Hello. In Fedora, we try to build this package with Python 3.14.0a3.
We see test errors, on 0.19.0 as well as the current main branch. To reproduce, I did:
[msgspec (main)]$ uv venv --python=python3.14 venv3.14
[msgspec (main)]$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv3.14) [msgspec (main)]$ uv pip install .[test]
Using Python 3.14.0a3 environment at: venv3.14
Resolved 9 packages in 1.12s
Built msgspec @ file:///home/.../msgspec
Built msgpack==1.1.0
Built pyyaml==6.0.2
Prepared 5 packages in 5.98s
Installed 9 packages in 8ms
+ attrs==24.3.0
+ iniconfig==2.0.0
+ msgpack==1.1.0
+ msgspec==0.19.0 (from file:///home/.../msgspec)
+ packaging==24.2
+ pluggy==1.5.0
+ pytest==8.3.4
+ pyyaml==6.0.2
+ tomli-w==1.1.0
(venv3.14) [msgspec (main)]$ pytest
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.14.0a3, pytest-8.3.4, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: /home/.../msgspec
configfile: setup.cfg
collected 5762 items / 3 errors / 2 skipped
==================================== ERRORS ====================================
____________________ ERROR collecting tests/ _____________________
tests/ in <module>
FrozenPoint(1, 2),
E TypeError: Extra positional arguments provided
_____________________ ERROR collecting tests/ ______________________
tests/ in <module>
(ExStruct(1, "two"), ExStruct),
E TypeError: Extra positional arguments provided
_____________________ ERROR collecting tests/ ______________________
tests/ in <module>
(ExStruct(1, "two"), ExStruct),
E TypeError: Extra positional arguments provided
=========================== short test summary info ============================
ERROR tests/ - TypeError: Extra positional arguments provided
ERROR tests/ - TypeError: Extra positional arguments provided
ERROR tests/ - TypeError: Extra positional arguments provided
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 3 errors during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
========================= 2 skipped, 3 errors in 0.40s =========================
No labels