I try to generate the flake.nixosConfiguration
attrset programatically but run into the same error every time.
Roughly speaking I try to do something like:
{ withSystem, inputs, lib, config, ... }:
flake.nixosConfigurations = lib.mkMerge [
( (name:
"test.${name}" = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [];
) ["foo"])
I tried a view dozens other methods so far, but always get this or some other error:
error: A definition for option `flake.nixosConfigurations' is not of type `lazy attribute set of raw value'. Definition values:
- In `/nix/store/dz4vjwq2q95q94a25gmccx9na0r5x5jf-source/flake-module2.nix'
Which is odd because according to modules/nixosConfiguration.nix
options = {
flake = mkSubmoduleOptions {
nixosConfigurations = mkOption {
type = types.lazyAttrsOf types.raw;
it has the correct type.
I try to generate the flake.nixosConfiguration attrset programatically through a generator that looks at another datastructure.