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'~' not recognized as '/home/user' #639





Hyprlock Info and Version

Hyprlock version v0.6.0

source = ~/.config/hypr/source/colors.conf

background {
    monitor =
    path = ~/.current.wall #path to background image
    blur_passes = 3
    blur_size = 3
    contrast = 1.0
    brightness = 0.5
    vibrancy = 0.0
    vibrancy_darkness = 0.0

general {
    no_fade_in = false
    grace = 0
    disable_loading_bar = true
    hide_cursor = true

input-field {
    monitor =
    size = 256, 48
    outline_thickness = 0
    dots_size = 0.2 # Scale of input-field height, 0.2 - 0.8
    dots_spacing = 0.5 # Scale of dots' absolute size, 0.0 - 1.0
    dots_center = true
    outer_color = 0x00000000
    inner_color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)
    font_color = 0xff$foreground
    fail_color = 0xff$error
    check_color = 0xff$tertiary
    capslock_color = 0xff$secondary
    fade_on_empty = false
    font_family = Iosevka Nerd Font
    placeholder_text = ... #text for input password
    hide_input = false
    position = 0, -100
    halign = center
    valign = center
    shadow_passes = 1
    shadow_size = 5
    shadow_boost = 0.5

label {
    monitor =
    text = cmd[update:1000] echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S")"
    color = 0xff$foreground
    font_size = 14
    font_family = Iosevka Nerd Font Bold
    position = 0, -150
    halign = center
    valign = center
    shadow_passes = 1
    shadow_size = 5
    shadow_boost = 0.5

label {
    monitor =
    text = cmd[update:1000] echo "$USER@$(hostname)"
    color = 0xff$foreground
    font_size = 14
    font_family = Iosevka Nerd Font Bold Italic
    position = 0, -50
    halign = center
    valign = center
    shadow_passes = 1
    shadow_size = 5
    shadow_boost = 0.5

image {
  path = ~/.face.icon
  size = 150
  position = 0, 50
  halign = center
  valign = center
  border_size = 3
  border_color = 0xff$primary
  shadow_passes = 1
  shadow_size = 5
  shadow_boost = 0.5

Compositor Info and Version

System/Version info
Hyprland 0.46.2 built from branch  at commit 0bd541f2fd902dbfa04c3ea2ccf679395e316887  (version: bump to 0.46.2).
Date: Thu Dec 19 19:26:47 2024
Tag: v0.46.2, commits: 5566
built against:
 aquamarine 0.5.1
 hyprlang 0.6.0
 hyprutils 0.3.0
 hyprcursor 0.1.11
 hyprgraphics 0.1.1

flags set:

System Information:
System name: Linux
Node name: arch
Release: 6.12.8-arch1-1
Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 02 Jan 2025 22:52:26 +0000

GPU information: 
06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation TU106 [GeForce RTX 2060 Rev. A] [10de:1f08] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  565.77  Wed Nov 27 23:33:08 UTC 2024

os-release: NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"



Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded
# ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │                                            │
# │     ░█▀█░█░█░█▀▀░█▀█░▀█▀░█▀▄░█▀▀░▀░█▀▀     │
# │     ░█▀█░▄▀▄░█▀▀░█░█░░█░░█░█░█▀▀░░░▀▀█     │
# │     ░▀░▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀░░▀▀▀░░░▀▀▀     │
# │     ░█░█░█░█░█▀█░█▀▄░█░░░█▀█░█▀█░█▀▄       │
# │     ░█▀█░░█░░█▀▀░█▀▄░█░░░█▀█░█░█░█░█       │
# │     ░▀░▀░░▀░░▀░░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀░▀░▀▀░       │
# │                                            │
# └────────────────────────────────────────────┘


# Monitor configuration

# Source a file (multi-file configs)
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/environment.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/binds.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/autostart.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/windowrules.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/input.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/colors.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/appearance.conf
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/misc.conf

exec = ln -sf $wallpaper ~/.current.wall

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/environment.conf: Read Succeeded
env = LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind
env = XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland
env = QT_SELECTION=/usr/bin/qmake
env = ELECTRON_ARGS="--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland"
exec-once=dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP

cursor {
    no_hardware_cursors = true

opengl {
  nvidia_anti_flicker = true

source = ~/.config/hypr/source/nvidia.conf

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/nvidia.conf: Read Succeeded
env = LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME,nvidia
env = GBM_BACKEND,nvidia-drm
env = NVD_BACKEND,direct

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/binds.conf: Read Succeeded
$mainMod = SUPER

bind = $mainMod, C, killactive, 
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, escape, exit, 
bind = $mainMod, E, exec, nautilus
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, E, exec, kitty -1 -e yazi

$browser = zen-browser

# Browser
bind = $mainMod, W, exec, $browser
# Private
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, W, exec, $browser --private-window

bind = $mainMod, space, togglefloating, 
bind = $mainMod, P, pseudo, # dwindle
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, D, togglesplit, # dwindle

# Rofi
$rofiPath = ~/.config/rofi
# Emoji
bind = $mainMod, PERIOD, exec, $rofiPath/emoji/
# Tmux
bind = $mainMod, T, exec, $rofiPath/tmux/
# Notes
bind = $mainMod, N, exec, $rofiPath/notes/
# Volume
bind = $mainMod, V, exec, $rofiPath/applets/bin/ --row 3
# To-Do's
bind = $mainMod, Q, exec, $rofiPath/todo/
# Calculator
bind = $mainMod, M, exec, gnome-calculator
# Bluetooth
bind = $mainMod, B, exec, $rofiPath/bluetooth/
# Keepass
bind = $mainMod, U, exec, $rofiPath/keepmenu/
# Calendar
bind = $mainMod, I, exec, $rofiPath/calendar/
# Screenshot
bind = $mainMod, S, exec, $rofiPath/screenshot/

# Fullscreen screenshot
# CopySave
bind = , Print, exec, grimblast --notify copysave screen $XDG_PICTURES_DIR/Screenshots/$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S).png
# Copy
bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, grimblast --notify copy screen

# Area screenshot
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, S, exec, grimblast --notify copy area

# Fullscreen toggle
bind = $mainMod, F, fullscreen,
bind = $mainMod CTRL, F, fullscreen, 0
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, F, fullscreen, 1

# Start Kitty terminal
bind = $mainMod, RETURN, exec, kitty -1
# Start Kitty terminal in floating mode
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, RETURN, exec, kitty --class kitty-floating -1
# Execute kitty +
bind = $mainMod ALT, RETURN, exec, bash ~/.config/kitty/

# Open notification center
bind = $mainMod, A, exec, swaync-client -t -sw

# Fabric

$fabricSend = fabric-cli exec ax-shell
$axMessage = notify-send "Axenide" "What are you doing?" -i "/home/adriano/.face.icon" -a "4rd dimension" -A "Be patient. 🍙"

bind = $mainMod ALT, B, exec, killall ax-shell; cd ~/.config/fabric; python

bind = $mainMod, A, exec, $axMessage
bind = $mainMod, D, exec, $fabricSend 'notch.open_notch("dashboard")'
bind = $mainMod, COMMA, exec, $fabricSend 'notch.open_notch("wallpapers")'
bind = $mainMod, R, exec, $fabricSend 'notch.open_notch("launcher")'
bind = $mainMod, escape, exec, $fabricSend 'notch.open_notch("power")'
bind = $mainMod CTRL, B, exec, $fabricSend 'bar.toggle_hidden()'
bind = $mainMod CTRL, B, exec, $fabricSend 'notch.toggle_hidden()'
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, B, exec, $fabricSend 'app.set_stylesheet_from_file(get_relative_path("main.sass"))'

# Pin a window
bind = $mainMod, Y, pin,

# Center window
bind = $mainMod, G, centerwindow


# Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod, Left, movefocus, l
bind = $mainMod, Right, movefocus, r
bind = $mainMod, Up, movefocus, u
bind = $mainMod, Down, movefocus, d

# Move active window with mainMod + SHIFT + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Left, movewindow, l
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Right, movewindow, r
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Up, movewindow, u
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Down, movewindow, d

# Resize active window with mainMod + CTRL + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, Left, resizeactive, -50 0
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, Right, resizeactive, 50 0
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, Up, resizeactive, 0 -50
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, Down, resizeactive, 0 50

# Move floating window with mainMod + ALT + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod ALT, Left, moveactive, -50 0
bind = $mainMod ALT, Right, moveactive, 50 0
bind = $mainMod ALT, Up, moveactive, 0 -50
bind = $mainMod ALT, Down, moveactive, 0 50

# Move floating window with mainMod + SHIFT + ALT + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, Left, moveactive, -10 0
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, Right, moveactive, 10 0
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, Up, moveactive, 0 -10
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, Down, moveactive, 0 10


# Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod, H, movefocus, l
bind = $mainMod, L, movefocus, r
bind = $mainMod, K, movefocus, u
bind = $mainMod, J, movefocus, d

# Move active window with mainMod + SHIFT + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, H, movewindow, l
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, L, movewindow, r
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, K, movewindow, u
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, J, movewindow, d

# Resize active window with mainMod + CTRL + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, H, resizeactive, -50 0
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, L, resizeactive, 50 0
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, K, resizeactive, 0 -50
bind = $mainMod CONTROL, J, resizeactive, 0 50

# Move floating window with mainMod + ALT + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod ALT, H, moveactive, -50 0
bind = $mainMod ALT, L, moveactive, 50 0
bind = $mainMod ALT, K, moveactive, 0 -50
bind = $mainMod ALT, J, moveactive, 0 50

# Move floating window with mainMod + SHIFT + ALT + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, H, moveactive, -10 0
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, L, moveactive, 10 0
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, K, moveactive, 0 -10
bind = $mainMod SHIFT ALT, J, moveactive, 0 10

# Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1
bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2
bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3
bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4
bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5
bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6
bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7
bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8
bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9
bind = $mainMod, 0, workspace, 10

# Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 0, movetoworkspace, 10

# Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll
bind = $mainMod, mouse_down, workspace, e-1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Z, workspace, e-1
bind = $mainMod, mouse_up, workspace, e+1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, X, workspace, e+1

# Next/previous workspace with Z and X
bind = $mainMod, Z, workspace, -1
bind = $mainMod, X, workspace, +1

# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow

# Player
bind=,XF86AudioPlay,exec,playerctl play-pause
bind=,XF86AudioPrev,exec,playerctl previous
bind=,XF86AudioNext,exec,playerctl next

bindl=,XF86AudioMedia,exec,playerctl play-pause
bindl=,XF86AudioStop,exec,playerctl stop

# Volume
bindle=,XF86AudioRaiseVolume,exec,swayosd-client --output-volume 5
bindle=,XF86AudioLowerVolume,exec,swayosd-client --output-volume -5
bindle=,XF86AudioMute,exec,swayosd-client --output-volume mute-toggle

# Brightness
bindle=,XF86MonBrightnessUp,exec,swayosd-client --brightness=raise 5
bindle=,XF86MonBrightnessDown,exec,swayosd-client --brightness=lower 5
bind=,XF86Calculator,exec, gnome-calculator

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/autostart.conf: Read Succeeded
exec-once = rm $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/swww.socket
exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
exec-once = hypridle
exec = swww init
exec = swayosd-server
exec-once = cd ~/.config/fabric; python
exec-once = maestral_qt

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/windowrules.conf: Read Succeeded
# Fabric
layerrule = noanim, fabric
# layerrule = ignorealpha 0.75, fabric
# blurls=fabric

windowrulev2 = float, class:^(org.gnome.Calculator)$

# Picture-in-picture
windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Picture-in-picture)$
windowrulev2 = move 1491 838, title:^(Picture-in-picture)$
windowrulev2 = size 427 240, title:^(Picture-in-picture)$
windowrulev2 = pin, title:^(Picture-in-picture)$

# Kitty floating
windowrulev2 = float, class:^(kitty-floating)$

# Selection (slurp, grimblast, etc.)

# Idle inhibit when in fullscreen
windowrulev2 = idleinhibit, fullscreen, fullscreen:1

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/input.conf: Read Succeeded
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/keyboard.conf

input {
    follow_mouse = 1

    touchpad {
        natural_scroll = yes
        scroll_factor = 0.25

    sensitivity = 0

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/keyboard.conf: Read Succeeded
input {
    kb_layout = us
    kb_variant = altgr-intl

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/colors.conf: Read Succeeded
$wallpaper = /home/adriano/Wallpapers/macos-monterey.jpg
$background = 151218
$foreground = e7e0e8
$color0 = 3b383e
$color1 = ad7ef9
$color2 = b58afa
$color3 = bd96fa
$color4 = c5a3fb
$color5 = ccaffb
$color6 = d4bbfc
$color7 = cbc4cf
$color8 = 49454e
$color9 = c79cff
$color10 = cea9ff
$color11 = d5b6ff
$color12 = dcc3ff
$color13 = e4cfff
$color14 = ebdcff
$color15 = e7e0e8

$primary = d4bbfc
$secondary = cdc2db
$tertiary = f1b7c4
$surface = 151218
$surface_bright = 3b383e
$error = ff5945

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/appearance.conf: Read Succeeded
env = GTK_THEME,AxMat
exec = hyprctl setcursor "Simp1e-Mix-Dark" 24
source = ~/.config/hypr/source/colors.conf

general {
    col.active_border = 0xff$surface_bright
    col.inactive_border = 0xff$surface
    gaps_in = 2
    gaps_out = 4
    border_size = 1
    layout = dwindle

decoration {
    blur {
        enabled = yes
        size = 5
        passes = 3
        new_optimizations = yes
        contrast = 1
        brightness = 1
    rounding = 15

    shadow {
      enabled = true
      range = 10
      render_power = 2
      color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)

animations {
    enabled = yes
    bezier = myBezier, .5, .25, 0, 1
    animation = windows, 1, 2.5, myBezier, popin 80%
    animation = border, 1, 2.5, myBezier
    animation = fade, 1, 2.5, myBezier
    animation = workspaces, 1, 2.5, myBezier, slidefade 20%

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/colors.conf: Read Succeeded
$wallpaper = /home/adriano/Wallpapers/macos-monterey.jpg
$background = 151218
$foreground = e7e0e8
$color0 = 3b383e
$color1 = ad7ef9
$color2 = b58afa
$color3 = bd96fa
$color4 = c5a3fb
$color5 = ccaffb
$color6 = d4bbfc
$color7 = cbc4cf
$color8 = 49454e
$color9 = c79cff
$color10 = cea9ff
$color11 = d5b6ff
$color12 = dcc3ff
$color13 = e4cfff
$color14 = ebdcff
$color15 = e7e0e8

$primary = d4bbfc
$secondary = cdc2db
$tertiary = f1b7c4
$surface = 151218
$surface_bright = 3b383e
$error = ff5945

Config File: /home/adriano/.config/hypr/source/misc.conf: Read Succeeded
misc {
    disable_hyprland_logo = 1
    disable_splash_rendering = 1
    focus_on_activate = 1
    allow_session_lock_restore = true
    middle_click_paste = false

render {
  direct_scanout = false

dwindle {
    pseudotile = yes
    preserve_split = yes

gestures {
    workspace_swipe = on

cursor {
    no_hardware_cursors = 2

opengl {
  nvidia_anti_flicker = true



Hi. Before updating, hyprlock worked with paths like ~/wallpaper.png, but now I have to write the complete path (/home/user/wallpaper.png) or the images are not recognized.

How to reproduce

Use ~ in an image path.

Crash reports, logs, images, videos

No response


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