Object expressons like:
module.exports = {
render: _render2['default'],
shallow: _shallow2['default'],
mount: _mount2['default'],
ShallowWrapper: _ShallowWrapper2['default'],
ReactWrapper: _ReactWrapper2['default'],
configure: _configuration.merge,
EnzymeAdapter: _EnzymeAdapter2['default']
would still be beneficial to fully support reading their properties.
The challenge is doing this without a full parser that can't handle eg object expression / brace ambiguity details.
One idea is that it could be possible to use a ,
parser with no knowledge of object assign / expression ambiguity but purely based on matching the first ,
that happens at the same depth of brace tracking (including all brace types) which might be a way to dodge the harder parsing issues while supporting arbitrary expressions.
Will leave this open as a tracking issue for that kind of support.