From ad6488171c311e45dc67953a0aba3bcc31a27620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ali Abrar Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:40:52 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] widgets: remove Reflex.Dom.Modal.* --- | 4 + widgets/rhyolite-widgets.cabal | 2 - widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Base.hs | 233 -------------------------- widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Class.hs | 60 ------- 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 295 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Base.hs delete mode 100644 widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Class.hs diff --git a/ b/ index e6e921a2..8539bdac 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ This project's release branch is `master`. This log is written from the perspective of the release branch: when changes hit `master`, they are considered released, and the date should reflect that release. +## Unreleased + +* Breaking: Remove Reflex.Dom.Modal.Base and Reflex.Dom.Modal.Class. The `` element is now broadly supported by browsers and provides a simpler solution to the problem of opening modals that is also more accessible. See the [documentation](, and, in particular, this [example](, which uses `showModal` and describes how to style the modal backdrop. + ## v1.0.0.0 2023-08-03 * Breaking: Drop groundhog support * Breaking: Use Commutative from commutative-semigroups instead of Additive from patch diff --git a/widgets/rhyolite-widgets.cabal b/widgets/rhyolite-widgets.cabal index 5c9105f7..2ede1a2b 100644 --- a/widgets/rhyolite-widgets.cabal +++ b/widgets/rhyolite-widgets.cabal @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ category: UI library exposed-modules: - Reflex.Dom.Modal.Base - Reflex.Dom.Modal.Class Reflex.Dom.Widget.ExtensibleList Reflex.Dom.Widget.Form diff --git a/widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Base.hs b/widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Base.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 51dee149..00000000 --- a/widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Base.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,233 +0,0 @@ -{-| -Description: - Modal widgets - -The important definition here is 'ModalT', the related class is -in "Reflex.Dom.Modal.Class". --} - -{-# Language CPP #-} -{-# Language DataKinds #-} -{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-} -{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-} -{-# Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -{-# Language LambdaCase #-} -{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} -{-# Language RankNTypes #-} -{-# Language RecursiveDo #-} -{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-} -{-# Language StandaloneDeriving #-} -{-# Language TypeFamilies #-} -{-# Language UndecidableInstances #-} - -module Reflex.Dom.Modal.Base where - -import Control.Applicative (liftA2) -import Control.Lens (Rewrapped, Wrapped (Unwrapped, _Wrapped'), iso) -import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) -import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) -import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad (PrimState, primitive)) -import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader) -import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadAtomicRef, MonadRef) -import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (lift)) -import Data.Coerce (coerce) -import Data.Either.Combinators (rightToMaybe) -import Data.Map (Map) -import qualified Data.Map as Map -import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) -import Data.Semigroup (First(..)) -import Data.Text (Text) -import qualified GHCJS.DOM as DOM -import qualified GHCJS.DOM.EventM as EventM -import qualified GHCJS.DOM.GlobalEventHandlers as Events -import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (MonadJSM) -import Obelisk.Configs (HasConfigs) -import Obelisk.Route.Frontend -import Reflex.Dom.Core -import Reflex.Host.Class (MonadReflexCreateTrigger) - -import Reflex.Dom.Modal.Class (HasModal (ModalM, tellModal)) - -instance (Reflex t, Monad m) => HasModal t (ModalT t modalM m) where - type ModalM (ModalT t modalM m) = modalM - tellModal = ModalT . tellEvent . fmap First - --- | Modal monad transformer -newtype ModalT t modalM m a - = ModalT { unModalT :: EventWriterT t (First (Event t () -> modalM (Event t ()))) m a } - deriving - ( Functor, Applicative, Monad - , MonadFix, MonadIO, MonadRef, MonadAtomicRef, MonadReader r - , DomBuilder t, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t - , PerformEvent t, TriggerEvent t, PostBuild t - , MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, MonadQuery t q, Requester t - ) - -instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (ModalT t modalM m) where - type PrimState (ModalT t modalM m) = PrimState m - primitive = lift . primitive - -instance Wrapped (ModalT t modalM m a) where - type Unwrapped (ModalT t modalM m a) = EventWriterT t (First (Event t () -> modalM (Event t ()))) m a - _Wrapped' = iso coerce coerce -instance ModalT t modalM m a ~ x => Rewrapped (ModalT t modalM m a) x - -instance HasDocument m => HasDocument (ModalT t modalM m) -#if !defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) -instance MonadJSM m => MonadJSM (ModalT t modalM m) -#endif - -instance (Monad m, Routed t r m) => Routed t r (ModalT t modalM m) where - askRoute = lift askRoute - -instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (ModalT t modalM m) where - askRouteToUrl = lift askRouteToUrl - -instance (Reflex t, Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (ModalT t modalM m) where - modifyRoute = lift . modifyRoute - -instance EventWriter t w m => EventWriter t w (ModalT t modalM m) where - tellEvent = lift . tellEvent - -instance MonadTrans (ModalT t modalM) where - lift = ModalT . lift - -instance (Adjustable t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m) => Adjustable t (ModalT t modalM m) where - runWithReplace a0 a' = ModalT $ runWithReplace (unModalT a0) (fmapCheap unModalT a') - traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust f dm0 dm' = ModalT $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust (coerce f) dm0 dm' - traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove f dm0 dm' = ModalT $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove (coerce f) dm0 dm' - traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust f im0 im' = ModalT $ traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust (coerce f) im0 im' - -deriving instance DomRenderHook t m => DomRenderHook t (ModalT t modalM m) - -instance (Prerender t m, Monad m, Reflex t) => Prerender t (ModalT t modalM m) where - type Client (ModalT t modalM m) = ModalT t modalM (Client m) - prerender back front = do - (a, ev) <- fmap splitDynPure $ lift $ prerender - (runEventWriterT $ unModalT back) - (runEventWriterT $ unModalT front) - ModalT $ tellEvent $ switchDyn ev - pure a - -instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (ModalT t modalM m) - --- | Like 'withModals' but with the full convenience of 'ModalT', allowing 'tellModal' to open a modal anywhere. --- --- NB: This must wrap all other DOM building. This is because DOM for the modal --- must occur *after* all other DOM in order for the modal to appear on top of it. -runModalT - :: forall m t a. - ( MonadFix m - , DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, Prerender t m - ) - => ModalBackdropConfig -> ModalT t m m a -> m a -runModalT backdropCfg f = do - rec - ((a, open), _) <- withModals backdropCfg (getFirst <$> open) $ runEventWriterT (unModalT f) - pure a - --- | Change the underlying monad of `ModalT` and the monad the modals will be run in. --- --- For cases where those two monads differ, checkout `mapModalT` and `mapModalM`. -mapModalTM :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ModalT t m m a -> ModalT t n n a -mapModalTM f = mapModalT f . mapModalM f - --- | Change the underlying monad of `ModalT`. -mapModalT :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ModalT t modalM m a -> ModalT t modalM n a -mapModalT f = ModalT . mapEventWriterT f . unModalT - --- | Change the monad the modals will be run in. -mapModalM :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) => (forall x. modalM x -> modalN x) -> ModalT t modalM m a -> ModalT t modalN m a -mapModalM f = ModalT . withEventWriterT ((fmap . fmap) f) . unModalT - --- | You can adjust the attributes passed to the backdrop with this config. --- --- You can adjust the background and the size, for example. You cannot change --- the CSS `display` property, as it is controlled by this library. Also note --- that the dialog is not a child widget of the backdrop, but rendered within --- a separate `untouchable` top level div. For positioning of your dialog, --- you should not rely on backdrop, nor on this hidden div, instead we --- recommend fixed positioning for the dialog, as described in `tellModal`. -newtype ModalBackdropConfig = ModalBackdropConfig - { _modalBackdropConfig_attrs :: Map Text Text - } deriving (Monoid, Semigroup) - --- | Set up DOM to support modals. --- --- NB: This must wrap all other DOM building. This is because DOM for the modal --- must occur *after* all other DOM in order for the modal to appear on top of it. -withModals - :: forall m a b t. - ( MonadFix m - , DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, Prerender t m - ) - => ModalBackdropConfig - -> Event t (Event t () -> m (Event t a)) - -- ^ Event to trigger a modal to open. - -- The event carries a function that takes close events and builds a modal window - -- which returns a close event. - -> m b -- ^ Page body - -> m (b, Event t a) -- ^ Result of page body and an event firing whenever a modal closes -withModals backdropCfg open body = liftA2 (,) body (modalDom backdropCfg open) - --- | Builds modal-related DOM. Avoid using this and use 'withModals' instead. --- --- NB: This must run after all other DOM building. This is because DOM for the modal --- must occur *after* all other DOM in order for the modal to appear on top of it. -modalDom - :: forall a m t. (DomBuilder t m, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, Prerender t m) - => ModalBackdropConfig - -> Event t (Event t () -> m (Event t a)) - -- ^ Event to trigger a modal to open. - -- The event carries a function that takes close events and builds a modal window - -- which returns a close event. - -> m (Event t a) -- ^ An event firing whenever the modal closes -modalDom backdropCfg open = do - escPressed :: Event t () <- fmap switchDyn $ prerender (pure never) $ do - document <- DOM.currentDocumentUnchecked - wrapDomEventMaybe document (`EventM.on` Events.keyDown) $ do - key <- getKeyEvent - pure $ if keyCodeLookup (fromIntegral key) == Escape then Just () else Nothing - rec - isVisible <- holdDyn False $ leftmost [True <$ open, False <$ close] - (backdropEl, _) <- elDynAttr' "div" - (ffor isVisible $ \isVis -> - ("style" =: (isVisibleStyle isVis <> ";" <> existingBackdropStyle)) <> _modalBackdropConfig_attrs backdropCfg - ) - blank - close <- elDynAttr "div" (ffor isVisible $ \isVis -> "style" =: isVisibleStyle isVis) $ - fmap switchDyn $ widgetHold (pure never) $ leftmost - [ ($ leftmost [escPressed, domEvent Click backdropEl]) <$> open - , pure never <$ close - ] - pure close - where - existingBackdropStyle = fromMaybe "" $ Map.lookup "style" $ _modalBackdropConfig_attrs backdropCfg - isVisibleStyle isVis = "display:" <> (if isVis then "block" else "none") - --- | Widget used as a modal div for widgets that want to take some action when --- clicked anywhere but itself, such as dropdown widgets or the like. The --- first argument is a CSS class name, the suggested CSS class styling for use --- of this widget is as follows: --- --- > position: fixed; --- > top: 0; --- > bottom: 0; --- > right: 0; --- > left: 0; --- > z-index: 100; --- -{-# Deprecated withBackdrop "Use ModalT instead" #-} -withBackdrop :: forall m t a. (DomBuilder t m, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m) => Text -> Event t (m (Event t a)) -> m (Event t a) -withBackdrop cls openBackdropWithChild = mdo - sth <- widgetHold (return never) $ ffor (leftmost [close, open]) $ \case - Nothing -> return never - Just child -> do - (backgroundEl, _) <- elClass' "div" cls blank - childResult <- child - let backgroundEvent = domEvent Click backgroundEl - return $ leftmost [Left <$> backgroundEvent, Right <$> childResult] - let close :: Event t (Maybe (m (Event t a))) = Nothing <$ (switch . current $ sth) - open :: Event t (Maybe (m (Event t a))) = Just <$> openBackdropWithChild - return $ fmapMaybe rightToMaybe $ switch . current $ sth diff --git a/widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Class.hs b/widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Class.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 702ed07c..00000000 --- a/widgets/src/Reflex/Dom/Modal/Class.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -{-| Description: Class for modal creators -A class for widget that can have modals. A concrete implementation is in -"Reflex.Dom.Modal.Base". --} - -{-# Language DefaultSignatures #-} -{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-} -{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -{-# Language TypeFamilies #-} - -module Reflex.Dom.Modal.Class where - -import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (ask), ReaderT (..)) -import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (lift)) -import Obelisk.Route.Frontend (RoutedT, askRoute, runRoutedT) -import Reflex (Event, EventWriterT, Reflex) - --- | The class of monads supporting a 'tellModal' operation which will open a modal --- that stays on top of all other content. -class HasModal t m where - -- If 'm' is the monad that supports 'tellModal' then 'ModalM m' is the monad that the modal itself is in, - -- which, notably, probably doesn't support 'tellModal'. - type ModalM m :: * -> * - - -- | Opens a modal when the given event fires. The event carries a function which: - -- * takes a "close" event triggered when the user signifies that they want to close the modal, - -- * builds content in 'ModalM m', - -- * returns a "close" event which will be used to actually close the modal. - -- - -- For example, a modal may choose not to be closable by simply ignoring its input and returning 'never'. - -- - -- Note on positioning: We control the containing div of your dialog for - -- handling of the CSS display property. We recommend that you position - -- your dialog `fixed` with some Clay like the following: - -- - -- @ - -- position fixed - -- top (pct 50) - -- left (pct 50) - -- transform (translate (pct $ negate 50) (pct $ negate 50)) - -- @ - tellModal :: Event t (Event t () -> ModalM m (Event t ())) -> m () - - default tellModal :: (MonadTrans f, m ~ f m', HasModal t m', Monad m', ModalM (f m') ~ ModalM m') => Event t (Event t () -> ModalM m (Event t ())) -> m () - tellModal = lift . tellModal - -instance (Monad m, Reflex t, HasModal t m) => HasModal t (EventWriterT t w m) where - type ModalM (EventWriterT t w m) = ModalM m - -instance (Monad m, Reflex t, HasModal t m) => HasModal t (ReaderT r m) where - type ModalM (ReaderT r m) = ReaderT r (ModalM m) -- Transform the modal's monad - tellModal ev = do - r <- ask - lift $ tellModal $ (fmap . fmap) (`runReaderT` r) ev - -instance (Monad m, Reflex t, HasModal t m) => HasModal t (RoutedT t r m) where - type ModalM (RoutedT t r m) = RoutedT t r (ModalM m) -- Transform the modal's monad - tellModal ev = do - r <- askRoute - lift $ tellModal $ (fmap . fmap) (`runRoutedT` r) ev