:
decodeXhrResponse :: FromJSON a => XhrResponse -> Maybe a
However sometimes you have to give a little bit help to the compiler. The compiler must know the target data type for the decodeXhrResponse function. In our case we want back a Event t SmnRecord. Therefore I tried to add the type annotation in a let expression:
let evSmnRec :: (Event t SmnRecord) = fmapMaybe decodeXhrResponse evRsp
However, I couldn't find a syntax, that was accepted by the compiler.
So with return I wrap the fmapMaybe decodeXhrResponse evRsp into the monad and can use the syntax of the ScopedTypeVariables language extension:
evSmnRec :: (Event t SmnRecord) <- return $ fmapMaybe decodeXhrResponse evRsp
Note: In our situation the scoped type varaible is not really necessary, because we nicely type annotated all functions. However in a lot of situations you may have to give help to the compiler.
The function decodeXhrResponse returns a Maybe (Event t SmnRecord). Again we are sloppy and ignore error handling. Therefore we use fmapMaybe.
Now we need to present the data to the user. We have 2 types of data:
- The Weather Data SmnRecord
- The Station Record SmnStation
An event with the SmnRecord we get back from the decodeXhrResponse. An event with the SmnStation record we create with normal event transformation.
let evSmnStat = fmapMaybe smnStation evSmnRec
For each of these data records we will have an own tab on the page. For this we use the function tabDisplay. It has the following type:
tabDisplay :: (...) => T.Text -> T.Text -> Map.Map k (T.Text, m ()) -> m ()
Instead of real tabs it creates a <ul> / <li>
HTML list. We then use CSS to transform this list into nice tab headers.
The first Text parameter is the CSS class applied to the <ul>
HTML element.
The second Text parameter is the CSS class applied to the currently active <li>
The third parameter is a Map from a key k to a pair (T.Text, m ()) -> m ()). The first component Text is the label for the tab header and the function m ()) -> m () in the second component is the function to create the tab data.
The data type for the key k must be an instance of the Haskell type class Ord. The tabs will be ordered by the values of k.
We need some CSS, so we add {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
to our list of GHC language exensions and we add
import Data.FileEmbed
to our import list and use mainWidgetWithCss as our main function.
To create the tab display we now use:
tabDisplay "tab" "tabact" $ tabMap evSmnRec evSmnStat
-- | Create a tabbed display
tabMap :: MonadWidget t m => Event t SmnRecord -> Event t SmnStation -> Map.Map Int (T.Text, m ())
tabMap evMeteo evStat = Map.fromList[ (1, ("Station", tabStat evStat)),
(2, ("MeteoData", tabMeteo evMeteo))]
We need two functions tabStat and tabMeteo to display the data:
-- | Create the DOM elements for the Station tab
tabStat :: MonadWidget t m => Event t SmnStation -> m ()
tabStat evStat = do
dispStatField "Code" staCode evStat
dispStatField "Name" staName evStat
dispStatField "Y-Coord" (tShow . staCh1903Y) evStat
dispStatField "X-Coord" (tShow . staCh1903X) evStat
dispStatField "Elevation" (tShow . staElevation) evStat
return ()
-- | Create the DOM elements for the Meteo data tab
tabMeteo :: MonadWidget t m => Event t SmnRecord -> m ()
tabMeteo evMeteo = do
dispMeteoField "Date/Time" (tShow . smnDateTime) evMeteo
dispMeteoField "Temperature" smnTemperature evMeteo
dispMeteoField "Sunnshine" smnSunshine evMeteo
dispMeteoField "Precipitation" smnPrecipitation evMeteo
dispMeteoField "Wind Direction" smnWindDirection evMeteo
dispMeteoField "Wind Speed" smnWindSpeed evMeteo
return ()
And again two functions dispStatField and dispStatField to display the single fields. We also need a little helper function to nicely display non text values wrapped in a Maybe.
-- Display a single field from the SmnStation record
dispStatField :: MonadWidget t m => T.Text -> (SmnStation -> T.Text) -> Event t SmnStation -> m ()
dispStatField label rend evStat = do
el "br" blank
text $ label <> ": "
dynText =<< holdDyn "" (fmap rend evStat)
return ()
-- Display a single field from the SmnRecord record
dispMeteoField :: MonadWidget t m => T.Text -> (SmnRecord -> T.Text) -> Event t SmnRecord -> m ()
dispMeteoField label rend evRec = do
el "br"blank
text $ label <> ": "
dynText =<< holdDyn "" (fmap rend evRec)
return ()
-- | Small helper function to convert showable values wrapped in Maybe to T.Text.
-- You should use the text-show library from Hackage!!
tShow :: Show a => Maybe a -> T.Text
tShow Nothing = ""
tShow (Just x) = (T.pack . show) x
Note: With the function tabDisplay the number of tabs is fixed. You cannot change it during run time.
The code is in file src/xhr03.hs.
Till now we only had our 5 fix predefined meteo stations. Now we want a first page with a list of all stations, a second page with the detailed data of one selected station and an error page. We need a XhrRequest to get a list of all stations. The page with the detailed data of a single station and the error page both need a Back button, so the user can return to the first page with the station list, and therefore the page rendering functions have to return the click events of these Back buttons.
We do all this in the function body. The additonal events and the two XhrRequests make the logic of this function a little bit more complicated. Because we refer to events defined later, we have to use recursive do. In the function body we don't use any new function or programming concept!
A word of caution to recursive do: It is possible to create event loops that will blow up your program! So be careful!
Reflex-Dom has a helper function switchPromptlyDyn with the following type:
switchPromptlyDyn :: Reflex t => Dynamic t (Event t a) -> Event t a
It just unwraps an Event out of a Dynamic.
The real new thing in this example is: We have a variable number of meteo stations to display on the first page! All our examples so far displayed a static predefined number of HTML elements. Reflex-dom has several functions to display a variable number of items: dyn, widgetHold, listWithKey, list, simpleList, listViewWithKey, selectViewListWithKey and listWithKey'. We use the function simpleList. It has the following definition:
(...) => Dynamic t [v] -> (Dynamic t v -> m a) -> m (Dynamic t [a])
The first parameter Dynamic t [v] is a dynamic list of items we want to render. After we parse the JSON string we have a value of type Event t [SmnRecord]. With holdDyn we can convert this to Dynamic t [SmnRecord], which can be use as first parameter for the function simpleList.
The second parameter is a function to render a single element of type v, or in our case SmnRecord. For each station record, we render a View button, and the name of the station. We pack this into a row of a HTML table, so we need tr and td HTML elements.
This is done in the function displayStationRow with a helper function to create the button:
-- | Create the HTML element for a single HTML table row
displayStationRow :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t SmnRecord -> m (Event t T.Text)
displayStationRow dynRec = el "tr" $ do
evRow <- el "td" $ cmdButton "View" dynRec
el "td" $ dynText $ staName . fromJust . smnStation <$> dynRec
return evRow
cmdButton :: MonadWidget t m => T.Text -> Dynamic t SmnRecord -> m (Event t T.Text)
cmdButton label staRec = do
(btn, _) <- el' "button" $ text label
let dynNam = smnCode <$> staRec
return $ tagPromptlyDyn dynNam $ domEvent Click btn
When the user clicks on one of the buttons, we need to know, to which station this button belongs. Therefore clicking on the view button, returns an event with the 3-letter code of the station as payload.
The function simpleList aggregates all the return values of the rendering function into a list.
So in our case, the function simpleList has the type:
(...) => Dynamic t [SmnRecord] -> (Dynamic t SmnRecord -> m (Event t T.Text)) -> m (Dynamic t [Event t T.Text])
We then use the function switchPromptlyDyn to unwrap the list of events out of the Dynamic. The function leftmost then returns the event of the view button the user clicked. We use this event in the function body to fetch the detailed (and possibly changed!) data of this station.
Here is the code:
-- list stations
el "table" $ do -- put everything into a HTML table
dynList :: Dynamic t [SmnRecord] <- holdDyn [] evList -- prepare the first argument for simpleList
evRowsDyn <- simpleList dynList displayStationRow -- render all station records
return $ switchPromptlyDyn $ leftmost <$> evRowsDyn -- get the correct click event
Look at src/xhr03.hs: Without the comment lines and without the empty lines we have less than 150 lines of code.
In these 150 LoC we have a SPA application that fetches data from a server, displays it on 2 data pages. One of the data pages has a tabbed display and we have also some error handling!!
Of course, there is room for improvment eg sort the station names on the first page, improve error handling, use CSS to make it easier to look at the screens etc, etc.
- Ryan Trinkle: Reflex - Practical Functional Reactive Programming, NYC Haskell User's Group, Part 1
- Ryan Trinkle: Reflex - Practical Functional Reactive Programming, NYC Haskell User's Group, Part 2
- Niklas Hambüchen: FRP browser programming with Reflex, HaskellerZ meetup, Zürich
- Doug Beardsley: Modular Web Snippets with Reflex
- Greg Hale: On Reflex - Boston Haskell
- Doug Beardsley: Real Word Reflex
- The official reflex repositories:
- Cheat Sheet Reflex
- Cheat Sheet Reflex.Dom
- Questions tagged reflex
- Queensland FP Lab blog series: An Introduction to reflex
- A 2048 clone:
- HSnippet: