For now controllers just send full text file to workers, and periodically killing workers, if they are outdated.
This is very error-prone because the controller parses the file for location information, or attrpath construction, and workers parses these files again.
Previously we don't have a memory-safe nix parser and it is coupled with evaluators in upstream C++ nix. Thus the only solution is sending raw text contents to the worker, and let them evaluate the file, the controller just roughly redirect lsp requests to workers. And since the controller does not have a good parser, we have experienced very high overhead.
Related issues:
- options suggestion is not working without indentation #277
- Cannot follow home-manager example #274
- can't run example #271
- rename function with default parameters not works properly #255
Previous Work
There are a parser generated by bison and in-complete semantic analysis module in these two PRs. For now they are outdated because we have a new handwritten parser.
The iteration plan
Let the controller do all parsing stuff, and serialize ASTs to workers.
As commented above, currently both controller process & worker process do parsing stuff, and I think a better architecture is just offload all parsing job to the controller. Serialize ASTs in shared memory and let workers fetch the AST and perform evaluation.
The controller will ask worker process values & envs for specific nodes from worker, not sending full text contents. The serialization format & implementation:
Uses a new language frontend just for parsing, but uses official nix implementation for evaluation
This is a technical decision. Because evaluator is not very easy to maintain and current implementation "just works" for language servers. Here are PRs related to the new frontend:
Misc Refactor
- libnixf: add to top-level build #278
- libnixf: remove green node design #291
- libnixf: rename getter for
#293 - libnixf: line column range #296
- libnixf: remove fmt dependency #298
- libnixf: flatten libnixf/lib/, to a single library #300
- libnixf: use unique_ptr #326
- libnixf/Parse: create a class for Parser, expose testing API #328
string_part : interpolation
interpolation : "${" expr "}"
string : " string_part* "
| '' string_part* ''
- libnixf: parse ExprString #292
- libnixf: parse string interpolation #294
- libnixf: parse indented string #295
path : path_fragment (path_fragment)* path_end
Context PS_Expr PS_Path PS_Path
'(' expr ')'
attrset_expr : REC? '{' binds '}'
binds : ( binding | inherit )*
inherit : 'inherit' '(' expr ')' inherited_attrs ';'
| 'inherit' inherited_attrs ';'
inherited_attrs: attrname*
binding : attrpath '=' expr ';'
attrpath : attrname ('.' attrname)*
expr_simple : INT
| string
| path
| hpath
| expr_paren
| legacy_let
| attrset_expr
| list_expr
hpath : "~" prefixed path, $HOME hack
- libnixf: parse variable #315
- libnixf: use sync tokens for creating unknown nodes (error recovery) #316
expr_select : expr_simple '.' attrpath
| expr_simple '.' attrpath 'or' expr_select
| expr_simple 'or' <-- special "apply", 'or' is argument
| expr_simple
expr_app : expr_app expr_select
| expr_select
list_expr : '[' expr_select* ']'
if_expr : 'if' expr 'then' expr 'else' expr
assert_expr : 'assert' expr ';' expr
let_in_expr : 'let' binds 'in' expr
legacy_let: `let` `{` binds `}`
- Parse Legacy Let
with_expr : 'with' expr ';' expr
expr_op : '!' expr_op
| '-' expr_op
| expr_op BINARY_OP expr_op
| expr_app
lambda_expr : lambda_arg ':' expr
lambda_arg : ID
| ID @ {' formals '}'
| '{' formals '}'
| '{' formals '}' @ ID
formals : formal? (',' formal)*
formal : ID
| ID '?' expr
| "..."
expr : lambda_expr
| assert_expr
| with_expr
| let_in_expr
| if_expr
| expr_op
- Parse Expr
Semantic Lowering
- libnixf: add semantic analysis for
s #323 - libnixf/Sema: lowering inherit #333
- libnixf/Sema: semantic lowering for lambda formals #340
Semantic Checking
- libnixf: variable lookups #372
- Various Static Linting
The new worker, and new controller
- nixd-next: init, without any capabilities #301
- nixd-next: text document synchronization #303
- nixd-next: basic diagnostics support in the Controller #307
- nixd-next: add diagnostic quick fix (code action) #310
- nixd: support hover #318
- Document Link