I have two tile sources source1 and source2 that need to be displayed to box1 and box2 respectively. When I only load one at a time, both images appear correctly. When I load source1 and source2 at the same time, they both appear superimposed in the first place (box1).
`// 1
let tileInfo1 = MaplyRemoteTileInfoNew(baseURL: "(url1)/{z}/{y}/{x}.png",minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 20)
tileInfo1.cacheDir = thisCacheDir1
tileInfo1.coordSys = sys1
let params1 = MaplySamplingParams()
params1.coordSys = sys1
params1.coverPoles = false
params1.edgeMatching = false
params1.maxZoom = tileInfo1.maxZoom()
params1.singleLevel = true
guard let imageLoader1 = MaplyQuadImageLoader(params: params1, tileInfo: tileInfo1, viewC: mapViewController) else { continue }
imageLoader1.flipY = false
imageLoader1.baseDrawPriority = kMaplyImageLayerDrawPriorityDefault - 1000
// 2
let tileInfo2 = MaplyRemoteTileInfoNew(baseURL: "(url2)/{z}/{y}/{x}.png", minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 20)
tileInfo2.cacheDir = thisCacheDir1
tileInfo2.coordSys = sys2
let params2 = MaplySamplingParams()
params2.coordSys = sys2
params2.coverPoles = false
params2.edgeMatching = false
params2.maxZoom = tileInfo2.maxZoom()
params2.singleLevel = true
guard let imageLoader2 = MaplyQuadImageLoader(params: params2, tileInfo: tileInfo2, viewC: mapViewController) else { continue }
imageLoader2.flipY = false
imageLoader2.baseDrawPriority = kMaplyImageLayerDrawPriorityDefault - 1000