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Brandon Barker edited this page Aug 8, 2014 · 11 revisions

This is a list of sorts (i.e. static types) that are the basis for the static language of ATS.

Ground Sorts

These are sorts that are present as types in C. (Is this true?) Combined with other sorts and features of ATS, this allows us to prove at compile-time propositions made involving C types (or more complex types involving these ground sorts). This means also that every ground sort has an analogous dynamic type of the sort t@ype: int, bool char, addr

Other sorts

cls, eff, prop, t@ype, type, view, viewt@ype, viewtype

eff 's are function [effects]. The [internal type](Internal types) is S2Eeff.

Views are linear resources that signify a certain type is accessible from an associated variable. At-views, or @ views, are a special case of views which signify that a certain type is dereferencable at a specified memory location; they are used with pointers.

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