Receiving the following when attempting to use jsaddle
w/ miso
and ghcid
. The webpage never reloads after the buffer is edited. Could be a configuration problem on my part. Posting here in case anyone else knows the fix.
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Language/Javascript/JSaddle/WebSockets.hs:129:40 in jsaddle-warp-
Haskell code used.
runApp f =
Warp.runSettings (Warp.setPort 8080 (Warp.setTimeout 3600 Warp.defaultSettings)) =<<
JSaddle.jsaddleOr defaultConnectionOptions (f >> syncPoint) JSaddle.jsaddleApp
main :: IO ()
main = runApp $ startApp App {..}
initialAction = SayHelloWorld -- initial action to be executed on application load
model = 0 -- initial model
update = updateModel -- update function
view = viewModel -- view function
events = defaultEvents -- default delegated events
subs = [] -- empty subscription list
mountPoint = Nothing -- mount point for application (Nothing defaults to 'body')
After calling nix-shell --run reload
which invokes ghcid -T ':main'
with (import ./default.nix);
dev.env.overrideAttrs (old: {
shellHook = ''
function reload () {
${pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc865.ghcid}/bin/ghcid -T ':main'
No labels