I've added support for constraint in DSum and DMap.
type family DSumC a :: Constraint
data DSum (tag :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) where
(:=>) :: DSumC a => !(tag a) -> (f a) -> DSum tag f
data DMap (k :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) where
Data.Dependent.Map.Internal.Tip :: DMap k f
Data.Dependent.Map.Internal.Bin :: DSumC v =>
!Int -> !(k v) -> (f v) -> !(DMap k f) -> !(DMap k f)
-> DMap k f
I'm needing this at my work to make a more useful map operation ::
(forall v. DSumC v => f v -> g v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g
where I can do something on the v while changing the containing type
I'm not sure it is worth the bump (useful for anyone else) as I guess it will break all code around . But I'd like to know opinions before not submitting the pull request.
My stab has just deleted the Read instances, I couldn't solve the issues for that.
Hope it is interesting for someone else, because if it's not I will just use a list of modified definition of DSum with a lookup based on GOrdering which suffices for my needs (read-only , small set)
Btw, thanks a lot for this code, which I find a great approach to tackle modular software aspects
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