Builds an obelisk frontend as a static library for use in an iOS project. Check out the companion project obelisk-ios-xcode, for an example of how to integrate this into an XCode project.
mkdir dep
cd dep
nix-thunk create
Add this package to the overrides in your obelisk project's default.nix:
project ./. ({ pkgs, hackGet, ... }: {
overrides = self: super: {
obelisk-ios-libfrontend = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontStrip (self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-ios-libfrontend" (hackGet ./dep/obelisk-ios-libfrontend + "/exe") {});
obelisk-ios-libfrontendconfig = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-ios-libfrontendconfig" (hackGet ./dep/obelisk-ios-libfrontend + "/lib") {};
Make sure to include dontStrip
Add obelisk-ios-libfrontendconfig
to your frontend's library
's build-depends
in frontend/frontend.cabal
In your frontend/Frontend.hs
, you'll need to add something like this:
import Obelisk.Frontend.IOS
myHtmlHead = do
el "title" $ text "Obelisk Minimal Example"
elAttr "script" ("type" =: "application/javascript" <> "src" =: $(static "lib.js")) blank
elAttr "link" ("href" =: $(static "main.css") <> "type" =: "text/css" <> "rel" =: "stylesheet") blank
iosConfig :: IO (IosConfig (R FrontendRoute))
iosConfig = do
html <- fmap snd $ renderStatic $ myHtmlHead
pure $ IosConfig (\_ -> frontend) $ mconcat
[ "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"
, html
, "</head><body></body></html>"
Your Frontend.hs must export iosConfig
To build the static lib, run:
nix-build . -A ghcIosAarch64.obelisk-ios-libfrontend --argstr system "x86_64-darwin"