Works on Android and iOS simulator. Cannot build iOS release/ipa.
/usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk/17.2.8043/targets/Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1214,3): error : Failed to AOT compile aot-instances.dll, the AOT compiler exited with code 139.
Add SKLottieView to the .net 8 MauiTemplate app and build release or publish
Expected Behavior
build Release and generate an .ipa file
Actual Behavior
/usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk/17.2.8043/targets/Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1214,3): error : Failed to AOT compile aot-instances.dll, the AOT compiler exited with code 139.
Basic Information
- Version with issue: 2.0.0 (also wasn't working with previews 92 or 96, or presumably any version)
- Last known good version: n/a
- IDE: VS Windows with mac build host and also VS Code on Mac.
- Platform Target Frameworks: net8.0-ios
- iOS: XCode 15.2, iOS 17.2