- I have checked the FAQ and it didn't resolve my problem.
- I have checked existing issues and there are no issues with the same problem.
Neovim Version
NVIM v0.9.5 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1692716794
Dev Version?
- I am using a stable Neovim release version, or if I am using a dev version of Neovim I have confirmed that my issue is reproducible on a stable version.
Operating System
MacOS 14.4.1
Minimal Config
-- this template is borrowed from nvim-lspconfig
local on_windows = vim.loop.os_uname().version:match("Windows")
local function join_paths(...)
local path_sep = on_windows and "\\" or "/"
local result = table.concat({ ... }, path_sep)
return result
vim.g.loaded_remote_plugins = ""
vim.cmd([[set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME]])
local temp_dir = vim.loop.os_getenv("TEMP") or "/tmp"
vim.cmd("set packpath=" .. join_paths(temp_dir, "nvim", "site"))
local package_root = join_paths(temp_dir, "nvim", "site", "pack")
local install_path = join_paths(package_root, "packer", "start", "packer.nvim")
local compile_path = join_paths(install_path, "plugin", "packer_compiled.lua")
local null_ls_config = function()
local null_ls = require("null-ls")
local null_ls_utils = require("null-ls.utils")
local diagnostics = null_ls.builtins.diagnostics
-- add only what you need to reproduce your issue
root_dir = null_ls_utils.root_pattern("selene.toml"),
sources = {
condition = function(utils)
return utils.root_has_file({ "selene.toml" })
debug = true,
local function load_plugins()
-- only add other plugins if they are necessary to reproduce the issue
requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
config = null_ls_config,
config = {
package_root = package_root,
compile_path = compile_path,
if vim.fn.isdirectory(install_path) == 0 then
vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "", install_path })
Steps to Reproduce
In a testing enviroment (a directory for a lua project), have the following files.
- Create a
file with the following config:
exclude = ["*_spec.lua", ".luacheckrc"]
global_usage = "allow"
multiple_statements = "allow"
incorrect_standard_library_use = "allow"
mixed_table = "allow"
unused_variable = "warn"
- Create a
file with the following config:
base: lua51
any: true
- type: bool
- type: string
required: false
- type: function
- type: function
- type: string
- type: function
- type: string
- type: function
- Create a
file with the following config:
-- Rerun tests only if their modification time changed.
cache = true
ignore = {
"122", -- Setting a read-only field of a global variable.
"212", -- Unused argument, In the case of callback function, _arg_name is easier to understand than _, so this option is set to off.
"631", -- max_line_length, vscode pkg URL is too long
-- Global objects defined by the C code
read_globals = {
include_files = { "lua", "tests" }
exclude_files = { ".luacheckrc", "tests/**/*_spec.lua" }
-- vim: ft=lua tw=80
- Open NeoVim using
nvim --clean -u minimal_init.lua
and navigate to:e .luacheckrc
Reproducibility Check
- I confirm that my minimal config is based on the
template and that my issue is reproducible by runningnvim --clean -u minimal_init.lua
and following the steps above.
Expected Behavior
To not display any diagnostics from selene
inside excluded files.
Actual Behavior
Displaying diagnostics from selene
inside excluded files.
Debug Log
[DEBUG Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/sources.lua:82: registering conditional source selene
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/client.lua:114: starting null-ls client
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/rpc.lua:106: received LSP request for method initialize
[DEBUG Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/client.lua:182: unable to notify client for method textDocument/didOpen (client not active): {
textDocument = {
uri = "file:///Users/aome/dev/nvim_plugins/colorscheme-installer.nvim/.luacheckrc"
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/rpc.lua:131: received LSP notification for method initialized
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/rpc.lua:131: received LSP notification for method textDocument/didOpen
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/generators.lua:21: running generators for method NULL_LS_DIAGNOSTICS_ON_OPEN
[DEBUG Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/helpers/generator_factory.lua:329: spawning command "selene" at /Users/aome/dev/nvim_plugins/colorscheme-installer.nvim with args { "--display-style", "quiet", "-" }
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/helpers/generator_factory.lua:207: error output: nil
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/helpers/generator_factory.lua:208: output: -:2:1: warning[unscoped_variables]: `cache` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope
-:2:1: warning[unused_variable]: cache is defined, but never used
-:4:1: warning[unscoped_variables]: `ignore` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope
-:4:1: warning[unused_variable]: ignore is defined, but never used
-:11:1: warning[unscoped_variables]: `read_globals` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope
-:11:1: warning[unused_variable]: read_globals is defined, but never used
-:15:1: warning[unscoped_variables]: `include_files` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope
-:15:1: warning[unused_variable]: include_files is defined, but never used
-:16:1: warning[unscoped_variables]: `exclude_files` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope
-:16:1: warning[unused_variable]: exclude_files is defined, but never used
0 errors
10 warnings
0 parse errors
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/diagnostics.lua:181: received diagnostics from source 1
[TRACE Thu May 9 14:45:59 2024] /tmp/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/none-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/diagnostics.lua:182: { {
code = "unscoped_variables",
col = 0,
end_col = 5,
end_lnum = 1,
lnum = 1,
message = "`cache` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope",
row = "2",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unused_variable",
col = 0,
end_col = 5,
end_lnum = 1,
lnum = 1,
message = "cache is defined, but never used",
row = "2",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unscoped_variables",
col = 0,
end_col = 6,
end_lnum = 3,
lnum = 3,
message = "`ignore` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope",
row = "4",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unused_variable",
col = 0,
end_col = 6,
end_lnum = 3,
lnum = 3,
message = "ignore is defined, but never used",
row = "4",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unscoped_variables",
col = 0,
end_col = 12,
end_lnum = 10,
lnum = 10,
message = "`read_globals` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope",
row = "11",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unused_variable",
col = 0,
end_col = 12,
end_lnum = 10,
lnum = 10,
message = "read_globals is defined, but never used",
row = "11",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unscoped_variables",
col = 0,
end_col = 13,
end_lnum = 14,
lnum = 14,
message = "`include_files` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope",
row = "15",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unused_variable",
col = 0,
end_col = 13,
end_lnum = 14,
lnum = 14,
message = "include_files is defined, but never used",
row = "15",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unscoped_variables",
col = 0,
end_col = 13,
end_lnum = 15,
lnum = 15,
message = "`exclude_files` is not declared locally, and will be available in every scope",
row = "16",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
}, {
code = "unused_variable",
col = 0,
end_col = 13,
end_lnum = 15,
lnum = 15,
message = "exclude_files is defined, but never used",
row = "16",
severity = 2,
source = "selene"
} }
Implementation Help
No response
- I have read and followed the instructions above and understand that my issue will be closed if I did not provide the required information.